Missouri, enough already, get rid of this woman.
Missouri, enough already, get rid of this woman.
Good shit, O'Keefe.
bump for justice
Project Veritas is MOSSAD. O'Keefe is Jewish. Pic related is his sister. Check out that kike beak!
very NPC-like stare
How many Missourians do you think are even here?
Wtf I love mossad now
the jew of my jewish is my jew
>project veritas 7
Gee sure doesn't look like controlled opposition to me
Italians also have that nose. It's not conclusive evidence.
>muh italians
Let's look at a few other PV operatives..
Sure are a lot of Jews in PV...
I made a thread about this earlier and got 0 replies
Quick rundown?
He's the 1% of jews then, sit down and shutup.
Between KC and Stl probably a decent number
Growing up in St. Louis is what redpilled me
doesn't look Jewish, name isn't Jewish
surname could be Polish, not conclusive
Planning on voting this whore out next month, you have my vote bros
>all these Jews aren't Jewish
>it's all inconclusive
MOSSAD pls go
Bump, saw your thread last night gotta get this out there.
Right here bruh. McCaskill is garbage and Hawley isn't much better. Wish Austin could have won but I'll take what I can get.
Name is actually jewb
Ha ha
Obviously not enough. Most people here are apathetic to issues.
doesn't look Jewish, just mixed race
surname isn't Jewish
you literally have provided 0 proof of anyone here being Jewish
autistic people have trouble with facial features, are you autistic?
Nigger who do you think you're fooling here?
no one is buying your damage control, Moshe
Jeub, it's a Korean surname
doesn't look Jewish either
He attended an Eastern Orthodox seminary, numbnuts. Surname is Russian.
This has got to be a troll. Nobody can actually be this retarded.
It's literally one shill. He still hasn't provided one Jewish person.
She only cares about the people in the cities, that live on top of each other.
I've been trying to for 12 years. There's too many libtards in our major cities and not enough Hicks show up to vote for state elections. Hopefully now that we're in Trump's America the conservative base will be energized and we can get this swamp hag out for good.
These Project Veritas videos are always damning, I only wish we had politicians with enough back bones to act on them and punish the democrats all day for their illegal shenanigans, but our side refuses to weaponize anything. It's like Rush Limbaugh always says:
>when the republicans are elected, they're in office, when the democrats are elected, they're in power
I wish our side would grow a pair and act like they're in power when they own both houses and the executive for once.
First it was Automatic Rifle ban
Now they want semi-automatic rifle ban.
This is how this shit starts.
She's done after this. Missouri is a red state. Catching her like this is the end of it. 5
Well at least this is going viral and you can spread the word now.
I hope you weren't payed to make these because they're shit. They're all so low effort and soulless.
yea, and obama's presidency was so bad that we were able to get a Republican super-majority in the state legislature, so theres hope that we can get that cunt out of office.
>Sure are a lot of Jews in PV...
One per project?
>okeefe breaking open the truth that if dems get a majority they'll work on stuff they say they wanna work on
Lol She's already behind. I can't imagine this will help.
I made a thread about this last year and got -50 replies.
>Getting a Senator
damn this dude gets shit done.
yes, kansas bro checking in. Get THAT BITCH the fuuuuuuck OUTTA THERE NEIGHBORS!!
Is this guy still putting out highly edited misleading fake new videos?
how convenient the kikes had all these graphics ready, but go ahead and tell us how you're definitely not the jew, and everyone else is
I'm sorry that I called your work shit. I thought they'd have some kind of damning evidence inside them but they're just dox.
"Oof" I'm sorry to hear that.
Believe me, I'd love to. It's that or sell this city back to the fucking French.
Senator Claire McCaskill exposed as being an Obamaphile, supports gun bans, etc., and not the moderate she campaigns as in her home state of Missouri.
The only good Jew is a good Jew.
Does anyone here really believe that Jews are uniformly, irredeemably evil? That we acknowledge and hate characteristic Jewish crimes and conspiracies doesn't mean we believe that every single Jew is involved in them and hate them all regardless of their individual beliefs and actions.
Would anybody like to dumb this down for me?
