Can someone give me a quick rundown about what the fuck is happening with Brexit?

Can someone give me a quick rundown about what the fuck is happening with Brexit?

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she's going to fuck up so bad hard brexit is going to happen

>hard brexit
What exactly does this mean?

At this stage it means no deal.

Brexit time

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Absolutely nothing.

DUP is threatening to bring down the government if Theresa doesn't deliver a hard brexit

Better question, how the fuck does Britain survive without an EU tit to suck on? The island is depleted of resources, a genuine shell of its former self

the absolute state of Theresa May right now

It doesn't

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There's a decent probability it will happen even if it's stupid, I say that because I look at history and there are patterns, map changes - alliances change and not always as a rational-intelligent act but mostly due to poor people, uneducated masses or corrupt leaders.

We all should ignore Britain and move on, remember that if war occurs Britain would be on the bottom of the list of alliances and higher up in the list of enemies.

Isn't Theresa May anti-Brexit though? Why would they put her in charge of Brexit if she didn't support it?

The Irish are fucking up. That’s it.

Every single british bluff failing since Cameron started the referendum, in the shortest.

Well, they are going to lose North Ireland and Scotland in case of a hard brexit, atleast it will be fun to spectate.

>The Irish are fucking up
Why and how

It wont work unless Ireland Reunifies. I am ready for a reunified Ireland.

No deal, it's going in dry.

They exist.

>government have brexit team to deal with brexit
>set out plan, includes actually leaving
>David Davis thinks he's in charge
>Ollie Robbins teleports behind him
>May and Robbins cooked up an amazing plan behind everyone's backs where we give the EU whatever they ask for and agree to everything they want in the future and agree to all of their rules and are bound by them, but on paper we aren't in so we're totally out lmao
>May somehow gets it into her head that she won't get any opposition to this
>cabinet throws a shitfit because if they cock this up we're getting a commie government

Pls explain does Britain rely on Danish sperm for big IVF market or are they guzzling for gains via trans-channel pipeline?


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We should just ditch Northern Ireland to save England 2bh

Fucking Potatoland is useless anyway

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>Government and MPs want to betray the people by staying as close to EU as possible
>They are all so incompetent that they have fucked up negotiations so bad they will have no ties to the EU unless a deal is reached
>Even if a deal is reached parliament won't vote on it
Nobody knows what the fuck will happen all our trade deals with the EU will be void, EU law will no longer affect Britain and the borders will be closed and nobody knows what will happens to brits living in the EU and vice versa its gonna be fucking pandemonium as we crash the EU with no survivors

isn't in possible in times of national emergency to have the Queen make decisions as absolute monarch? Couldn't she tell the EU to go to hell?

Crash the EU or Britain crashes itself?

Both, This is a kamikaze mission

>Government and MPs want to betray the people by staying as close to EU as possible

To be honest, the people actually want that too by every possible metric.

>its gonna be fucking pandemonium as we crash the EU with no survivors

You mean, as you crash yourself, flailing around and screeching about the EU not giving you the time of the day you deserve. Brexit was so monumentally retarded it makes the eurocrats and the liberals look good.

Thats just no deal and it would crash even harder.

eu getting the full throbbing anglo shaft

put ian paisley on the £50 note

the UK has been a world power when out of EU, it became a world power while at most of the time in or at war with EU members.

So It think it will do very well.

The first step is to stop the current invasion by border control.

A EU sponsored invasion

The elite are sabotaging it. May is in on it.

There's a fair chance that cliff edge Hard Brexit could kick off the next financial crisis and everyone else gets dragged in too.

also you UK is the only jurisdiction in the world and maybe Hong Kong where business stands a fair chance in court against gov.

So business and capital will always go there

God speed you beautiful anglos, fucking up the Kike's plan by destroying the EU by your incompetence and launching a surge of populism and the rise of the Fourth Reich.

thats how you get a unified ireland kiddo

>May and neoliberal cronies keep fucking around and bending over for any and all EU demands because Juncker keeps making scary noises to the media
>May, being the delusional, arrogant, incompetent cunt she is, honestly thinks that she could get through this by occasionally appearing 'tough' (no deal is a good deal hurr durr) for the sake of appearances but completely shafting the country behind the scenes
>she also thinks her party is so terrified of Corbyn that they'll do whatever she wants, which has worked so far, but then it transpired that she is openly betraying us through trade deals
>the grasping DUP cunts who larp as british unionists but just gobble money and shit sectarian retardation while doing nothing to benefit the rest of the UK ever only give a shit about their trade are demanding this (despite being paid one billion to support the government) and essentially controlling the entire process behind the scenes.
>Most actual british people are so disgusted with their selfishness and sick of their shit that they now want to fuck off out of ireland and leave them to the fenians.
>Hard brexit is becoming more likely and I fucking hope it happens because fuck everyone involved.

