40% of the American middle class face poverty in retirement, study concludes

What did capitalism mean by this?

>40% of the American middle class face poverty in retirement, study concludes
>Some 40 percent of middle-class Americans are at risk of poverty in retirement, due to depressed earnings and asset values and increased health-care costs.
>Nearly three-quarters of workers now plan to work past traditional retirement age.


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fuck yeah the soviets just killed useless old shitheads

but seriously, this is very disturbing. it can't be good for society in the near future. I don't want to live in gated armed communities driving my armor plated suv out only for work and groceries. oh well surely more tax breaks for billionaires will fix this up

>current year

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Fed prints money. More money means more inflation. More money increase cost of goods and services. Government is heavily involved in health care and housing and govt. doesn't care about costs thereby driving up the cost of those things. Too much cheap credit leads to speculation which leads to a crash which leads to deflation and lost of value in assets. Fred prints more money to ease the deflation and increase supply of money. Rinse and repeat. Sooooo if the Fed is part of the government and government is heavily involved in housing and health care then how it's the fault of capitalism?

>doesn't want to live in a 3rd world shit hole
>supports bringing third worlders into his country so that they can numerically out number the local population and turn the country into a 3rd world shit hole

I really wish the pro-capitalist right could go far enough away from the real right that it wouldn't be almost justified for the left to continue pretending traditionalism is corporatist

>live above means entire life
>wonder why nothing is left to retire on

typical boomer logic

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Retirement is a bullshit and unrealistic concept. If you dont work you die.

>bunch of people who worked 40 years, didn't save shit and retired ASAP are financially fucked
Not my problem.


economy is the best in history

Well hot damn, guess they're reaping the shit they sowed

>be boomer
>kick kids out
>die alone

Let's just round up the internationalist billionaires first and work out way down the list.

>Forcing your decrepit old grandmother and grandfather back to work for Mr. Shekelberg because "if you dont work you die"
Simply baste

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>older generations lived in 1000 sq. ft. houses
>current year faggots need a 3000 ft.+ Mcmansion to be fulfilled

huh. wonder why they cant retire?

My dad buys a new guitar every year, chain smokes cigars and has to buy new prosthetic limbs all the time because he takes up meme diets that he never sticks to, then complains about debt. Is my dad the ultimate boomer?

American Families are simply going to have to all move into one property and rent out their homes to foreign invaders from the next emerging economy.

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I have no future so I don't really mind.

Fuck women!

Get a redpilled bf TODAY:


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no we'd be happy with the 1000 sq ft house actually, if you know of any that don't cost 1 million dollars I'd love to hear from you.

>Caring about Boomer retires who lost their savings after they destroyed their own economy.
So what?

Yep, and if you keep going this way, society is going to collapse and everyone will die instead. Seems like the lesser of two evils doesn't it? Kinda like how life will never be perfect.

>Drink $8 of Monster while sitting atop $3200 ride mower to cut 1/8th an acre of land
>Spend the afternoon on $12000 boat, downing $18 in Monster and Steel Reserve
>"B-but why can't I retire?"

Most of my generation wants to actually be able to affort to own a house like their parents and/or Grandparents could do on little to no Education out of highschool and with Minimum/"Low" wage jobs.

When boomers were being born, your country was swimming in radiation so no. Just your average 1st worlder that spent his life in a few decades

>implying boomers are enjoying retirement before retirement
You dont seem to understand the meme

>on little to no Education out of highschool and with Minimum/"Low" wage jobs.
>Guise, millenials are dumbasses going to college for debt
>guise, millenials dont want skilled jobs
Are you retarded?

>more tax breaks for billionaires will fix this up

more free shit for dindus will fix this up

Because the average retard's "costs of living" and bills to pay went up but the net pay stayed the same level and they are locked into their dumb fuck mindset that it's the roaring zero consequence easy mode 80s and 90s.

>Suddenly having to pay triple or quadruple your previous phone bill because you GOTTA HAVE A SAIL FAWN with a data plan. Add more to this cost for every potential family member.

>Cable or Satellite TV when you used to buy a TV and pay fucking nothing afterwards.

>Internet is a separate price 9 times out of 10 you have to pay on top of the previous

>Probably paying a monthly or annual monthly calculated free for some bullshit service like spotify, netflix, some shit online game or amazon prime.

>Oh hey you're running even more power gobbling horse shit as you had in the 90s- Those 350-400 watt laptops and 800+ watt PCs displays, big ass flatscreens, power hungry smartphone chargers, router modem and more add up- Don't forget your consoles and blu-ray players that you never turn off!

