Remember when lefties said the NPC meme was bad? Well now that they realized they were wrong...

Remember when lefties said the NPC meme was bad? Well now that they realized they were wrong, they're trying to take it over.

Attached: f4d.png (665x767, 130K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Here is another.

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who cares dude. lefties never make the memes and only adopt ours when people are already getting tired of them. they're perpetually behind the curve

>take it over
how organic lmao

Why do leftists fail to meme so hard?

The left can't meme. That's why they steal ours.

>Because there can't be NPC's on both sides
user, I....

Attached: How.jpg (300x400, 29K)

Yeah I know, just wanted to share this cringe inducing picture I stumbled upon. Leftist memes are always walls of text or illogical / unrealistic shit that no one except them and their insane friends can find to be funny so it not like

thats the whole problem with this gay meme, and the internet in general. it ends the conversation. in the mind of faggots, getting the last word is tantamount to victory.

The NPC meme was aimed at people who follow mainstream media/leader/thoughts so taking it over/stealing it is not a thing

its not like they're ever going to come up with a substantial meme of their own.

The political left IS a meme, that's why they are so easy to make fun of. Even a gray character made in MS paint can salt their wounds and that's how you know the NPC meme is true.

This. There are numerous conservative NPC’s out there.

Why are we forced to start from scratch everytime with these NPC lefties? Newsflash: We still have entire folders worth of memes to go along with our fresh NPC memes.

Attached: Globalism.jpg (2048x1674, 228K)

It’s kinda what they do. They wait till a group of people build something, move in and kill it, and live in the decaying corpse until something else is built. Rinse and repeat. They’re basically the Mexicans if politics.

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>== true

well the left cant code thats for sure

Yes but the original NPC character has no link political affiliation. It was entirely about the lack of inner monologue which people naturally attributed to the mainstream drones of the left. The edits with a Trump hat directly try to paint any Trump supporter as a mindless drone who only replies the same exact arguments. You can see the part of the list of arguments or phrases that piss off lefties in this one

>the wall
>no more gibs
>effectively BTFOing north Korea
>fucking over Canada
>attempting to fuck over China
>lowering taxes
That was easy

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Lefties called me a filthy niggerlover.

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I know, the code in this one is so fucking bad. using == true on a bool is a rookie mistake sure but the syntax as a whole is retarded.

import Which is then used as a constructor with the parameter "output" I guess?

Fuck this shit im shedding neurons trying to make sense of that garbage.

You're welcome.

Attached: maga npc.png (664x1014, 146K)

The NPC meme originated on Jow Forums, it had absolutely nothing to do with politics at any point. It was all about how normies are mindless drones with no ability to think critically, for some reason that hit too close to home for libs

>the end of globalism
>shitting on our stilted “norms and decorum” that stifle our government
>destroying the (((press)))
>lowering taxes
>fixing unskilled immigration
>destruction of the post ww2 order
>deregulation across the bored
>not being funded by the donor class
>destruction of political correctnesss
>refutation of two party orthodoxy
>less overseas war

What’s not to like?

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I think these were lazily made to see how "we" would counter this meme.


The meme only works against actual npcs

>You say we follow a programmed narrative? Well reality is just another narrative, haha!
I'm sure this'll have wheels compared to every other failure at reclamation

>protecting our first amendment rights

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Hey I just found a few more of those lefty memes! The funniest part to me is that the memes I'm posting in this thread are heavily (((upvoted))) by angry lefties on kym. They original NPC meme has about 10 upboats and no comments while those anti right wing NPC memes have shitloads of upvotes and lefties commenting "LOL 4CHINZ BTFO".

It's weird guys... it's almost as if they are trying to force their own version of the meme after realizing that the original version was not going to go away after a week like they had predicted.

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I did see a fuckton of NPCs here when Trump was firing cruise missiles at syria

I kind of wish the left made a meme of their own for once instead of attempting to steal others'. It'd be interesting to see what they'd come up with, but I just don't think they're funny or creative enough.

Computer science and physics has the highest proportion of autists, freaks, basedboys, and NPCs.

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Immigration, tax reform, infrastructure reform, and the fucking wall. Only NPCs post things like this.

NPCs trying to meme is kinda sad

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This. I distinctly remember faggots on this board pretending it was okay.

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See this? They forgot what the actual NPC meme was about ( inner monologue ) and are now SEETHING about being called NPCs due to their political leaning.

