Experiencing youtube downtime?

Experiencing Youtube downtime? I'm a google engineer and I'm just going to let you in on a little secret:

We're doing a purge of right wing channels so massive that it requires a server restructuring. PJW, Sargon, Styx, Crowder, you name it. All will be gone by tonight.

Trump went too far and we're shutting it all down. You're not allowed to be right wing on the internet anymore. We are in the process of banning the right as we speak. In no less than a few hours the entire right wing will cease to exist.

Attached: Youtube.jpg (1920x1080, 131K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Alt rite bad!

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>I'm a google engineer
I'm sure you are sebastian

Attached: proofs.webm (320x240, 889K)

This is going to be epic





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this is a slide thread

So according to your larp YouTube videos is the right? Not the people with all the guns? Stupid, but I replied anyway.

YouTube is experiencing a worldwide outage. This for me goes to show how dependant I am on YouTube. It's literally where I spend all my time. Now I have to actually do something else. Wow.

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That means twitter will ban Donald trumps twitter too right? based on your own logic and explanation. Otherwise larp.

Things reactionaries say that would be awesome if they were actually true.


God damn it I have a school assignment due tonight and I need to watch a youtube video. THey better fix it ASAP

orange man bad

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My friend is an engineer at YT
They have no idea what’s going on. They’re scrambling to get the site back up but they think it’s a DDoS attack

Emergency .onion address?

Decent Larp.

Still though, she was only the beginning.

Attached: YouNext.png (1377x1539, 109K)

I'll take things that didn't happen for a thousand, Alex

Thank leaf I've been looking for that webm for ages

This might be true: just went to find a Count Floyd clip saying "Oooo, spooky stuff!", and none of them play. Keep getting "an error occurred".


It’s back up.

doubt it, if it was planned they would have executed the migration at a time with less active users.

BIG DDOS attack. This is similar to the Miri attack.

Trump crashed it with the horse face thing.

Attached: horse face.png (598x844, 36K)

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IGTT -1x10^100| out of 10

>Experiencing Youtube downtime?
no i'm literally watching a video right now


The internet is for NPCs only

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I was watching JewTube on my TV and it just quit on me. I was getting ready to watch a Black Pigeon video.

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It’s back up and all my right wing subscriptions are gone

Fuck women!

Find a redpilled bf:


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Thats bullshit but I believe it

test, plz respond.

test plz respond.

Shut up, you evil pedo cunt.

Shocked, I tell you.

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Bull shit


Disabling some links takes server reconstruction and downtime? You truly are retarded 3rd worlders

nah nothing is working on youtube right now, fuck i needed a tutorial on how to get mods working for skyrim, "press subscribe and it works" my ass

its not youtube. Take youtube out of the picture. a lot of shit is down right now. shit not even related to google

So you are giving all of your business to bitchute for free?

>le meme LARPING flag

Attached: SMUG LOLIS.png (477x477, 597K)

Just tried to access YouTube on my IPad and it isn’t working.

JewTube purging channels probs

It’s not working for me.

Attached: 64C228EF-73A3-43DA-B563-A84513C503FB.png (427x500, 464K)

ditto can't watch any videos no matter who's it is.

Kikes BTFO!

This is annoying because i'm eating boiled peanuts and when I'm eating boiled peanuts I need to have something on in the background but Youtube is down so now I have to type this out fuck.

>mfw using bitchute
>it actually has to load
>i feel like i'm waiting for a JAV torrent to finish

fuck this gay ass """"""alternative"""""" for youtube.

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It's happening isn't it

Attached: BostonDynamics.webm (1185x500, 2.68M)

>..... . ∴∷∷∷∷∷∷∷∴. ∴∷∷●⎝ ⎠●∷∷∴. ∷∷∷∷ ┻ ∷∷∷∷. ∵∷∷∷ ﹌ ∷∷∷∵. . ∵∷∷∷.∷∷∷∵. . . . ∷∷∷∷∷. . . . ∷∷∷∷∷

thank you for clearing that up friend.

Attached: 121413.png (432x716, 347K)


Cool man thanks for letting us know. We'll just support the other sites and a good junk of the reasonable people on the left will follow us as well. Besides Youtube had at most five years left before some crypto copy replaced it.

it was the chinese. screencap this. This is the next part of the trade war folks,

That's kinda autistic!

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>activate it
What did he mean by this???

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I'm not right wing because of some stupid faggots on Youtube take them down you shill, you'll only piss off normie conservatives even more

Styx? Fuck you, he was my comfy morning chat friend.

1. Everyone spam bitchute on all channels, accounts, and sub space frequencies
2. Bitchute becomes 500% better due to the influx of new users and creators
3. Major blow against google's oppressive stranglehold and closer to critical bitchute mass causing insane growth and youtube holocaust

For maximum yield bump this with provocative banter designed to elicit response.

What are (((they))) trying to hide?


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You can't kill what doesn't live.

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Q predicted this

Confirming no playback.

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you'd be surprised by what can die.

Same here, JewTube isn’t working.

As somebody who makes money off youtube I am EXTREMELY pissed off, they better pay me for the ad revenue I am currently losing.

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pls no, there will be even more e celeb threads on this board if such a thing is possible

>Spoon clanking intensifies

>The ravens will starve

Attached: End Times.png (750x1334, 205K)

>The NPC meme hit soooo close to home Google just decided to take down Youtube to stop the harassment.

tiem for comfy plex kdramas

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Will you purge Israel ?!

No nigger it's the silence
YouTube first, what next

Qanon knew about this

mff i was trying to watch glorious ducks for the 11th time this day

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Asking the real questions here

no it's not

Reveal youself, Vee.

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God I hope this is true.

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just hurry the fuck up then, you turbonerds. I want to watch some ASMR before I go to bed

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Oi vey.

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Last paragraph gave it away, that was a good one tho

He was down for 30minutes today too.

Call the goblin slayer! Purge, kill, Kill! Heresy must be purged.

I thought I didn’t pay my cable bill.... glad to know I’m not the only one... Jow Forums is working tho so I figured it out

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And twitter was spamming people messeges, strings of random shit today. UK mainly.

What a low effort larp

Well, people in positions of power like having sex with children. Should come as no surprise if something about child-raping is causing Youtube to be down.

Powerful people just accept other powerful people as they are. As a result, pedophilia and other bad things are just accepted and no one snitches.