>Everyone over medicates at the drop of a hat. Got the sniffles? gotta have your sniffleprofin and clariten D, Blood pressure slightly high? Why stop eating a fistful of bacon just take a 2 dollar pill, feeling mopey since your life isn't perfect? More pills!

>Lazy faggots who are SOOOO BUSY (and yet have more free time than anyone in history since the 80s) are still eating fastfood which has spiked in price by a factor of x3 or more VS making your own goddamn food. It is now cheaper in contrast to make lobster and duckfat roasted potatos at home than to buy two big mac combo meals- Daily food costs as a result per person are now often 10+ dollars due to raw laziness.

Times changed and purchasing power barely budged and idiotic boomers and zoomers can't fucking use their brains. What a shocker.

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>$12000 for a boat
Try another mortgage of $180,000. Boats and RVs are expensive as shit.


Boomers and some Gen X are the ONLY ones who have ever "retired" and they still steal from the young to do it.

The only real path to retirement is MULTIGEN HOUSEHOULDS. Fuck your "nuclear family", grandparents, parents and children in one big house is how we should live.

Personal responsibility is hard apparently. Save some money, understand basic investment concepts, and live within your means. I have enough saved to retire by 40 if I wanted to. I have no sympathy for idiots.

It means the american dream was bullshit and democracy is a fucking retarded scam

>I don't want to live in gated armed communities driving my armor plated suv
You think 70 year old childfree faggot are a real threat?

>more free shit for dindus will fix this up
actually that is the lefties real strategy.
Apparently if youre an American from a family multiple generations in, you have a better idea of how credit works and how to save your cash.
If youre new to the nation, you have no idea wtf and truly believe there is a such thing as (((free))).
They want wage slaves to fuel the economy rather than people like me who buy a 20 year old truck for $1200, fix it with my hands and not have debt.
The economy does better when a nogger (((subscribes))) to an automobile (like a lease but worse) then has nothing to show for it at the end of the 21 month term for some $1100 a month.

Retirement...do you mean when I die at work?

t. Gen x

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Don't forget, student jew loans that take 1/3 of your check too. Plus side though, the next generations are going to be Great Depression era spenders and the Department of Education will probably be abolished for real.

you are going to get this either way given the explosion of african groids and migrants streaming into your country.

lols credit is going to be the last thing you care about when some el salvadoran is coming to rape/mug you.

>Cutting grass is enjoying retirement

You have low standards

People who buy brand new cars every few years fucking piss me off so much. Why? What a fucking waste of money.

Wages have rose 4% of americans. Trumps policies work to grow your wages and your retirement.

Imagine that

Do you tell them? I do. I point out how shit their lives are as a result of their consumerist choices.

>you have
Am I fucking retired, you raging cock addict?

Gen X here.

I'm supporting my mom. She didn't make great choices and, well, she has never been "well."

My retirement plan looks a lot like a coroner's verdict of suicide. Like, great, it's 2040, Social Security has gone bankrupt ten years ago, I'm eating catfood, yeah, that sounds fantastic.

We should start expecting HUGE WAVES of suicides of people who are fifty to sixty, starting maybe five to ten years from now.

What really triggers idiots across the board from old school dickless conservatives to classical liberals to the modern REEsistance?

You -can- actually live on minimum wage just fine. You just can't have it all.

You won't be sitting in a crackerbox with an empty fridge in the corner in the dark by far- But you won't be king dick of the bougie brigade dropping stacks for your extra chipotle scoops.

Well think of it this way, save up and try to get the best job you can OR just spend other people's money and tell the world to fuck off when you die. Boomers don't care, period. They will spend and make as much debt as possible and refuse to pay back, they are basically running out the clock. Our generation maybe able to get away with it because we are going to have fewer kids.

We better flood the country with unskilled immigrants to stick it to those porkies. They sure hate cheap labor.

The solution is easy - don't let women into your life for any reason. MGTOW is the only chance a man has to avoid misery in feminist western nations today.

I never understood why people hated this idea, this is how it was and how it should be. Parents work, grand parents raise the kids and when they grandparents pass away and the parents retire the adult kids keep the cycle going. Besides gratitude towards your parents who raised you people forget, not only is child care hella expensive grandparents usually make better care takers, they raised you and being that the grandkids are their direct bloodline relatives they have a natural vested interest. I

They just won't do it. These people were raised when there were more jobs than people and wealth was enough so that a young 18 year old could leave. Now you look at today and the job market is being intentionally throttled while those once wealthy older people who struck out in their teens are now dying broke in a hospice home and have nothing to give their children.

