The power of the NPC meme

Effectively the NPC meme is shaming people who avoid thinking as much as possible because they have a seriously low pain treshold for cognitively demanding tasks.
That's where the power of this meme lies.
Maybe shaming is a strong enough punishment to force them to think? (like being called racist).

It's simply easier to just let someone else do the thinking for you and adhere to consensus.

I think all analysis is rooted in suffering, and people on here know what mental suffering is, but normies are programmed to avoid suffering, and we must shame them for it.

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Other urls found in this thread:

its not going to work, intellectually lazy and incapable people will simple double-down in the most emotional way possible.
these people always existed, and christianity managed to calm them the fuck down enough to build the west.

NPC meme is for special snowflakes who think they're so much more woke than everyone else

Can I ask a serious question for a sec? Who exactly is shilling so hard for this meme?

I guess it's funny and original enough to have been started as one of ours but it's becoming viral and spreading too fast for normal grassroot meme levels. Hundreds of NPC fake accounts? We don't have that kind of manpower.

I can only surmise the NPC meme must have been co-opted by pro-nationalist moneyed interests. Fighting the globalists is a worthy cause but before I keep promoting this meme it's important for me to know by who exactly am I being used.

I got banned for 30 days on reddit for calling someone an NPC

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because it's true and the only people that get offended by it are the npcs themselves

The reason it is so powerful, is because of how much liberals take the bait. It means it truly hit home.

Somewhere most of these liberals know that they have just been indoctrinated, and that none of their original opinions are their own. This pains them, they literally cannot stand it. For the first time in their life, they have to face their own programming.

This is why it is powerful.

why the hell are you on that flaming homo site?

war. Someone needs to fight them. I will go behind enemy lines if i have to

it's fun

millions of subhumans to trigger with trufax

>drawing aggro from mobs is a bad thing

I have never seen shills and kike media this assblasted over a simple meme. Twitter is already outright banning them.

We need to use the NPC meme to raise normie awareness of kike control over their news media, entertainment media, education systems, politics etc. It's obviously insanely effective.

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It is amazing how triggered they get by this...

Gas yourselves, shills.

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hey dumbass, animals are mobs. NPCs are capable of basic dialogue. learn to fucking game

>Who exactly is shilling so hard for this meme?
Democrats, ready to pull a false flag and shoot up a bunch of leftist 'NPC's,' to blame it on the Right to get their accounts shut down and gather sympathy just before the elections.

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nothing to see here, just the usual NPC's following their programming mate!

all of my conservitard friends I've asked think in pictures.

all of my liberal friends i've asked say they think in a dialogue with pictures supplementing things.

this meme is being pushed as only one sided but both sides have NPCs.

b-but... if you dont like it you HAVE to be an NPC!!

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The exact reason why the media demonize the meme: because they are way too effective

every time some npc posts a "how do we feel about X?" thread I laugh

I think mixed in concepts, pictures and sometimes language.

This is overstated, the original "meaning" of the NPC is not the point. Rather NPC has come to encompass individuals who are in the clutches of globalist programming. Something they have never questioned. Repeating buzzwords from left-wing think-thanks with billionaire donors. They are just tools.

Realizing this causes them pain.

Its (((another))) JIDF psyop so that we dehumanize leftists/everyone we dont agree with. In turn, those leftists become even more inflamed, partisanship increases, and we spend even more time focusing our efforts fighting eachother rather than fighting the jews. Classic divide and conquer, this is bread and butter for the jews.

The real way to handle the “npcs” is to treat them like the sheep they are, and absorb them into the flock, rather than pushing them further away. The only other option is basically genocide, which is bad, simply because it means the jews once again sit on the sidelines while everyone else kills eachother and they grow stronger.

Only once the jews are crushed for eternity will it be ok to fight eachother. Until that happens, we need cooperation or at the very least need to ignore the leftists while our biggest threat, the jews, are dealt with. PRIORITIES - you dont worry about your chicken tendies being burnt when your fuckin kitchen is on fire. Deal with that lesser shit after.

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>Who exactly is shilling so hard for this meme?
nobody is, or rather we all are, because of how insanely, outrageously, incredibly buthurt liberals are over it... and lets face it, we all feed of liberal buthurt here

>get their accounts shut down

That was already happening.

