Tfw I will not have to rely on big pharma and be able to smoke cannabis to help cure my depression and anxiety without...

>Tfw I will not have to rely on big pharma and be able to smoke cannabis to help cure my depression and anxiety without being criminalized for it starting tomorrow.

Not gonna lie. It feels pretty good living in a free country. Canada is truly the greatest country on earth.

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Was Canada always retarded or is it the weed?

>TFW dumbshits think DUDEWEEDLMAO is the be-all-end-all of drugs that will solve all their personal problems

>Helping cure depression and anxiety

Jesus Christ potheads are fucking delusional. They're also some of the most anxious and depression prone people I've ever known.

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This right here

Sounds like you are jealous that Canada has more freedoms than Burgerland for its private citizens.

Delusional leaf enjoy schizophrenia

until your drive a car
> get a criminal record for DUI 23 hours after smoking a joint
Yep, even by legalizing, liberals managed to make it worst for stoners.

>cure my depression and anxiety


Soon we will find out.

Are you kidding me?

Weed is fully available almost anywhere in the US. Getting arrested for weed is a fucking meme and only happens when violent niggers are apprehended when they have weed on them.

Meanwhile, you literally have speech codes that can put you in front of a Social Justice Tribunal and cannot bear arms.

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i am. you're still up for the Day of the Rake festivities.

Bait, but in all seriousness I'm pretty pissed because I have ulcerlative colitis and spondylolisthesis, both problems would be majorly helped by Mary Jane, but I would have to surrender my 2nd Amendment rights to get a medical card. So fuck you.

> tfw you engage in further degeneracy to distract you from the crippling knowledge that you wasted your life on degeneracy, ironically making it harder for you to change your life and make it more worth living

I feel bad for you OP. You played yourself so hard, it will be hard to unbluepill yourself without a massive, massive hit to your self esteem.

This will be all be compounded by the fact that your "country" is committing suicide on a scale that surpasses even Sweden, and will collapse as a society within a decade or 2.

Good luck OP< you seriously need all the luck you can get

Is it against the law for a Canadian to open a goddamn book once in a while? Many states have legal weed, the fact you still don't with that cumbucket running your country into the ground is insane and gay.

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You may not believe me, but pot relieved me of my depression once I stopped smoking it.

You can't even frown at a sandnigger here without jail time.

we will be to high to care burger.

It hasn't cured me and I've smoked it every day for most of my adult life. If anything, it's made me extremely lazy and anxious. No cancer though.

Just like how candy made me skinny when I stopped eating it

If you have real depression it will only make it worse. A lot worse.

>has to be high to love his country

i guess there's an up side to everything.

cannabis will only worsen your depression as you start procrastinating and become numb to the reality of the outside world.weed is the nail in the coffin for your sorry nation. 150 million of third-world shitskins coming to your country by 2030, and your little brain all clouded up in smoke won't even care. you should be ashamed of yourself for falling so low. your ancestors are rolling in their graves. what a pathetic country.

You will end up inhibiting your reward system and being even more unable to deal with reality in the long run. The phenomenon of tolerance development is your brain desensitizing itself to dopamine in order to protect itself from the overstimulation of the high. And so when you attempt to go without weed, you will be even more depressed and anxious than if you had never smoked. You will figure it out down the line after a few years of chronic use. Weed is a vice, not a cure. Their is a price to pay for the high. What goes up must come down. You will see.

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this man speaks the truth.

Can speak from experience. Wish there hadn't been so much fucking propaganda. It's like any sort of cautionary message in regards to weed was totally psyop'd and made into a controlled opposition strawman so we thought dude weed lmao there's nothing wrong with it even slightly fuckin reefer madness lmao xd

Quit with me britbong 5 years on the devils lettuce and i feel like shit

I am in favour of legalised pot. That being said, smoking a lot of pot causes depression and anxiety, it doesn't cure it.

