/hue/volution - SARTORI EDITION

Thread theme youtu.be/QxOZfPHQQCg
17 youtu.be/2N14a0jA39Q
New TV ad using Cid Gomes' speech youtu.be/a_fdx8KkwDo

>2nd round polls: BOLSONARO 59% X HADDAD 41% (Ibope)
Bolsonaro vs. Haddad run-off will happen in October 28th.


Jair Bolsonaro is the front-runner in Brazil's presidential election. He is a conservative Christian, pro-gun, a former army captain, and the only candidate with no corruption charges against him. He's looking to modernise the lethargic Brazilian economy with the aid of UChicago economist Paulo Guedes. He wants to align Brazil's foreign policy with Western nationalist governments against the influence of China, Eurasianism and regional socialism (Venezuela and Cuba). He has a hard stance on crime and supports increasing the power of police forces and the army to tackle Brazil's drug and violence problems. Under heavy fire from the media and academia, with an extremely restricted campaign budget, and having survived an assassination attempt, Bolsonaro's presidential run is nothing short of extraordinary.

JB's antagonist in the presidential race is Fernando Haddad, a sociologist, former minister of education under Lula and former mayor of São Paulo. He's running for the left-wing Labour Party (PT) under the guidance of former president Lula, who is currently in prison after being convicted for corruption and money laundering. PT had been the ruling party in Brazil for 13 years, but is facing high rejection in the polls after a police investigation uncovered the largest known corruption scheme in Brazilian history, which PT architected.

MORE INFORMATION: pastebin.com/raw/fuZH3p7g

Attached: sartori.jpg (600x399, 195K)

Other urls found in this thread:


First for Shutting it down

Attached: Punished Frota.png (750x500, 283K)

Sartori é comunista, não tanto quanto o Eduardo Leite mas é
Para de fazer propaganda pra esses socialistas lixos do PSDB e PMDB

Attached: DEMOCRACTIC PROCESS.jpg (723x960, 111K)

Attached: 10 mandamentos zap.jpg (916x807, 234K)

Estadão, Folha de São Paulo, Veja e outros estão todos mortos no twitter, male mal tem 20 pessoas dando like naquela porra.

oy vey

Attached: 000.jpg (35x46, 1K)

Attached: mbga.png (1083x1083, 512K)

Pois é
A Folha tava com propaganda do Itaú no site online.
Acho que é a unica fonte de renda deles atualmente

José Ivo "mate um professor" Sartori


Attached: 2547524524413.jpg (574x576, 50K)

>Threadly reminder that Haddad's Government Plan seeks to justify a "counter-coup" with the "Golpe" narrative


Attached: 1539562659538.jpg (305x258, 19K)

imprensa nacional ameniza o discurso porque são dependentes do Estado e sabem que é inevitável a derrota do Bolsonaro. Daqui a pouco vão começar a puxar o saco dele.

Só lembrando que quem votou no Amoedo tem a mesma culpa de quem votou no Haddad.

*a vitória

Pois é, mas escrever matéria pra 20 pessoas?
O próprio autor da parada deve estar ligando pra rodinha de maconha dele e pedindo like.

Eduardo Leite é uma bicha trabalhando para a agenda gay. Tu não faz a mínima idéia.


12 days left

Attached: Dubolso.jpg (675x675, 94K)

Plano deles é colocar de volta alguns black blocs e feminazis na rua
Todavia o congresso pode passar uma lei anti terrorismo e colocar na cadeia com mais facilidade, já que em 2013 e 2014 eles eram soltos em menos de 24horas

Attached: Left agitation.png (674x438, 232K)

Já localizaram o culpado pelas covardes agressões perpetuadas pelos apoiadores de Bolsonaro. Prisão pra esse crápula QUANDO?

Attached: criminoso procurado.png (417x478, 228K)

Acho que ocorrerá o oposto, será uma administração observada no microscópio, se o pessoal der um peido pro lado errado, vão tratar igual o Presidente Trump lá fora.

He can't keep getting away with it

Someone, plz draw this Bolsonaro fanfic

Attached: FanFic.png (398x322, 111K)

só beta e corno votou no Amoedo


Attached: 1538795595505.png (235x231, 94K)


Attached: check 'em.gif (300x450, 201K)


Give this man his sticky.

