Why is MGTOW growing?

Why is MGTOW growing?

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no fault divorce.
false rape
general whoring

It makes no sense to get married. What the fuck is in it for men now?

MGTOW is a Jewish psyop to discourage white men from marrying white women and having white children.

Truly a mystery


>more and more used up roasties asking why they can't find a handsome 6' man with a 6 figure income and a 6" dick to support her

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Literally both of these. The Jews are corrupting woman and making it a pain and also risky for men to marry

I went on a date the other day and it made me incredibly cynical about women. The chick I went out with spoke about how she hated kids and had no plans to get married because of her career/job being a perpetual student surviving on government handouts and under the table work, hopping from cock to cock of men who could also provide for her. Young women really aren't looking to the future, at all. They think the gravy train of having their pick of the litter will continue forever, without realising that eventually you have to settle down or basically perish unless you are in the top 10% of women in terms of attractiveness.

Women are losing qualities that suit them for raising children and keeping the household, and replacing them with materialistic and selfisish desires. This makes them unsuitable to serve as a wife, and I think that, even if subconsciously, men are beginning to understand that. What’s funny is that I haven’t seen a single woman actually self-reflect and reach the same conclusion. It’s always “Why aren’t they changing their values for me?”

I only got one of those. I'll leave it to y'all to guess which one it is.


It all makes sense.

666!? Women = Demons confirmed.

If you got the income, then I'll be your future wife's buck, since I got the other two.

Because those cunts arent holding up there part of the deal

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Program to halt the growth of gentile population

checked, obviously he's a poorfag manlet with a 12" cock

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>Why is MGTOW growing?
One of the main reasons is that the quality of traps is growing considerably. This provides a meaningful alternative to slimy vajayjays.

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>The goyim know shu-

certainly a powerful plan. unfortunately i see no end to this shut until after it becomes the new normal and the contrarian jews decide to turn to christ out of spite against the newly-secularized goys.

because men and women alike are being bombarded with bullshit

Let me start by saying I have no bias torwards Feminism or MGTOW.

What needs to happen is an open dialog between MGTOW and feminism.

Some kind of forum where they can both state their beliefs and compromise on a joint operation.

This will never happen so a pipe dream is what it will remain.

Modern women aren't worth the effort.

Goyim are too stupid to know anyway, their npc script will keep them ignorant

Because they're all eagerly awaiting the arrival of sexdroids. Saving their money, too.

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Khazars race mix more than anyone.

I am being more selective I want a Russian or Asian GF. So until then i have to keep all this thirsty white thots off my pecker. Shit none of my white gfs could cook, clean, or even keep their pussys clean they overvalue their sexuality. Dont worry I am not white so I wont be diluting the ethnostate just promise me I can chill on my own land in peace with my mutt children.

People with power never give it up willingly. Feminism has nothing to gain from open discourse, as its the movement that holds all in the power in the political sex war. MGTOW's mere existence is against the Feminist movement. Discourse is impossible until MGTOW is legitimized or holds more power.


Women have more legal rights than men in first world countries, I am not surprised that more and more men are joining MGTOW

The white beta male population is growing. Have you seen y'all selves lately?

>gay sex
>meaningful alternative

See this is the shit I'm talking about lmao

Where is it growing? In the USA? You are all degenerates anyway.

I know it's a cuck behind that flag.

Because the 25+ year old virgins like myself either have poor self confidence/esteem but high standards and they don't want to change so they realize they just decide to stay single I guess. There could probably be several logical reasons though.

I am not joining but i understand where they are coming from earlier to day i had to be a witness when this female went off on some innocent bro the chick just looked at me like I was supposed to white knight for her and i just gave brobro a nod of approval

>Girl sluts it up in high school.
>Gets fucked in every hole for like 4 years.
>Does the same thing in college, plus gets useless degree.
>Goes 8 years where her relationships are measured in weeks
>#feminism am, right ladies?
>Everyone knows she's a slut
>She can't commit because she has trained herself to need new cock on the regular
>After college, she "adventures", meaning she goes and gets foreign dick as often as possible.
>All the guys who wanted to get married get married, start having kids or working or whatever.
>Now she's 33, young guys aren't interested and the only foreigners who want her send her texts asking for bob and vagene
>Girl: "Time to settle down!"
>She fails to find a normal, hard working guy who wants her worn out pussy
>Only the old chads who peaked in high school want her, but are as bad at commitment as she is.
>She's 37 and still can't find a lasting marriage.

Thots are trash. Only trash men want trash women. I hope a lot of women see this post and understand so they can teach whatever daughter they have how to avoid their mistakes.

Dude if you have a decent job, a decent car, and a decent apartment you are set. Put a jimmy cap on and smash till you find one you actually like or one finds you.

You could set your watch to it.

Pump n dump and let the BETAS pick up the welfare cost amirite brahs?