Remember lads, when it all crashes and burns it's because of the ungrateful orange jews. Fuck them.

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>We all should ignore Britain and move on, remember that if war occurs Britain would be on the bottom of the list of alliances and higher up in the list of enemies.
Britain spends more on it's military than every other country in the EU combined (with the exception of France). Take out France and UK would trash all of you put together. Not saying UK has a good or even decent military but I am saying every country in the EU (except France) just relies on the US. EU nations (except France and UK) are literal jokes.

You want the honest truth OP. May has been fucking weak this entire fucking Brexit bullshit. She hasn't done shit to improve anything what so ever. She isn't forceful as she should be with this major issue. All she has been doing is fucking pissing around with these people and biding time so she can pass brexit on to the next PM. She doesn't give a shit about anything with Brexit all she is doing is licking the EU's collective butt hole. Why hasn't she been more aggressive with the entire issue. All we literally see her do is fuck around trying to kiss the EU's ass instead of taking a strap on and literally butt fuck the EU into submission. We should not have given her PM when Cameron resigned. We should have got a team that knows their shit and will not back down. She is making what the U.K. is already a bunch of pussies to other countries. She will either ruin us by back down and letting the EU literally shit in the U.K.s mouth once more. Or she will hold out till next election and pass her fuck fest of failure to the next bastard lying sack of shit trying to be P.m.

Might be true what you say - I'll go systematically research it now, I'll also have to look into recent warfare and see what kind of equipment proved to be effective and which one was expensive enough to be kept in hangars and never used in any way - that dosen't count.

Oh, have your precious island. Let's be proper neighbours someday.

Whoops saw the flag but honestly, I'm past caring when it comes to Ireland. An invasion of third-worlders will do that to you.

It means UK has to re-establish all trade relations by itself instead of relying on the EU for that. That means 1-2 harsh years of imports being late and costing a lot because of tariff difficulties. Main reason why so many companies have switched their HQ's and operations to Germany instead. Had my own insurance company send a news update where their foreign operations are moving to Germany for instance.

>The first step is to stop the current invasion by border control.
Problem is the brits welcome muslims with open arms anyway. So they brexited for no good reason whatsoever.

>t. clueless hateful gypo talking out of his arse
Imagine my shock.

Overwhelming we want a no deal brexit you moron.

Why? >has to re-establish all trade relations by itself instead of relying on the EU for that. That means 1-2 harsh years of imports being late and costing a lot because of tariff difficulties. Main reason why so many companies have switched their HQ's and operations to Germany instead.
Is this not true?

>we wont give you a deal unless you give us your land
This sounds like war?

>She isn't forceful as she should be with this major issue. All she has been doing is fucking pissing around with these people and biding time so she can pass brexit on to the next PM. She doesn't give a shit about anything with Brexit all she is doing is licking the EU's collective butt hole. Why hasn't she been more aggressive with the entire issue. All we literally see her do is fuck around trying to kiss the EU's ass instead of taking a strap on and literally butt fuck the EU into submission

Looks like youre still not getting it. This is not some kind of struggle of equals. Britain holds no cards whatsoever in this one and she is desperately trying to maneuver between the EU negotiating from an ultimate position of strenght AND time is ticking their way and the gorillion brexit tribes each wanting to coup her to negotiate in their way. It literally doesnt matter what britain does at this point. The EU doesnt care, they want hard brexit. Every single opinion you could take from here fucks you over.

Falling back to WTO laws will destroy the british economy. Its not just "1-2 years of harsh imports". This was never even a secret to begin with, people were warned but the ones infested with delusional wishful thinking kept calling it "project fear"

Overwhelmingly, you dont. Remain supporters were higher even in the moment of the brexit vote. They just refused to vote being lazy faggots who thoght the brexit bluff will never gets through.

Of course you do, easier to get more sand-niggers in your country that way. You brexit so you could have less immigrants, then take in more immigrants anyway. We imposed stricter immigration laws despite EU giving us constant shit about it. Because thats the secret of EU in a nutshell, if you're a trusted member you can pretty much ignore the rules of EU outside of trade rules.

Full blown exit, no EU ties, no deal at all; from there the UK trades with the world just like any other country, but doesn't have to listen to a single thing the EU says.

Fuck off Hungary aren't you guys to wanting to leave the E.U. too. Good luck on your negations.

