Explain this NPC shit to me

I've been in hospital.

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Faggot theory for ass pounding homos with too much time on their hands

liberals have one line of dialogue for everything as soon as CNN has something to tell them. 95% of media tells the rest what to think.

Everyone with an opinion outside the 95% are free thinking critical people who havent drank the globalist koolaid

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It's just a dumb meme everyone will forget about in a couple weeks.

It's a way that people describe trump right wing followers. People think that after the poll numbers started showing up for the midterms that right wingers jjst kind of went hey wire like npc's robots or something

Tearing up Jow Forums? WRONG.

NPC non playing character. Meaning all these dopes are too fucking stupid to think for themselves. They echo and parrot what they hear. Russia! Trump's racist, Kavanaugh raped that hag. You get it, right?

It's got them all Jew Butt Hurt.

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even thought the 30 year old boomer meme was used to sell monster energy drinks, i still liked it a lot more than this shite

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>conspiracy theory
no its a meme lmao, these people are so pussy.

well, basically they're trying to tell weak and impoverished people how mindless they are

instead of aiming for the big boys who control them.

there's been some improvement on this though, since Zuckerberg memes with the NPC face have appeared


meme was forgotten till Kotaku wrote about it and The_Donald started sticking them

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>I've been in hospital.
That's NPC code for "I've been an NPC all my life"

Something about a study proving 78% of people have no inner monologue or stream of thought.

it's kind of an old meme, and gone through a few permutations, but picked up a lot of steam last two months or so. basically the current npc meme is about how some people are empty, or fake. since they have no way to form their own opinions they just follow what the mainstream tells them to do. this is related to a psych study about how some people are unable to conduct "inner speech" psychologytoday.com/us/blog/pristine-inner-experience/201110/not-everyone-conducts-inner-speech
however the original npc meme did not concern i self with this aspect
npc is from video games, they're simple characters put in place to flesh out a world where there are few human players. these characters aren't "playable" like your video game character, they are controlled by algorithms. imagine a multiplayer game where players are the normal humans, while the computer programmed quest givers are the npcs.

Fuck OFF krassensteinberg

>tearing up Jow Forums
I always have to laugh when bloggers or the media offer commentary on what's happening on Jow Forums

Asians are a very convincing argument for the NPC theory

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>conspiracy theory
>it literally started after a scientific paper was posted here proving NPCs are a thing
I have never seen shills and kike media this assblasted over a simple meme. Twitter is already outright banning them.

We need to use the NPC meme to raise normie awareness of kike control over their news media, entertainment media, education systems, politics etc. It's obviously insanely effective.

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you mean insects user?

we need to remove the bugmen from society

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There's thousands of webms of them posted on Jow Forums constantly supporting that theory.

the best part about this meme is that
>it strikes home at the very core of every sjw liberal faggot because they know its true
>they cannot fully comprehend it; and can only analyze it at face value in bullet points

the npc meme is bipartisan. it is postmodern.

That's not how it started. It started out with a study that showed how 75% of people don't have any internal monologue and don't articulate their thoughts internally. They just react. This seems to describe a lot of thoughtless mainstream-consensus people pretty well so here we are.

jfc that picture in the bottom left

>coal burn


It is Satan and the illuminati slowly breaking peoples minds down to make them obedient slaves, subject to the elite.

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>liberals have one line of dialogue for everything
Watch this NPC's software crash when asked a simple question...


"What happened to love?"
>bzzz brrrt beep boop *crash*

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Be aware of the NPCIDF OP

>meme arises due to paper outlining a terrifying number of people have no inner monologue
>meme propagates, mocking modern culture, or lack thereof
>leftists IMMEDIATELY assume it's about them and freak the fuck out
>media freaks the fuck out
>so, now it is

There. An actual answer.

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something an npc would say because they cant remember anything for longer than 2 weeks.
remember that kavanaugh thing? nah now we're on to a horse face and a micro indian

such an NPC response, or maybe just a faggot leaf, who knows? the difference is negligible.