>Computer science and physics has the highest proportion of autists, freaks, basedboys, and NPCs.

I'd say it's more of a mix of autists and freaks than s*ybois and NPCs. S*ybois are usually in social sciences, health, education or some other useless degree like art while NPCs typically settle for low paying jobs like your local McDonalds and all they think about all day is getting home so they can watch the latest episode of NEWEST NETFLIX SHOW.

I don't understand why people are assigning political affiliation to this meme. It's just about people that don't think for themselves. That could be people from any political leaning

Report them for banning lmao

Dumb cunts. Say they are dehumanising

How to tell an NPC from a PC:
NPC does things like vote, clamor about which team is better, idolizes others more than themselves, etc.
PC does things like lives their life, avoids obvious traps such as 2 party systems, tries to have as little as possible negative impact on others(i.e. empathy), aspires build upon humanities accomplishments, etc.

From what I have seen, almost everyone here is an npc/lemming/cattle/sheep/absolute faggot.
For a group of people pushing a meme that those ebil leftards are machines following instructions, you sure do seem like you are mindlessly following instructions.
Dont forget to cry about voting in the election to keep those ebil other guys out and the good guys in or vice versa.
The absolute state of modern society.
Two retards arguing over who is more retarded.
Meanwhile your rights are stripped from both sides, what little is left of your wealth is eroded away, and your lives become smaller and smaller.
Keep pretending you're winning while the long game is continued to be lost.
What do you care, right?
You'll be dead anyways and fuck your offspring.
Just keep pushing family away and forgetting that almost every highly successful person out there has come from a family unit which has stuck together and accumulated wealth for generations.
You are all NPC or morons, pick one.

Subtract 1 letter from NPC you get MOB. Start making MOB accounts, destroy algorithm for the hash mob , get everyone banned who called the dems a mob.

Are most NPCs Chad or are most Chads NPC?

Attached: 8ea.jpg (680x360, 38K)

>without Trump we'd be just like Merkel's Germany

Attached: 1539445538118.png (976x1290, 606K)

>study shows that significant proportion of people don't have an inner voice
>describes Trump exactly
>Jow Forums desperately makes it into a meme against leftists
>MSM eats it up

Attached: trump npc meme.png (463x476, 43K)

This is how you know the npc meme really really got to them

Just make an NPC meme of dozens of NPCs making reverse NPC memes. Done.

haha the hat is sticking out

>PCs are the real NPCs
Didn't see this one coming

Top kek this is actually genius.

say what's true even if it's unpopular

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This desu
Look at any neocon and Zionist

edit it so the first face is an npc being asked what is Trumps policy

second face it transfirms into a smug wojack and starts building a wall

third face is pepe behind a wall.

That might explode their circuits


Will attempt this after work myself if no one else does it. Just take a bunch of NPCs sitting in front of computer screens making reverse NPC memes all saying the same thing about turning it against us.

It’ll instantly discredit everything they make.

In fact the more they make the more they just prove this reverse reverse NPC meme right. NPCeption.

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>Which of Donald Trump's core political values do you support
Build the wall, make it tall, for a safer, whiter nation.

>your first amendment isn't in danger
>"yes it is, here is another government doing that"
>that doesn't count cause tis germany

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Nog/pajeet code, gonna need to hire some 3rd party coders to debug

Radical centrists are just Third Way NPCs

Thanks for you concern leaf.
Seems legit concern.
Not fake concern.
Even though you posted how concerned you were.
And you are "our guy" and still concerned.
on "our side" and concerned

Honestly I am not starting to wonder if I should be concerned?


3rd party decoders who will take twice as long decoding it than if they just coded it themselves.

The best part is that it’s exactly what they’re doing. They got their hive mind orders to put trump hats on NPCs to own the conservatards and they’re all plugging away following their NPC orders with no original thought.

Just show NPCs in a room in front of computers and on the screens are small NPCs with red MAGA hats on and have them ALL saying the same joined speech bubble:

Attached: B79821A3-5499-46B2-9BA2-1D808438138D.jpg (618x397, 66K)


Attached: capitalism.jpg (2048x1674, 490K)

>The american president is responsible for protecting citizens from being under the control of another government's law that they only apply in their own country 4000 miles away
please keep talking, really shows your opinion is well-reasoned and not NPC-like at all

Attached: neocucked.jpg (997x740, 144K)

Just re-write the whole thing from scratch boys, don't waste your time trying to debug this mess.