>weed cures depression
sure, buddy. sure.

>thinks weed will stop his life from being shitty

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you sound like a little bitch

>You will end up inhibiting your reward system and being even more unable to deal with reality in the long run. The phenomenon of tolerance development is your brain desensitizing itself to dopamine in order to protect itself from the overstimulation of the high. And so when you attempt to go without junk food, you will be even more depressed and anxious than if you had never munched. You will figure it out down the line after a few years of chronic eating. Junk food is a vice, not a cure. Their is a price to pay for the high. What goes up must come down. You will see.

**bong rip**

Saying a prayer for my two wonderful bros who can break bad habits a step at a time

I've been there, many of us have. Rejoin life

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Fucking Canaduh takes it up the ass.

This is true, just went through this after 3 years of constant use. I never felt so depressed in my life, and now that i stopped i feel somewhat better but it will take some time to reorient myself. Dont do weed kids

I have to agree with the Jews on this one, smoke away goys.

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just like how no longer smoking cigarettes made physical activity easier

The best part about weed being legal is that Trudeau will have nothing to run on in the next election.

No goy, Stop! They're not supposed to know!!!

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Cmon dude youre making yourself ridiculous. Your bait has failed. Get off the internet for a while

theres some truth within this autistic exaggeration.

t. only tried smoking weed once, everyday for four years in college

No need. Everyone will have smoked themselves retarded enough to vote for him again anyway.

Tfw actually motivated and enjoy playing guitar/drums after smoking weed after work. Without I don’t feel like bothering.
Maybe my job just drains me of joy

Welcome to the club, better late than never. also only degenerates smoke marijuana.

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>cannabis to cure depression

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Good for you
but stop acting like smoking weed every day is good for your health in any way

It fucks with your hunger, it fucks with your sleep schedule and multiple other bodily cycles.

Nothing wrong with a spliff once in a while, but you are cancer if you smoke errday and pretend it solves all your problems.

Enjoy your downward spiral and slow detachment from reality life.

Sound pretty comfy, for a numbfuck! And stay away from anything you drive faster than 8 mph.

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I think the last thing we need nowadays is more distractions and escapism.

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Bingo! Soros pushed this for a long time. Why they call it dope? No idea.

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Liberal beacon of the Anglo sphere

>Labs literally increase THC/cannibinoid contents a hundred-fold from the good-old days of the 70s
>Dabs, concentrates enter the picture. People can very easily get WAY TOO HIGH and go fucking insane
>Concentrated push legalizing it and normalizing it
user I used to smoke nearly every day for about 3 years, careful with that shit it'll fuck you RIGHT UP (especially dabs)
Weed is just another thing for you to whore your dopamine receptors out to and spend all your money on so you can't be financially independent.

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Stoners are fucking degenerate retards but maybe I will take the opportunity to try some CBD oil. If it helps a bit with aches and pains like they claim, maybe I'll get some for my grandparents.

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I might be okay with legalization if all we were getting is 70s weed, not this shit that will send you to the shadow realm

Shits good shit mofugga all dat anti inflammatory n anti anxiety acshuns

Fuck off, nigger.

You mislead idiot pot makes you more depressed and anxious. It's not a cure.
Try taking st John's wort and ashwagandha for starters.

Hey faggot weed is legal in many America states as well. And we don't have to deal with that dyke Castro's son.


youre right OP canada is the best.

Fuck off, THCfag

Das CBD yoooo

you capitalists should who give a fuck should invest into the companies that produce and sell it also, get rich while you're at it.


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Everyone knows beer is for geniuses.

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>rapidly rising prices
>taking economy
It's to keep Canacucks complacent while they flood your dying nation with more shitskins to suit Trudeau's wish of making your nation hit rock bottom. 420 blaze it, you'll never feel the pain of the collapse!

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>Duuuuudde Weed LMAO
Can you Druggiefags fuck off already?