So we got a possible provable false flag on our hands


This happened during the morning in SP, the dudes in pic related were discussing murder in a rally that would happen in Campinas, which is close to the location where this person was murdered, there is a possibility that this may be true.

Attached: 1539741120350.jpg (1080x1083, 121K)


Attached: fred.jpg (1280x720, 197K)

Parece verídico.

>the name is hidden
Jesus christ, are you guys the hate machine or not?

Attached: aquele momento que o protagonista descobre o plano do vilão.jpg (960x936, 111K)

>The Economist
>half a paragraph about acutal economic policies

MSM never fails to amuse me. The best is that I take economic studies and saw people biting this HARD. Kek.

>não compartilhem meu post, nem tirem prints

Attached: 1515618690357.jpg (640x426, 168K)


Censoring will come after Youtube servers come back


Thanks Sartori.

Holy fucking shit, someone just fucking sent me the NOVA ERA meme into my zap

What the fuck, we are TRULY breaking the conditioning

Attached: NOVAERA.png (635x217, 164K)

O Griiingoo tá certoo!

Claro, Leite é uma putinha queima a rosca, não vai poder casar. heueuhuheuheuhe

Not at all


Attached: 1478874524388.png (1889x1889, 340K)

É verdade esse bilete?~

Do you guys think someone put something that should not in the youtube and they shutdown?

Attached: taxescivil.jpg (339x395, 34K)

I have a lot of friends studying economics at FGV

it's filled with people unironically supporting andrade and hoping that he'll call meirelles
what a bunch of gullible idiots

>defende gay do PSDB


Sartoti é pro-Bolsonaro.

Dude, what the fuck,
tão me mandando as porra do meme que a gente tá fazendo sem parar

Bora logo gerar essa merda de bandeira do HUELÂNDOA pra essa porra viralizar

Agora já baixei os videos do kit gay de 2011
só esperar amanhã pra ver a nova estratégia da esquerda

Attached: WATCHA DOING.jpg (719x592, 70K)

que merda
achei q ele fosse menos escandaloso

My zap is looking exactly like /hue/volution rn

And I live in a shithole, and this fucking shit is reaching me trough there

Attached: zapZapZap.png (531x447, 207K)

Porn actor.

kek, mfw your meme boomerangs back to you

Attached: kill - Copia.jpg (600x542, 48K)

>They are trying to censor WhatsApp in Brazil
>Youtube goes down with majority of top trending videos mentioning Bolsonaro
>Youtube comes back with a "fixed" algorithm that hides right wing channels.
>They ban conservative youtube channels / facebook and twitter pages 1 week before the election

>They fraud the election on the 28th and people can't organize properly because all the internet influencers are banned and Whatsapp groups got censored.

Attached: cristiano-halal.jpg (364x500, 90K)


Attached: elanunca.jpg (480x620, 66K)

I'm fucking angry. I'm ready to go to war against these satanic tyrants.

Perdi na pica

Attached: oh shit.png (640x628, 150K)

>mfw zoomers are sharing memes I made on zap
What the fuck

Attached: 1539556701274.jpg (458x448, 113K)

Não sei se dá pra ver o video que postei agora por causa do erro no youtube. Lá ele diz que é à favor do casamento gay, legalização de drogas e que isso e "a evolução das coisas".

Típico discurso 100% subversivo.

I'm from fucking nordeste, and this shit is getting here
Not the first time

a)Catar os dois livros, disponibilizar eles aqui, memeficar o conteúdo deles até chegar nos tiozão e na mídia
>Defesa do socialismo(x)

>Desorganizando o consenso()
b)Espalhar as boas novas do panteão do Deus e a profecia de mais dois países escolhidos
c)Criar a bandeira do Huestão
d)Tentar tornar aquela idéia de exame toxicológico nas universidades uma realidade
>Criar oneliner anti-maconheiro universitário
>Criar conteúdo viral para espalhar para a tiozada
e)Criar uma discussão nacional para se banir partidos comunistas e tornar apologia ao comunismo crime inafiançável, igual aos nazi
f)Conseguir por #VivaUstra no TT

Okay, lads. I need some input again.

Attached: flag-35.png (1279x720, 66K)

Attached: enough.jpg (316x202, 15K)

its happening bois

Attached: 1539742003295s (1).jpg (250x177, 7K)

manda aí, precisamos preservar esses vídeos

You're welcome, non-BR anons.