>Black on black crime
If this is the left's meme then they're doing our job for us, don't try to stop them.


Lmao, what else do they have stored in "pinochet.helicopter"?

This. The Leaf is right. Just meme their co opt of the NPC meme as exactly something a recently updated NPC would do.

WTF Im a hilldog now

Saying this on one of the few sites which don't instaban anything right of Mao.

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>Just meme their co opt of the NPC meme as exactly something a recently updated NPC would do.
kek extra points if you can work in something about them receiving an update to their code that makes them all do MAGA hat reverse memes simultaneous

God I love this NPC meme. It literally cannot be stopped.

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Fuck you leave

Attached: 59F82826-131D-4373-899D-F5AB4F276DA2.jpg (2520x3551, 884K)

Does not*

typical democrats, outsourcing coding jobs to third worlders

>The wall
Not built
>Making America Great Again
As vague and useless as supporting Obama for "hope" and "change"
>America first
Also vague
>To hell with political correctness
What dumb meme reason to support a politician

>Keep pushing Twatter
>spread memes and videos
>Some NPC's can be saved


Here is a snippet of the pinochet.helicopter class

>short currentHeightFeet;
>Human[] crew;
>Commie[] package;
>Vector2D longitudeAndLatitude;

>public void Drop(Commie[] toDrop){//This method drops commies from the package array};

Sounds like somebody's been Koding With Klossy!

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>being so much of a prole that you think the wall will be built/will be useful
>making a reply meme to try and defend your team

Infowars is even stealing the NPC meme. They used the cuck norris meme recently. The altlite are still NPCs bc they steal everythingvfron the altright too.. Only Nazis have souls

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saw this one on instagram and told them how they were using it wrong (kinda bait kinda true) and they started getting all mad. told one clueless guy to go here to get the meme right and he told me he goes on here numerous times, despite the fact he had no idea about the meme or pol shitposters in general

tl;dr NPCs unsuccesfully stole the meme and the left can meme

Fuck off Rogan

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underrated kek

Meh it's a funny meme. The left can only appropriate memes, they can't create.

Nigga, you don't know many CS or physics majors if you think that it's not infested with onions.

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lmao the fast inverse square root code is way funnier with the original "evil floating point bit hacking" and "what the fuck?" comments. Really sets the tone for what the people who came up with this magic shit were going through.

fuck off pajeet

top heh

Jew control MAGA NPC = True

Attached: Behind the curtain.png (1024x669, 1.35M)

They already had the Russian bot meme, these fuckers can dish it but can't take it.

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Israel control The Donald = True

Attached: maga prob.gif (500x213, 2.21M)

>Policy values


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I put my money on the sippin' boomer though.

>guys code
actual function
>girls code
90% comments, and bullshit function

I agree.

posting his replies
>Its just literally a reboot of edgy teens posting on Facebook how they are not sheeple but free thinkers
Gosh have you even considered how edgy you sound?
>And I get it,its simple edgy teens thinking they are freethinkers and people who think differently are sheeple.Again,rehash
>Also you suggesting Jow Forums for understanding this is just fucking hilarious.The biggest racist/fascist circlejerk in history which only repeats the same memes over and over
>Dude,I use Jow Forums enough to know what goes on there.And also the meme is used right here because its literally saying what you described.People repeating bullshit they heard with no real understanding
>Its literally the same fucking thing.

tl:dr contradicts self multiple times

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Centrism is a fake third way that reunites lukewarm leftists and right-wingers under the banner of liberalism : mass-migration and economic deregulation
It's still an NPC position. You don't challenge the system by complying with the commonly accepted linear left-right scale.
There are great but misguided people on both sides of the spectrum who haven't broken free from their conditioning.
The NPC meme should be meant to make them part ways with that logic, not make them cling more tightly to their retarded dichotomy.

Was in college learning CS 4 years ago but quit for various reasons and while I was there most people seemed to me like they were pulled straight out of this website. Fucking thinkpad weebs with anime stickers watching anime in class. Sure there was that one way too hot girl who had the power to instantly make every single incel in the class sweaty and that onions kid with his macbook but most people in that class seemed to be autists. One thing though, I'm nowhere near California and Silicon Valley so this might be why the onions were not so numerous.