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>Jow Forums is news
It's all so tiresome

I thought Kentucky was based. Why are there so many angry mobs there?


post webm of the dog getting burned with a blowtorch in the street user

just stormniggers nigging out out twitter with a cringe meme.

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>memes and jokes that poke fun at urban retards are now “insane conspiracy theories”
The fact that they have this knee jerk reaction to everything that pokes fun at them lends some truth to the NPC meme. This is why right wing memes are generally better than left wing memes. There’s truth behind them that they can’t refute so they resort to calling everything a “conspiracy theory”. God bless Jow Forums and all of it’s non-NPC anons

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I don't save animal cruelty webms. 99% of the ones posted on here contain chinks.

No, it started with a study that like 20% of a small sample size did not experience internal dialog at the pre-arranged times they were asked to fill out a survey.

It became a meme because it felt right.

these were the same jews who brought us the polls of the 2016 election? the right laughs at polls, the methodology is obviously corrupted to skew left. you have to poll outside your commie office at shareblue to get real data.

>everyone will
t. npc

Looked like 80% illegals. I want to know who the fat bitch leader (at the start of the video) is... I guarantee she's with the McGrath campaign or is a Soros op.

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Based and Killmebabypilled

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It was 75% of a small sample size. Majority.

that bitch looks like she has abortions just to eat the fetus


what was it? the qanon larp?


The modern political faction has adopted the technical tools of religious cults. Religious cults rely on three main tools for shaping the information processing of the target:

1) Heavily controlled information environment, via social identity, social reinforcement, language manipulation, and censorship.

2) Weaponized cognitive dissonance. The pain of questioning one’s beliefs becomes too strong for such a weak willed being at a certain point.

3) Deactivation of the conscience through a technique known as “moral shock”.

NPCs do not have a conscience. They have relinquished it and predicated all their value judgements on what they perceive various social groups’ value judgments to be.

Governmental agencies have funded volumes of research, such as those by the author of pic related, on how to use symbols and language to do mental surgery on the recipient. This text in particular mentions a surprising study which concluded that simply by inducing great moral rage into the target, one could satisfactorily loosen his grip on his own reasoning to coerce him into believing the exact opposite of what he had believed before.

The NPC meme is subversive to any malicious controller because the modern citizens’ de facto paradigm resembles an indoctrinated cult member, and the meme triggers the memory of the soul-mind-conscience the person once gave away.

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>we're living in a simulation, weeeee
>I'm a real person, reeeere

i'm more concerned about the omega about to bust out of his sports bra on the left

he thinks his estrogen beard will hide the fact he gets less pussy than a sfw Jow Forums board

of like 35 people. not saying its not true, but that study isnt much

It's an apt metaphor to describe the total standardization of leftist discourse and the centralized, academic origin of its rhetoric.


Why do they pay so much attention to us? like fuck off

The fact that liberals have to have the meme explained to them by media outlets is proof it's right.

You haven't been to a hospital, you are a journalist. Fuck off.

>every single shitlib media site attacks the NPC meme simultaneously
>twitter also starts banning NPC accounts while the libs says they are Russian

Guys this is totally not evidence the meme is real.

Most people it turns out have no internal monologue, their thoughts are as empty and simple as a picture book. This makes them very susceptible to regurgitating mass media talking points and general bugmannery as they're largely unable to think for themselves and are instead shaped largely by the things they consume. All people are shaped by it to a degree but an NPC has basically zero ability to think. If the TV tells them that Star Wars sequels and stronk goblinas are good they believe it with nary a thought... because a thought is not something they have.

NPCs are very real. One of my roommates is an NPC, so completely lacking in anything resembling a real personality. Instead his entire persona is a Frankensteined abortion of mass media culture and mindless hedonist self pleasure. I kind of feel bad for NPCs. Their joy is artificial and empty. They are hollow meat robots unable to properly think or feel for themselves. The perfect residents of the Brave New World.