Attached: dark_kek.png (804x322, 121K)


This is an excellent meme. Make them feel ridiculous. Make the SJWs realize how utterly pathetic they are. Hit them where it hurts. Make them so triggered they get epileptic seizures. This is how we will win.

So Brazilians are happy about Bolsonaro? What are the average Hues thoughts on him?

Brazil isn't that important...
Youtube is down everywhere

all 2 of them


It's funny because surely the little kids were blacks and pardos too.
Whoever draws this, make sure to get this detail right.

The girl on the print, is 70% a parda too. Makes ZERO sense to point that all out.

threadly reminder


>shitty hue flags
>hueistan school children
>terça livre links
>shilling for campaign events or traditional politicians


>pitú sipping
>glub glub
>actual fucking OC creators

on her imagination

yeap... he went and told the kids to say that.

Oh btw... Ford is responsible for all the car accidents that have killed people, because.... he invented the car.

the average hue had enough of socialist shits and criminality, if they don't make a huge fraud in the next voting day, he already won


Attached: pitu1.jpg (339x326, 25K)

Yeah, free time to kill tho.

glub glub is also cringe

>mfw only in faculgado group and close friends clique
Feels bad

Basicaly he wants to kill criminals and shrink the size of our FUCKING HUGE burocracy

é verdade que as montadoras chevrolet, ford e fiat declararam guerra ao Bolsonaro?
Eu achei estranho a Folha de SP ter vários ads da Chevrolet ultimamente porque a Chevrolet fez uma propaganda anti-corrupção e me parecia bem claro que era dirigida ao PT

Ano passado comprei um Onix 1.0 e me arrependi
Carro barulhento e sem estabilidade

This. Glubglub is a forced meme.

Tell that to all the kikes shitting on the candidate that has no money for his campaign and the support from the entire country, from poor folks to other people suffering violence 24/7

Pls send me the new era meme without the edit, forgot to save

This smacks of those Tucson, Arizona fires some months ago. Damn satanic Deep State meddling with the rise of our Mito.

no more commies, and hope for a concentration camps, or forced labor on PITU factories

Attached: NOVA ERA PETISTA SAFADA.png (1065x683, 860K)

>é verdade que as montadoras chevrolet, ford e fiat declararam guerra ao Bolsonaro?
First time hearing this, so probably not.

Have you ever listened to ANGRA?
Here, listen to how the nova era will be.


Attached: Captura de Tela 2018-10-14 às 17.23.10.png (561x522, 354K)

>lula ta preso babaca

Attached: LULA TA PRESO BABACA.png (640x640, 115K)


Attached: sartori.jpg (600x399, 266K)

What do you think can go?

Aqui Fi, eu trouxe o livro pra vc, não vale nada, não tem nada de útil
De novo com a ideia da censura? Pqp.. se eles não conseguem nem censurar nossos meme de zap, vc quer censurar uma ideologia?

Attached: sumario.jpg (768x1280, 64K)

It's a huge country with a huge population that is about to turn right. I don't think Cabal is too pleased about that.

became too moderate. he even loves gay people now.

Fucking fool, I PITY you, and so does the Ogdoads.

Attached: OGDOADmistery.png (1601x1001, 1.04M)

Enfim, qual carro pegar? Eu vou trocar essa bosta de Onix por um usado eu acho

Nao assistam a dancinha.

Só pra não ver essa bandeira de maconheiro na rua abertamente, e eles ficarem vulneráveis a denuncia.

É bolado e feliz, comunista bom é comunista fazendo glub glub.

Mostra essa aprensentação plz

I'm not going to draw this because the scene itself is not funny. Think about some of the scenes we've drawn:

>woman arrives at home and finds her dad with a pistol and a bottle of Pitú (??), he gives off some Bond villain speech and she runs away crying

>woman is on a car with two Bolsonaro supporters that have man buns (??) and they throw her out of the car after finding out she's not voting for him

>guy is on a driving class, the instructor reads something in Whatsapp and stops the class to preach about Bolsonaro

All these scenes are intrinsically funny. The scene in that pasta is absurd, for sure, but it's not funny. A bunch of kids point at someone... that's it. Nothing happens.

You guys need to learn how to meme for fuck's sake.


Attached: trabalho e socialismo.png (330x545, 21K)

Ok, um minuto

Attached: 1539651753701.jpg (1000x1000, 38K)