Yeah they're reacting that way out of shame, had we called them dinosaurs they wouldn't have given a fuck.

But apparantly they do at some level understand that they just regurgitate whatever concensus feeds them,


GR8 B8, M8.

those are probably bots desu so yeah true NPCs

well framing the issue as one sided as if only the left are NPCs is not very genuine. Who's more in the globalist clutches, the anti aparteid, occupy wall street anti war left or the pro zionism pro military pro big corporate right wing retards?

>This is why it is powerful.
an exceptional sword has an edge on both sides.

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Quest added: GET MILKIES

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You can't absorb them into the flock, if they are unwilling to be absorbed. They are pushing themselves away. Well, actually they are being dragged away by their programmers. Once they realize the are, in fact, programmed they may be able to break free. That's why the meme is so powerful, it describes exactly how they operate and what they truely are.

Yup. A study came out that progressives (SJW) in the US are twice as likely to earn $100 000 per year or more than average. Those people are the most likely to have a post-graduate degree - which basically means longer programming.

Before the NPC-meme, they thought they are just smarter than the "white trash rural population". But after the NPC-meme, they started getting an understanding for that they may just benefiting by being better at regurgitating Soros-invented punch lines...

The best thing about this meme is that it exposes the jews who try to control the culture. We get it. It's funny - you can agitate your slaves to reject it and try to counter it, but normal people realize it is funny and see what you are up to. The more you resist, the more you expose yourselves. What's even better is that Trump knows who you are, all of you, and is going to take you all out. And we are going to watch and enjoy it as it happens. And there is absolutely nothing you can do to stop it.

I guess. At its core the meme is just a cleanly packaged way to call someone a useful idiot.

Well anyone can be an NPC. It basically means not being a critical thinker and going along the lines with what is socially beneficial. Right wingers can do this too, although they seem a lot more immune to it and less triggered by the notion.

there was 28 npc threads last i checked. whos jewing who

Yeah and now they will have a mandate to shut down any account that posted NPC memes or talked about it, and can push the envelope further to include other "dehumanizing" speech (although the Left will still be allowed to call us Russian bots because you can't shoot a bot account).
Twitter already released new rules specifically against calling people viruses and stuff because it's "dehumanizing," so it's another push to ban accounts, grab guns, and get sympathy

Problem with pic related is there are plenty of rational reasons Hillary Clinton should be in prison, whereas the orange man hasn't done a single thing to warrant him being called literally Hitler.

NPC's are sub-200 beings

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They never needed a mandate. They could kick anyone off at anytime, for any reason. For all practical purposes, the ToS only applies to the user of the service, not the provider. I don't like it, I don't think it's right, but that's how they have been allowed to opperate.

Wow a permanent ban? Gee golly mister, I'm shaking in my boots.

ayy lmao

i don't think so. maybe because they're lacking the critical thinking to question if they are the NPC

proud npc, wtf you gon do about it

oh i ok i should of read more. nevermind, i see you are retarded and think post graduate degrees in advanced subjects is further brainwashing. my apologies mr. toothpaste have a good day.

yeah those crazy leftists that want universal healthcare and a shot at improving themselves with decent schools and ending the military industrial complex lmao what idiots MAGA right friend #239510

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>beep boop repeat hurt words back at source

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based and checked

I've seen several "big" youtubers saying they love this meme and endursing it. Saying its the new SJW. That might have helped spread it.

i think you're right and the fact you're asking these questions is important.

i would suspect the meme started organically because prior to seeing this, i assumed everyone thought in a dialogue image hybrid.

I think it quickly evolved into not thinking at all and of course the big money right wing crowd wanted to quickly point the meme in the direction of the left, but if we're being honest they're on both sides.

maybe the lack of inner dialogue is a result of decades of propaganda and defunding of education at least in the US

>Keep pushing Twatter
>spread memes and videos
>Some NPC's can be saved




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fuck off, kike

Time for your Regularly Scheduled Programming!