It's news speak for an actual brexit

The same strength of your argument: gypo can be thrown back at you:
You're either a nigger or mudlsime angry with no further dialogue provided... considering the % ratio to population of these groups in the UK is significantly higher than the 3 - 4% ratio of gypsy ethic group in Romania.
Who cares though, if you are truly a nigger or a Muslim you'd show that off by providing unintelligent responses and spreading just anger, otherwise you would show it by being gentle with ideas and being capable of dialogue and discussing problems.

Can you ignore free movement of people? From what I understand that was Farage's biggest sticking point (publicly)

>Fuck off Hungary aren't you guys to wanting to leave the E.U.
I don't think any country is going to vote to leave to UK anytime soon with the disaster that is Brexit tbqh

Maybe if it all turns out good for the UK, in 5 years time we might see other countries talk about leaving then but that is a big 'if'

Brexit summed up for non-brits
>Government held vote on referendum
>Every major party but one was against it
>Government polling showed remain was going to win, so they didn't plan for the event of a leave vote
>Leave vote happened
>Competent PM steps down
>3 incompetent PMs put name forward to replace him
>2 drop out of the race in 72 hours, May is instantly put forward as the PM with the article to put in motion the EU exit scheduled for a few months, puts forward a tight knit plan on how to leave the EU internally
>Some piece of shit woman takes the government to court and claims everything needs to be discussed among MPs, is somehow successful because British courts don't want the leave vote to be honoured
>May now has to somehow negotiate to leave the EU while essentially showing all her cards to the EU, as every detail is open to MP scrutiny and picked up by the media
>Rather than spend time negotiating with USA, China, etc, spend time attempting to make an EU trade deal work
>Triggers the leave anyway, knowing she's fucked from a negotiation standpoint
>She scrambles to put forth another plan at Chequers
>Plan is universally panned, leaves in name only
>Begins floating idea for a no deal
>Knows she needs a lot of support from back benchers to get it through
>Only hope is to amend Chequers plan or begin no deal planning
>We're due to leave in March 2019 and no one knows how trade will work
An absolute mess, it is

No Orban wants the gibs without taking any refugee, a true Chad

You can to an extent. We do it, so does Poland. Free movement still means you need an EU-eligible passport and if you don't have one, easy for the officials to deport you back where you came from.

Nothing is happening, they just want to make it seem like Britbongs are fighting for money instead of getting rid of Pakis.

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You are a fucking pussy. The U.K. will recover and thrive if we leave. It has before and it can happen again. But you assholes and sending us out first to test the waters. Thanks dick head. Can't wait to see your countries try to stand up the E.U.

Only way I can see this playing out well for you guys is if you get a favorable deal from us. If you had a pro-Trump PM I think it would probably happen.

>Rather than spend time negotiating with USA, China, etc, spend time attempting to make an EU trade deal work
This I never understood, why didn't they realize that EU has a vested interest in giving as bad a deal as possible to deter others from leaving. Only way to leave EU unscathed is to be financially secure enough that you can completely ignore trade with your neighbouring countries. This is why Norway is not part of EU.

I don't know what England's so scared of. You know damn well the US will make a deal. Then you just parlay that deal into others. Fuck the EU

Stop pretending to be British, you Fenian maggot.
Ulster is British. No Surrender.

>Competent PM steps down
David Cameron was never competent. He was an arrogant utter piece of shit that got fucking cocky with his position

>If you had a pro-Trump PM I think it would probably happen.
How reliable is Trump though? I mean what if in two years time he starts saying the UK isn't pulling its weight and wants tariffs etc. His whole thing is America first after all

The V4 and east europe in general are some of the most pro-EU countries. We want to reform it, and wrest control from the liberals, not screech about it.

The four freedoms can not be broken, thats the main sticking point of the EU. Association is not buffet where you can cherry pick stuff.

The EU has no "gibs", the cohesion funds are payment for accessing our markets and our labor and to enable germanys export based economy.

Say Turkey gets into the EU somehow, you legally can't stop roaches from entering your country?

>Say Turkey gets into the EU somehow
That is never happening

In all honesty U.S. we need your deal. We need Trump to push the deal and support us. Unlike that nigger Obama.....fucking cunt.

You know that Trump has already shat on the british and offered deals to the EU instead, right? America first means America first, not preferential treatment to enable british delusions of grandeur.

The motive would be to try and break apart the EU. Even if you don't think he has much of a motive for it, Putin certainly has an incentive to see that Brexit goes well, in the hopes that it may inspire Italy or Poland to leave and ultimately destroy the EU.

>How dare you explain something to me!

We've also had offers from Japan to trade as well.

The huge problem the EU has to deal with is propping up the low-contributing countries in its ranks. Once we leave that's going to get considerably more difficult, which is why they were demanding such a ridiculous separation bill; to give them time to sort out the money void left by the UK leaving.