>If we elect enough democrats we can push a longtime party agenda
Seems pretty straightforward. Whats the scandal here?
I hate kikes too, but if they're working for my side, that's fine by me. For now.
>Whats the scandal here?
She's lying about being a moderate for votes and the video evidence proves not just that but what she actually stands for.
I agree with this woman. Guns having safeties is smart.
Claire is trying to distance herself from the Dems and Obama in public because she knows the disenfranchised former-Obama-now-Trump moderates will put her out on her ear unless she does. In private, she's still toeing the progressive lunatic line.
If this is what O'Keefe is dropping 3 weeks out, I can't wait to see what he has lined up for the final election days.
I see it like this. CONSPIRACY to Attacking the Second Amendment. All the 2nd Amendment Laws need to be nullified right now. These treasonous people are attempting a coup.
>working on your side
pick only one
How else do you think they infiltrate the DNC? Next you're going to say the DNC is white.
have a redpill
The only legal way to enact any form of gun control is by constitutional convention. Every other tactic is subversion and should be punished.
Or the (((media))) for that matter. If it was goys doing this they'd be caught in an instant.
nullify. I accidentally sounded like I need permission to nullify . Sorry about that.
Change the word NEED to MUST
A duty to nullify.
I think Hawley was going to win anyway but this helps. All of her commercials are her pretending to be a republican to get reelected.
Of course there are good ones, but so many of them use the tactic of masquerading as allies to various groups, that extreme caution is always required. I feel bad for the truly good ones, because they face the same problem intelligent blacks face, being judged a certain way because the vast majority of their population exhibits a certain trait.
also you ignored the coup
Kill yourself, retard. Support anti-Israel Republicans like Patrick Little, who are also pro-white. Democrats are anti-Israel and anti-white.
The "Jews" you hate are the Pharisees who deliberately blurred the lines between Isaraelites and those who pushed for Christ to be crucified. A true Jew believes in Christ, just like his Jew disciples did. Pharisees took on the Jewish title to undermine Christianity. The underhanded shit you are thinking of is done by Pharisees larping as Jews.
Pat doesn't have a chance. Plus he wants to deport Jews, not jail them. He's soft.
hi fren
I'm not sure what you're referring to.
Do you think this is acceptable work? Can I please talk to your station chief you clearly have no idea what your doing and need to be reallocated to another department.
debunk the claims. go ahead. i'll wait.
>we can't let the people know
god damn
Most based state there is. Fact.
>Does anyone here really believe that Jews are uniformly, irredeemably evil?
There's only a handful of examples proving otherwise.
>pro-nationalism democrats
Pro-nationalist for which nationality? They hate whites with a passion.
Springfield reporting. fuck this witch, the only reason she won last time is because the Republican made some gaffe about rape.
This is the immigration policy of the Democrat battling against (((Marsha Blackburn))) for Tennessee. Seems legit to me.
Can some Missouri guys tell me what the biggest issues are in your election? Gotta put together a short presentation on it
So she's pretending to be anti-immigrant to get whites to vote for her at which point she'll switch to open borders?
Literally no one's falling for your shit, you're a really bad shill.
Same shit really though.
St Lou is a great town, getting nice and gentrified
>he's pretending!
>but zionist republicans aren't!!!
based imo's
The democrats entire electoral strategy is to flood the country with non-whites
No true conservative would have researched and made this picture. Leftists are fucking SEETHING.
And the Republicans entire electoral strategy is to pacify whites with empty rhetoric while white genocide quietly continues in the background. If Dems. open our borders it will jolt whites awake and they might finally start fighting back. That is not the case with Replicans who will genocide us in slow-motion.
>pic related
>muh right and left false dichotomy
Jow Forums is a NatSoc board.
The leftist shill is salty.
>he doubles-down
>If Dems. open our borders it will jolt whites awake and they might finally start fighting back. That is not the case with Replicans who will genocide us in slow-motion.
No it won't, winning accelerates those types of conditions, not losing.
>opposed to conservatives
>may or may not be opposed to liberals
>expresses opposition to conservatives who expose the left
>If not a liberal in disguise, then an idiot who opposes change and wants things to stay exactly as they are
>conclusion: leftist shill pushing for right wing division