Jow Forums humor thread

Jow Forums humor thread

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Other urls found in this thread:

The real haku.

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Based and redpilled. Everyone I know who watches that edgy cunt is an leftist.

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Meng looks so skinny in that pic

Doesn’t belong in humor thread
One of the most redpilled staatements he could make.
Tosh is pretty based irl, most of the degeneracy he pushes is ironic even if his base isn’t

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This is r*ddit tier fag shit, get the fuck out of here kid.

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How is that humor? It's just damn good advice.

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wait, so npc's feel remorse? And experience a sense of self worth based off the execution of revenge?

What the fuck is wrong with this bitch?!

Don't be fooled, it's just how they're programmed to behave.

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They feel whatever the jews tell them to feel

what does this mean

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What the fuck is an NPC

Melanin overdose

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yet he let his kids marry jews and his grandchildren are kikes.


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hello there npc

Yeah of course they "feel" shame, understanding their place in the social hierarchy is a crucial tool to look normal.

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Literally what the fuck did he mean by this?

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That man is unironically based and redpilled.

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What fuck is on that sign

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Your just fucking mad because boogie lost a BUNCH of weight. He's like 345 now. Shit I weigh 302 pounds

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This is great 7/10 would chuckle again

Attached: As the Founding Fathers intended.jpg (1440x1431, 160K)

Paul was too good for California...

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deliberate miscarriage

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Attached: DnNueLaX0AAwJPY.jpg (1187x399, 69K)

Holy fucking Obese. Go for a jog, fatty. I'm a buck fifty and 6'9"

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Entrnce to the cow level?

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Attached: DHiP3uuXYAAQkTc.jpg (714x783, 62K)

Post more hahasilly comics pls

Bretty good, bretty good

nigger brain

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I’m 37
Just trying to make some people laugh

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>Democrats are the REAL racists, amiright cringelads?
Newfag spotted. Go lurk more.

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What kind of reddit cringe thread is this. Get the fuck out of here.


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Grapeshot ftw. Now I don't need to go back to Jow Forums

>need a couple femnasty smuggies

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Heh. Whites are the fragile ones though.

>Fo plus a fo dawk thats a chicken wing!

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Same to you

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This literally happened. The owners of that retarded account took a break after coming under fire (surprise) for the same thing depicted in this comic.

Don't worry, though. They're back now, and RUFFER than ever, or some gay fuck boy shit like that

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OP was not a fag that day.


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