It's all going as planned, so far.

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>90% of the Britain establishment don't want to procede with the plan
>they do everything possible to delay it
>they don't play hard with he Eu at all
>cede to the Eu so hard that when the Eu makes some ridiculous demand while offering nothing in return talks just seize to a halt entirely
>the Eu is also threatening the UK with sanctions and deliberate economic sabotage if they leave, but whether that would actually be enforced or be politically feasible is up for debate especially when by this point it's basically just France, Belgium and Germany trying to enforce the current hated system on everyone else
>UK's still takes mass immigration from Pakistan and Afghanistan under the guise of supporting Syrian migrants (I still don't understand how NPCs are retarded enough to fall for this)

It means their visas are much less restrictive so they can work here and be tourists almost indefinitely. But for them to receive welfare benefits or similar kind of stuff, they would still need to become finnish citizens and no EU law is going to make that any easier for them. Immigrants outside from EU get deported as normal.

Alright but with the level of African and Arab immigration, continuous for a decade, would it even matter, if they were given EU citizenship? EU countries have no legal right to deny entry into their country?

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What is the likely scenario for the Irish border now?

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>EU countries have no legal right to deny entry into their country?
Its free movement within EU only. That means only a citizen from an EU country can freely move around other EU countries. As a burger you would have to get the standard visa like always, you're not allowed to freely move within EU.

>No deal Brexit
>Block all immigrants from Europe
>Desperate for new trade deals
>Reinforce relationship with India, China and African countries
>Absolutely flooded with poos, chinks and nigs

NIce 4-dimensional Whist you have there

Do countries within the EU have autonomy with what immigrants they naturalize to become citizens of that country or does the whole of the EU have a say?

Like if Germany made a lot of these people citizens, can they do that without consulting any of the other EU nations?

In what world does a trade agreement have anything to do with immigration? Lack of leverage?

This is retarded on a whole new level. The EU has been preparing for a hard brexit from the beginning. There are already several tax havens in the EU, Luxemburg and Ireland for example.

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The biggest concern is change, moving from the EU will require industries to alter the way they work.

Even in the face of being more successful, many brits would rather limp on with a broken system than get a new one and suffer teething problems.

t. Universal Credit delayed again, NHS management issues, etc

>What are you going to offer us for trade deals beneficial to your country?
>Your people can come here to get welfare, I only care about the economic situation for how long my term lasts

>I'm past caring when it comes to Ireland


Of course. EU can file a formal complaint if the immigration policies don't line up along the EU doctrine but thats all it can do and its easy to ignore. We made deported most immigrants back to Germany during the syrian refugee flood and Poland did the same. Neither of us have been really reprimanded. This is the main reason why Brexit was such a retarded concept, especially when brits were inclined to take MORE immigrants than what EU demands.

Citizens voted for exit. They should go and respect what democracy means. Brexit is a disaster, everybody knew that even before vote. Now let them deal with that alone.

Step 1: crash EU, no survivors.
Step 2: make England penal colony like from "Escape from New York".
Step 3: dump there all nigs, kikes, shitskins, muslims, retards, gay and commies nd make rest of EU white again.

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I never understood this train of thought.
>Without the EU we'll run out of X
>Without the corporations we'll have no jobs

I say you this:
If we don't have enough potatoes, we'll bloody plant some.
If we don't have enough fish, we'll fish more.
If we don't have enough doctors we'll train them.
And if our infrastructure's fucked, we'll rebuild it, and create work. Beneficial work.
And if our sperm banks are running dry

t. Rock Hard Brexiteer

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>Step 1: crash EU, no survivors.

ment crash UK.

The EU is literally just Germany, the rest of you are worthless teet suckers, UK will be fine and Germany will have the rest of you goose stepping

wasnt this vote like 3 fucking years ago.Why haven't people been hanged for this treachery against the will of the people?

Really makes you think huh?

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Does the British Prime Minister really believe that her "last-minute deal" to prevent a clean Brexit is going to fool anyone?

We've all seen this show before. Lots of posturing. Threats of no deal. Talks go down to the wire. Britain caves on nearly everything, the Europeans give no ground at all. Then, at the last minute, the Europeans toss Britain a minor bone, declares how tough the British negotiator is and what a bitter pill the compromise is to swallow, and having sold out Britain, the British negotiator triumphantly comes home with a treaty declaring peace in our time.

This isn't merely obvious theater, it's how everyone knew Theresa May was going to try to minimize Brexit from the moment she became Prime Minister. No deal is always considerably better than any deal with the devil.

>how international trade works in the 21st century
>ranting about autarky