Nice try shalom, your bitches are the skankist unproductive slots going

Dude save like $5000 and go to a Legal Nevada Brothel, can get top quality chicks to fuck!

Pump n dump and let the BETAS pick up the welfare cost amirite brahs?

Nice try shalom, your bitches are the skankist unproductive demographic slots going

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Diplomacy between polarizing politics will never exist.

I was MGTOW before I realized it was a Jewish scam to lower white birth rates.

5k for pussy godamn leafs are cucked

>Because the 25+ year old virgins like myself either have poor self confidence/esteem but high standards and they don't want to change so they realize they just decide to stay single I guess.
This. I want to continue to become a better person, so that I can meet the standards of the women who meet MY standards. That's the way I rationalize it.

You wot m8 we are way above replacement in fertility rate

The problem is women never feel empowerment without external factors.

Men can make themselves feel empowered without external factors.

I love white women
just not modern white women

>and smash
>Legal Nevada Brothel, can get top quality chicks to fuck!
The fuck is wrong with you two? Has it ever occurred to you that maybe others don't have the intense desire to fuck around? Do you think "high standards" and immediately go to measurements?

True, but we're giving the Feminists the benefit of the doubt here and holding them up to their claims of "Feminism is totally not a movement about turning men into second class citizens, or at least the men we don't finally sexually attractive anyway".

Women have high standards. Thots dont they are parasites going from host to host, sometimes spreading disease, with the hope of having a child with a guy who will take care of his kid and thus her as well.

Not in the US and in Israel the only ones above replacement are the torah thumpers who refuse to fight for israel

I'm aware. That's why improving myself is so important.

Life is about hardship and constant struggle.
Paradoxically, we are killing ourselves by nerfing the world. There is a worldwide population decline in developed nation and no amount of immigration will be able to fully replace the declining birthrate. Where are you going to find 550,000,000 to replace the dying population of China, for instance? Could it be, that you and me, are the Beautiful Ones???


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Women used to be a thing worth dying for. Not so much anymore.

>Why is MGTOW growing?

I think it's a combination of the (steadily) older age of first marriage and the obesity epidemic.

On the bottom half of the attractiveness spectrum, it's REALLY important that people marry relatively young, and also while both parties are relatively thin.

>BLAH BLAH BLAH those marriages aren't as successful though

They're more successful than "never marrying", though. And I think we're looking at that. 30ish fat people who have never been married before just aren't going to marry each other. It's not going to happen. The edge has come off their hormones, and they're so incredibly unattractive *even to each other* that there's nothing compelling them to pair up.

These articles are literally written by people who just talk to a few friends and them make broad assumptions about people based on that and a couple social media posts.

MGTOW is retarded as is pretending all women are like the fringe retardation you see on twitter or facebook.

Give em an inch, and they'll take a mile.

It's time we held them accountable for their claims.

I wonder why.

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Seriously. At least you guys tend to keep that shit under wraps instead of flaunting it all over the place

Checked and may kek bless and guide you throughout your travels.

>Give em an inch, and they'll take a mile.

Tons of women have taken at least a mile...

>the obesity epidemic.
I have actually been thinking about this. You have 100% of men competing for basically 50% of the women who aren't fat, but that 50% of women only wants 20% of the men. It's a fucking disaster.

Holy shit

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>let's ruin Japanese gene pool because I have to be like a nigger and steal women from another race

It's only a matter of time before both MGTOW and Feminism implode and we end up with a whole new sect of civilization dedicated to productive relationships with pragmatic ideals.

Can you get a gay man in trouble with HR if they are overly sexual. Like the flamboyuant ones that are over the top gay. I dont care what people do in bed but if i cant have locker room talk they cant have road stop chat.

So they're looking for Satan?

Benefits of marriage:
>tax benefits
>you get free shit at the wedding

Downsides of marriage:
>you have no control over having kids
>she can divorce for any reason and win custody + alimony in 9 times out of 10 and the judge will even throw out a prenup if you bothered to get one signed
>no more independence, decisions now have to be made consulting her
>your sex life is now completely controlled by one woman
>no more free time, you gradually lose all your hobbies and stop seeing your friends and become a boring, empty shell of a person

Gee why would I ever walk into that pit trap? The bait isn't even that good.

Wow an italian calling someone else a nigger...

I'm taking that name and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it.

because its even harder to fine a subpar women that will do than it is to fine a good man

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>tfw I'm a good man and I'm gonna marry a good white woman

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My point still stands, cuck.

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I will speak for myself. Not necessary mgtow but on the fence.
The last girl I dated
>took birth control
>had friends that were into antifa
>37 but still went to EDM concerts
>into degenerate middle / switch bdsm stuff
>made 100k while I made 60k
>offered to pay for me when I couldn't
>later said i was taking adv of her
>because I wasn't paying even
This was not the only one, but I will not stop.
Yet, modern white women (most, i've found) are very hypergamy and most that want to "settle down"
Ages that winked me in the past month
I'm 36 yrs old...
This is what I see now.
>false rape
>no fault divorce
>finding a woman that doesn't wear a pussy hat

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>>you have no control over having kids
Wear a condom you stupid Alabama nigger.