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Which is why the NPC topic really isn't left vs right. It's between those who are biologically capable of higher reason and those who are not.

i agree. that's why the push to make the NPC meme only the left seems so in authentic. i don't think it's organic

the people who can truly understand the NPC meme know this but it's pushed pretty hard here that only the left is NPC

Fresh out of the forge

Attached: ThisIsReal.jpg (1306x985, 152K)

You're alright
stay off Jow Forums tomorrow or you get comp'd

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>The real way to handle the “npcs” is to treat them like the sheep they are, and absorb them into the flock, rather than pushing them further away.

The right wing propaganda machine is top quality. I've seen people go from leftist apologists to full 88 within 8 months of being shown their first video. Granted, they are still npcs but the process works.

the right wing propaganda machine really is incredible. I've noticed a dramatic shift in the way average conservatives act in the US over the past two decades

ofc the corporate media "left wing" channels do their part too but it's absolutely scary how such a large portion of the population votes against their own interests

Yep. Shitlibs.

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the left can not meme

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inb4 elite npcs move the thread to Jow Forums

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Every groyper account I know swapped to an NPC one, and most people created burners

Twitter is ruthlessly shoahing them now, we all got banned

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Except it doesn't since "Lock her up." isn't a rhyming chant, dumbass.

>NPCs are christian
AU contraire, it's the spiritually dead heathen who is the ultimate NPC

reddit no

call him a russian bot in your appeal

Jews hate the NPC meme because it's the same dehumanizing concept goyim is in their religion, and they don't want NPCs to figure out jews have been dehumanizing them for thousands of years already with the goy concept.
>point out the dehumanizing nature of NPC is the same as how the Talmud says to treat goyim
>meme it hard to get people woke on the JQ

I give reddit credit for pulling this off.

>intellectually lazy
Thanks for pushing my meme.

The serf class never thought, they outsourced it to aristocrats and priests who would bound to the blood and soil of the people.

Now they are sheep with no shepherd.

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Already getting multiple articles written about, I'm sure it's not gonna work tho.


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wrong vers

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Kek. NPCs trying to meme, it's fucking priceless.

Ezekiel 36:26 I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.

Grey to Flesh

it's dangerous to go alone, take this.

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I'd like to think it's caused some to realize they've never had an original thought.

But in reality they are assblasted because they've been told to be assblasted.

Use NPC's to rollout the next campaign - expose the jewish control of the drive by media and their hatred for our freedoms.

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Mods banned me for 3 days for posting this OC meme. Why are they afraid?

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The NPC meme hits home with the keyboard monkeys.

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>Says 'universal healthcare' like it's reasonable
This is some tempting bait.
I'm surprised you didn't catch anything.

To be fair the driver in the control seat of your head isn't real.
This is what buddhist monks and whatnot are referring to when they say 'the self is an illusion.'
And many people will meditate their entire lives to get a snapshot of what it's like to notice there's no 'you;'
there's just experience.

I really doubt 'NPC's' perceive the world with so much clarity.
Hell, most people will never experience that clarity despite trying their best.

The British people were great for a brief time, but their leaders have so horribly betrayed them. It makes me kind of sad seeing the British peoples fall so far so fast. The great betrayal began when they fought against Hitler.

It matters not, because the globalists need everyone to be npcs for their plan to succeed. At this point in time, I support all nationalistic movements. It is time to free the oppressed minorities from our rule by balkanizing North America.

I love it when someone says what I want to say for me, and they get digits.

it's win-win
either they wake the fuck up, or they chimpout in an entertaining way

>mock "people who avoid thinking as much as possible because they have a seriously low pain threshold for cognitively demanding tasks"
>reads wikipedia and blogs instead of books
>posts simplistic infographs taken out of context
>reduces everything to either/or binaries
>believes complex issues have simple, singular causes
>uses anecdotal, statistically insignificant evidence
>communicates exclusively in 1-3 sentence forum posts
>responds to anything not understood with ad hominems
Yes pol you're so special
Here's some pol programming, in a nice dumbed-down form you can understand

"normal grassroot levels" aren't a thing anymore because everyone is on the goddamn internet and the MSM is naming Jow Forums and Jow Forums directly.

This is true, but they also respond to shame (hence white guilt). Maybe if we shame them enough they’ll break down (?)