It is

It is.

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They aren't even trying anymore. They are just having a perpetual temper tantrum while their whole world collapses. Jewish privilege is going bye bye along with the entire state of Israel.


>temperature changes wildly over geologic history
>look at one hundred years of bad data
oh it's us, its totally us

How much effort did you put into this post ?

I’m getting sick of these fucking kikes everywhere

Dad stop stalking me you sick fuck.

Freeman Dyson disagrees

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Technology is a gift of God. After the gift of life it is perhaps the greatest of God's gifts. It is the mother of civilizations, of arts and of sciences.

Climate change is one of the only things I can agree with leftists on. There's definitely something going wrong, and I don't want my kids to have to grow up in a barely inhabitable shithole.

Sure we contribute to climate change but we're pretty insignificant

>it is
Well that's it the science is settled.

Speak for yourself.

get ready for a whiteout, nigger. winter is coming.

I think the climate is going to be a relatively minor factor in that regard.

My objections to the global warming propaganda are not so much over the technical facts, about which I do not know much, but it’s rather against the way those people behave and the kind of intolerance to criticism that a lot of them have. I think that’s what upsets me

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Humans do affect the climate but it's negligible to the actual volatility of nature.


100 yr sea level data from Key West (geostationary area as far as height is concerned, unlike say Midway or Sweden) show no increase in rate of rise

If damage was done, it's done


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Every. Fucking. Time. These goddamn kikes

Hoho. This place really is nothing but a playground. Everyone just trying to outdo eachother with memes & one-liners instead of any worthwhile debate.

>it is
oh well shit case closed i guess. why do we need scientists and education to be scientists when a low rent reporter from a shitty paper cracks the case? fucking jews.

the issue isnt whether or not its changing its if humanity has that much of an effect on it, its definitely changing, just like it has every 6000 years or so through all of researched prehistory.

the issue to me is how severe will it get, because it seems civilization has to restart every time this happens.

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Every. Fucking. Time.

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as much effort as the reporter did into that shit article, anyone actually read it? its a fucking joke.

Opinion much. Did they not learn bias is bad for reporting.

Better more out of Englanistan then

You already live in a barely inhabitable shithole, Abdul.

shutup faget

can you show the graph with the average temperatures during the same time? I’m interested

The global warming ideology reminds of the nazi ideology.
bunch of pseudoscience bullshit used to justify mass atrocities (the de-industrialization of modern society and the enslavement of mankind)

Climate change is real but its not really affected by humans.

CO2! It's what plants crave.

I'm being dead serious though. What can be tangibly changed in regards to man-made contribution towards climate change is a drop in the fucking bucket compared to all of the other issues that plague our nations.


I saw an user make a really good point recently. If the ''science is settled'' and the climate change will increase the ocean and sea levels, why do insurance companies insure buildings built on coasts?

Not sure how that would be calculated, graph is from here

>reminds of the nazi ideology.
>bunch of pseudoscience bullshit
what are you referring to here? eugenics? or all the occult shit they were into?

c02 is at .04%

If it falls below .02%, we all fucking die because plants won't grow well.

I'd rather have rising c02 than falling. let's have a cushion

Climate science is hoped to bring us closer to the singularity.

It's a premise everyone can work together on.

It may just be an evolutionary milestone.

V8s for everyone!

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Climate change is real. The effect man has had on it is dubious AT BEST. We cannnot and never could stop it. The scare tactics are all designed to get grant funding and line the pockets of green energy companies (that Dems own/control)

How can people be so dumb they don't believe in climate change? Do they not remember Florida being evacuated in 2015 just like Al Gore said it would be?

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>It Is.
Provide proofs.

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Man made climate change is an objective fact. It is very real. It’s in the 40s outside but I’m sitting here toasty warm in my 75 degree heated home. That’s man made climate change. That’s what you’re dealing with when you deny it. These are filthy disgusting kikes. Conniving pathological lying tricksters. They can turn a lie into half truth based on a technicality with their pilpul tricks. It’s just the same when we say “jews own all the banks” and they tell you that’s an antisemitic falsehood and show some amerindian reservation bank as proof that they down own them all.

Man made climate change on a global planet-wide atmospheric scale is objectively a jewish bullshit story. They ripped it off from a a coast to coast AM broadcast back in the early 90s from some guy who said aliens visited him and that man was warming the planet. Prior to that those same filthy dirty circumcised jewish kikes were claiming we were approaching a new ice age

Yeah, man! I wish I visited the Arctic pole before it completely disappeared in 2008

exactly, even if we were the cause and we ALL, good luck getting chinks and poos to go along, stop poluting and go absolutely green like the hippy faggots demand there is no stopping whats coming the change is happening with or without us.

The Jews won't let us build another oven so the White Man is gonna turn this whole motherfucking planet into an oven.

Thanks for the convincing evidence you fucking monkey

The only thing we know is that Co2 has been rising since the industrial revolution. Yes the temperature has risen 0.8 degrees Celsius and the oceans have risen 4-10 inches in the past 200 years. However 200 years is extremely small in the geological time scale. The Earth is 4 billion years old. It's a microsecond in comparison. Yes climate change is partly anthropogenic, however we don't have enough data and there are so many complex variables especially involving the ocean! While Co2 can have a warming effect, it also produces factors that cool the Earth!

Then the hook nosed KIKES have the gall to call everyone who hates carbon taxes science deniers.

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This. The climate was unchanging for billions of years. It's only in the last 150 or so that it's been changing.
Anybody who says any different is obviously being paid by oil companies.


Nice bait.