Try having a bitch nag at you all the time and end up being the most unappreciative succubus you've ever met despite you thinking she's a sweethearted angel at the beginning of the relationship. she sprayed with me some shit that burned my face for like 24 hours once all because i yelled at her.

>shilling against marriage
Found a cuck.

Buddy of mine recently got married and knocked up his wife. Me and him make the exact same income, both in our 30’s

He can no longer go out, he isn’t ‘allowed’ to buy stuff with his own money, isn’t allowed to buy a fun car, he can’t buy computer parts, or gun parts, etc. his wife now controls his finances because everything he makes needs to be for the ‘family’

Meanwhile I own two homes, over 100k in cars, pretty much buy what I want and go where I want when I want. If I want to go out Friday night and get fucked up and come home at sunrise I do, and no one says shit

I agree, I can’t find one Single reason to settle down anymore. It’s funny when I was young and broke I really wanted a qt3.14 to marry. Now that I’m older and I see all these suckers slave away for their wives, I’m so happy I never did

The women my age are all undesirable unfuckable cunts anyway, so I’m not missing much.

Not trolling, but isn't this chick a coalburner married to a nog?

You know why they call you guys wops?

Cause when you throw shit against a wall it goes WOP!

Umm. Ok?

>You have 100% of men competing for basically 50% of the women who aren't fat, but that 50% of women only wants 20% of the men. It's a fucking disaster.

Right. Early age of first marriage + 1960's average weight for men and women = assortative mating deep, DEEP down into the attractiveness pool.

Thin 20 year old's will find each other attractive, even if they're "plain", or dorks, or what have you. So if social timing has people making marriage decisions at 20, you'll be able to talk very large majorities of people into marrying *someone*.

But if your social timing allows people to wait until they're 30 to get married, and at the same time you add 35 pounds to the average weight of both men and women...that's a disaster. First, because as I noted 30 year old fat people just won't marry each other. Second, because 30 year old fat people who've been sexually inactive or at best sporadically sexually active since they were 18 will probably have considerable psychological damage as a result - people in that state are much more likely to be full of rage and spite at the opposite gender. That rage and spite manifests itself as radical feminism and MGTOW.

You need society's losers to pair up before they have time to get fat and go insane.

Do give me some reasons to get married, I'd like to hear them.

>murican humor

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Ancient "Alpha" males most likely raped women. They never had a choice. The "Betas" most likely ganged up and killed/convinced the Alpha IOT share the women. Men eventually grow old and die, and forgot how women are. Not realizing their sole purpose is for procreation and nothing more. Due to men forgetting, they may have forgot why women were "oppressed" or "treated as lessers" and unwittingly gave women choice/power. Once women destroyed the foundations of society the new men realized why the old men "oppressed" the women. Thus the pendulum swinging back the other way once again. Our ancient ancestors made sure to not permit women to speak, or even choose their husbands. Our naive recent ancestors forgot this and women have once again fucked up everything. Our new generation is ready to push the pendulum once again back in the other direction. Give it maybe one or two more generations and women (if not completely replaced by sexbots/wombs) will be correctly put back in their place as tools for procreation and pleasure.

>Not all men will go mgtow
>Not all men will just pout and let women continue to destroy society

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Why the fuck do I have to convince a cuck? If you want to not marry be my guest, but do not promote your degeneracy at least.

Calm down edgelord.

Her upper breast tattoo says yes

You can't even think of one reason to get married? All you can do is spout memes? Sounds more like you're just a slave to women's expectations of you.

Just wait until married men are forced to take additional wives of undesirable feminists. It'll happen.

-Marriage is a 'bad deal' for men right now. Has been for awhile. Courts always favor the woman's story, priorities, and costs.
-You can literally get accused of false rape just because she's mad at you for not doing enough dishes after meals, ruining your life and career trying to defend someone that certain groups will always believe no matter what.
-Women are more fickle than men, and too many have been raised on this "never settle, ever" mentality when it comes to relationships. So investing in a relationship for anything other than sex and a few good times is a waste.
-Most good men don't go to clubs regularly, or bars - at least those that would traditionally be thought of as marriage material.
-Most men don't want to marry or have anything to do with in the long run with single moms or women with many multiple sexual partners. It's gross, and nobody wants to raise someone else's spawn. Disgusting.

To the ladies: You can't expect a MAN if you're not willing to start acting like a LADY.

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You are sadly naive.

>You need society's losers to pair up before they have time to get fat and go insane.


I don't even bother trying to convince degenerates like you, I'm good with just insulting you. I don't even want a partner.

I just watched more of the vid. The baby in the back looks like a mutt. I knew I had seen this woman before, and I remember being disappointed by the discovery.

Okay ginny go fuck a goat and stop shitting up this board