It's not just liberals that are NPCs though. NPCs exist in all walks of life amongst all political spectrums. Liberals are just the ones most susceptible to it.

It was based on the idea that only like 30% of people have an internal voice, the rest are NPCs like in a video game.

>gets less pussy than a sfw Jow Forums board

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A meme that upsets liberals this much won't cease being spicy for a while

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>I've been in (((hospital))).
they replaced you with an NPC sorry

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Take idiot that subscribes to popular opinions and who possess no critical thought. Call them an NPC. Watch them have an existential crisis. Laugh. Move on to the next way to fuck with them.


Let me guess, you had to leave because there's not enough spots for them to care about brits anymore.
Been there done that.

Every face in that pic except for the muzzie is a onions boy.

No wonder they dont have inner monologue, they play on their switch all day while their wifes black bf fucks his daughter

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are they bragging about being thoughtless npc's?

So can this people not play music in their head or can they not imagine their own voice in their head? When I was little I used to imagine naruto saying random shit he never said, so can these people do the same? I don't actively think with a voice but I have the ability to, so are those people the same or can they just not think with a voice?

It came from this study


NPC meme will be dead by January 2019.

We need something now that Q is confirmed bust. Always something new to amuse our little hivemind and anger the libs.

honestly one of the most boring memes ever.

psy op cult for retards that like being told they arent retards

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Lol what the fuck
It's like a manlet pretending to be proud of being short. I'm not buying it

That's the way it seems They're making fun of people because they don't know what the hell we're talking about.

Which is why I think it's important that the NPC theory be based on this lack of inner monologue and not used as a general insult for people who don't think "enough".

To me, the idea that there are those who DON'T have an inner monologue is mind-blowing, and would be like discovering that there is a primary color that you see and no one else does.

Best post.

Lets take this meme to the next level Jow Forums
I'm talking about getting pewdiepie to redpill all of the 9 yr olds out there. Hes already sympathetic to Russia and browses Jow Forums we just need to spread the NPC meme to Pewdiepies LWIAY page on plebbit.

Thanks for the links. I haven't read them all yet, but here's a few more if you don't have them already...



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>everything I don't like is a conspiracy theory


>anti social social club hoodie
fucking this. So many asians wear this fucking hoodie at my college. Nothing says I'm a beta hive mind bug man like this hoodie.

To me the funniest thing is that we're basically calling people a programmed ai, yet everyone's is basically just a computer reacting to things. We're calling them that because to us they seem to lack a certain trait that we see essential. To use an extreme example it's like a modern computer shit talking about ones from 20 years ago.

Cool article bro.

It talks about a lot of different types of "inner voices" so it's a little hard to follow at some points, but it's nice to see the one that's relevant about coherently working out problems verbally, can help fix schizophrenic "inner voices"

They also don't differentiate types of "inner voices" from eachother like the other studies do, and they aren't talking about inner voices they themselves control. Sorry but no thanks.

this can't be real

The first article was good though, the second is lacking.

we already forgot about it, then a few weeks later the media started reporting on it.

>Their wife's daughter

Ya, I gave you the wrong link. It was something else that I can't seem to find now.

Also worth bookmarking are articles about aphasia, which is normally caused by brain damage as the result of a stroke, which strikes at the communication section of the brain. It's handy to know these to make the link between the lack of an internal monologue and the loss of "self" and reduced ability to reason.

This article has a few good quotes about the role of inner speech at processing information:


This collects the experiences of multiple people who have lost their inner monologue as the result of aphasia:


This one talks about the link between inner speech and the auditory portion of the brain:


And another random article on the subject:


Trump will win a third term

Well idk if I agree with that. I can think in words, I can think in pictures, concepts etc.

I would rather say the NPC-meme relates to people not being able to formulate original opinions, rather they just regurgitate whatever someone else (Soros) told them to think.

t. triggered npc