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>anxiety and depression

leafs really are memeweavers arent they?

its b8 subtle enough that it could be true, yet annoying enough that you feel like responding. really an art from. i doff my cap to you.

this unfortunately. uk is the same.

>when weed actually replaces more dangerous medications

weed is a good for you if you suffer from certain chronic illnesses. people report massive reductions in seizures, stomach cramps, tremors and more I cant remember. i dont think it should be encouraged for use by normal society as it is quite degenerate. on the other hand i hope that white entrepreneurs will take the initiative and monopolize the weed market away from the mafia of non whites (who use drugs and violence to influence white society)

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Hey buddy, We were the first to decriminalize here in 2016 and we Elected GETrump at the same time!

Colorado was the first state in the USA.

All you have is shitty weed and a cuck PM

Move to Boston.

It won't cure anxiety - unless you learn by hard way to live with it and accept it.

As soon as you do it your subconscious minds fixes all the problems by itself.

A better route would be to do LSD, DMT and Shroom intensively until your problems are gone - then weed would be just pure fun.


Cannabis made me a normal person. It completely cured me if my aniexiety and depression. It actually helped me get my life on track. (I'm about a twice a week user)

Weed makes these things worst. People will look back at this era and laugh. It's the same shit people did 100 years ago with alcohol tonics that could cure everything. People never change.

If you seriously think pot is helping your depression and anxiety, you're delusional.

My brother has been smoking for 10 plus years, Heavily. Daily use, He has had depression and mania disorders. He tells me whenever he goes without he gets nightmares. I think hes perma fucked..its sad idk how to get him out.

you need to get him in a situation where he cant smoke for a few days. after then he will have learn he can moderate his use.

enjoy the green jew and the pacification of your country leading to its destruction.

They fucked it up out East. Most strains you can’t buy more than 7g at once. It’s $300/Oz, no discount on bulk. No edibles or concentrates, just “extract”. Extract is $180/g. It’s $7.50 for 1/2 gram joint of bum weed

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and other things.

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It really is all about moderation, just like alcohol. If you need to use weed every day then you build a dependency on it, like alcohol, the only thing is you are unlikely to OD on weed and have a serious addiction to it, it’s more like on the lines of craving coffee or sweets you may get irritated, but you not gonna get the shakes, and start vomiting. Just legalize it and treat it like alcohol. Also a better substitute for opioids, I would much rather deal with stoners then a pill head tweaker.

it helps my autism tbqh

Isn't this the Country where a comedian can't make fun of Indians without having his life destroyed??

I don’t understand people like you, I use the stuff, but I workout, go to boxing, and get my things done. I also eat healthy, instead of eating bags of Doritos and a gallon of Mountain Dew. I think you just need to save it for the end of the day when you are all finished, and ready to relax. I know some people who have a hard to be productive on it so they save it for the end of the day or even the weekend.

I own a meager 100 shares of Aurora. ACBFF.
I made money on some other Cannabis stocks that I sold a few years back. it's like selling weed but without having to worry about a nigger cellmate.

I will be jailed if I don't call you by proper pronouns. That fact that we legalized pot is a big meme. On the bright side at least people will now have access to a regulated product


TFW I just failed a drug test for pot but they are changing the company policy for me.

Isn't it more effective than ssri drugs

The other big plus is now there's no reason to actually vote for PM Selfie.

fuck you Canada burn

MUH ANXIETY.... :(((((((

you absolute fucking faggot.

>t. self-employed

If anything, this is only going to make it worse. People could already easily grow their own plants and smoke weed without any hassle. Now? Get ready for cops cracking down hard on any little sign of illegal cannabis activities. Better not have more than 4 plants in your household. Live in an apartment? Better not have anything at all in there. Better not be driving while kind of high or kind of tired after being high a week ago. Better not try to move more than 30g of weed. Better not be smoking in public spaces.

Oh, and get ready for $70 quarter ounce "deals".