For 6 billion years the climate of the Earth never changed
50,000 years ago modern man ruined everything

He’s not wrong tho

We're soon going to plunge into an Ice Age.

what are giant ferns
what are dinosaurs
what are giant forests
temperatures, CO2 and all other factors changed wildly in past
I for one can't wait till we can take CO2 levels high enough to ride dinosaurs

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Sure it is. There are billions of us and we have a huge biomass. If we include slave animals we have the largest species and subservient biomass of any species throughout the history of the planet.
The problem is not that we drive cars and whatever. It is that there are 10 billion of us when 500 million would be a sufficient amount.
The solution can be interpolated from that. It is obvious.

Would it be so terrible to deindustrialize a bit tho? Teddy K was onto something

Beat me to ,

Yeah it is but it's mostly caused by China.

As if oil companies would be so financially driven, it's obviously the scientists and the wind turbine companies

Yes it would be bad, are you some sort of fucking idiot?

Regarding your timescale, the earth has been at this temp and co2 concentration before, why not be inclusive of this period to show the full context?


Why is it bad and how bad will it be?

>Wind turbine companies aren't financially driven
>wind turbine companies
lmao, fucking bongs.

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If climate change is manmade, what caused it to get so hot in 1100BC?
Campfires and goat farts?

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dunno ask nasa

I know these are bait but I know for a fact majority of liberals believe something like this. I wonder however, how do they explain ice ages and the glacial melt that follows?

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Bait should always strike from multiple angles so there is no escape
It does not matter who gets mad, only that someone gets mad

Actually, a majority of Americans believe in climate change.
Europe is general is more cucked than us on that too.

>the earth is 400,000 years old

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If cavemen weren't driving SUVs we would still be in an ice age hunting mammoths. Global warming is a GOOD THING.

digits confirm.
But I want everyone to get mad
>we need to be literally mad, as a nation.

If they could ever prove that temperatures are higher than they've been in the Earth's history (they aren't), and if they could show evidence of human-influenced climate alteration without relying on false data (they can't - the Southern African climate center usually reports the highest temperatures. There is no Southern African climate center), then I'd be inclined to believe them. But even if it was man-made, and even if man-made climate change is more dangerous than climate change caused by volcanic eruptions or massive earthquakes, the solution STILL wouldn't be to take money from first-world nations and pay the largest polluters to keep polluting.

magnetic polar shift is what causes most of the measurable changes on a global scale but it is in a very weak and early stage. the magnetic north and south poles of the planet shift polarity roughly every 100,000-450,000 years. the last one was roughly 330,000 years ago. the process of shifting weakens the magnetic protection that the earth has from some elements of solar wind for a few centuries and this heats things up a little. pollution does not help, but it is not the primary cause of any measurable climate change on a global scale. the closest thing to human caused climate change was before 1996 in some major cities before emission control on cars became standardized the concept of acid rain in bigger cities was a problem. that is no longer an issue except in countries that do not have those laws (some cities in China still these issues but it's nowhere near as bad as Mexico city had it in the early 90s)

Exactly, Hitler was right


Even if I conceded that man was causing this shit and it was gonna kill us all by the end of the century I wonder why should we care? Why should any of us here do anything to preserve a world for people who want us dead?

Remember the ozone layer hype in the 90s? The hole in it could never shrink and it was growing larger and if we dont do something right now it will get too big and we will all fry like eggs...
And then it stopped growing and shrank a bit and no one ever mentioned it again.

Yes it would be going backwards.
We should have gated allowance into the world trade system with hourly rate minimum ratios and the mandated use of the cleanest energy tech available.
We’ve now given a time savings to emerging countries while 1st world countries have to pause and figure this shit out.
Our inefficiencies in getting world wide production online are now eating into the 1st world dev time.
Could solve many environmental problems in one generation if the was the entire world against China and India—go to war to drag them into a cleaner future.

Why do you choose to ignore actual science for your fairy tales?

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>only showing 400,000 years
Hiding the truth, like a faggot.

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Hitler was a fucking pussy. He would not have the balls to do what is needed. No one does.
We have to basically kick off the apocalypse. The only way to do it quickly enough is through some chemical agent. Maybe one that would cause a catalytic reaction, poisoning the atmosphere for several decades while the chosen survivors go below ground.
Something like that.

Post a better pic then dumbfuck—your ‘evidence’ opens you up to more fucking questions then it silences.
>basic shit

Fluoride causes NPC's.

Libtards won't dig up enough ice cores to reach even 1 million years

Attached: paleo_co2_2017_620.gif (620x266, 16K)

Too slow my friend. Also NPCs breed.

>liberals accept overwhelming evidence that global warming is happening and humans are the main contributing factor

Nature vs Nurture I suppose.

Let me elaborate:
Fluoride 'and other NPCs' causes NPCs.

Anything that hastens the collapse of industrial society is fine by me. Is this all 5D chess?

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hold up I've heard that somewhere

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I like how man made climate change might as well be secular original sin. Don't put it on me to stop coal plants from being operated in friggin China.
That's the funniest part to me about the whole thing. How racist do you gotta be to tell a third world country how to run their affairs when it comes to energy production. As long as people aren't burning babies for fuel or some shit why does anyone care?

>shows lib graph of 800k years showing average temps over timescale
> shows a single year datapoint with corresponding average time point underneith well within regular range.

Mmm. I would prefer chosen at random. Of course it would be an opportunity to remove some genetic detritus.

While climate change is definitely observable, it's hard to gauge exactly how much of it is contributed by human activity. So it's not 100% manmade.