Assange/Wikileaks timeline

Assange/Wikileaks timeline

Attached: DAK Anniversary.jpg (576x410, 42K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: Assange timeline 1.jpg (1080x6396, 1.61M)

Attached: Assange timeline 2.jpg (1080x5640, 1.49M)

Attached: Assange timeline 3.jpg (1080x3408, 1.27M)


Attached: assangetimeline.png (1780x860, 232K)

if assange was dead there wouldn't be leaks about the conditions of staying in the embassy.

If assange was alive then what was up with the PGP keys?

Which of the remaining wikileaks guys are still alive? Surely one of them could clarify by now

just a bunch of alphabet operatives now

why not?
if you went through the timeline you'd learn how everything is compromised since Oct 16 2016, pls pay attention