I'm in the same boat, not gen X tho, mom had me way late in life. Thing is, i'm going back for my RN and I have two older brothers who don't have kids and do help out. Mom did do her job with us so we're returning the favor. Also, moms not from the mainland, my white ass is technically an eliot rogers minus the angst.

You're right there, I do see a fuckton of suicides in 5-10 years from now, when gen Y's parents start dying off those who can't afford the taxes on their folks place or rent are fucked. We've all seen friends end up on the street and know once you're homeless that's it, it's pretty much a slow suicide anyway so you might as well get it over with.

Who I really feel bad for, white people. They had the previous generations fuck them over and well, many made the same decisions. Sadly, we all have to live in the shit society the helped create and in the end we're going to be replaced by Indians and East Asians. As someone with browm/yellow family I can tell you one big reason why, family. Anglos here forgot the importance of it.
I grew up dirt poor and deep down am different culturally so there's that. What's sad is my caucasian fathers family was just like that, way back in the day they all lived on one piece of land and took care of eachother, now they're all modernized and well, selfish. The women are the fucking worst.

Most Americans are idiots because they don't save. They just spend and spend on shit they don't need. I save. I'm set.

>Middle class

The US everybody!

Lol you are stupid if you are poor after retirement. I want no more medicaid, medicare(i gotta pay for grandmas new lung after smoking a carton a day?) or social security. I'm rich, i did well in school, why penalize people like me? Married a beautiful women, have great kids, and just bought a nice house in a good upper middle neighborhood.

Here is the truth for you right wing incels. I voted for Trump because I hate taxes. I hate helping lazy people. You all will turn democrat IF you fail in life and need that guvment assistance. You will STAY conservative if you are successful.

I'm a millenial and I feel you brother.

If you're too dumb to save money for the time when you are making no money, it's not the fault of capitalism. You are a god damned moron.

i dont plan on living lone enough to retire, this is no issue to me

Are you mentally unwell?
>offer social programs
>big ass government pensions
>massively subsidized healthcare for the poor
>generate massive amounts of unfunded liabilities and regulations by doing this

>8 recent years of socialist policies
>ever increasing taxes and welfare since the 50s
>crippled economy by high taxes
>red tape in small business
>study not acounting for areas and taking all diverse territory into consideration.
Capitalism why you do dis? gtfo out of here you utter imbecile. Let's trade passports I'll give you my socialist country and I'll keep your freedom ungrateful cunt. Fuck you


everyone thinks that

If you steer clear from the marriage and kids memes you’re good

Everyone says this kek

Ever heard of inflation?

>america succeeds for 200 years with protectionism
>goes free market autistic in the 70s
>shit immediately takes a gigantic nose dive
what did capitalism mean by this?

“Poverty” in America means cable tv, android phones, a crappy house in the suburbs, and fast food.

>increased healthcare costs

huh... that's interesting

whatever happened to that thing. What was it called?

O ya, the Affordable Care Act. Wasn't that supposed to do something about reversing increasing health care costs?

I'll give you three guesses as to who takes those low skill jobs user.

Enjoy having some jew empty your bank account. So they can bribe more politicians,to genocide you.
Americans have out lived their usefulness as slaves, time for less chatty less likely to rebel slaves.

I mean, I'm not super-attached to being alive or anything, if I am going to be honest. I just imagine that there's going to be a hell of a lot of other guys who hit the big five oh and think, "What am I sticking around for? When did I last smile? When was the last time I got a blowjob? Is there anything I'm looking forward to other than fishing until I keel over of a heart attack?"

No one is fiscally responsible these days. everyone has an iphone and/or the latest whatchamacallits, but they whinge and complain in social media about their money.
retards. Don't you know the fable of the ant and the grasshopper?

why would a law that forced people to buy healthcare from private companies that subsequently price hiked their insurance make health care cheaper?

If I made a law that made it illegal for you to NOT buy the newest iphone you wouldnt call it socialist or communist but because healthcare is a social service you all just assume its socialism because social service has "social" in it. ACA is pure capitalist exploitation

>No one is fiscally responsible these days. everyone has an iphone and/or the latest whatchamacallits
sounds like a symptom of capitalism

I don't think you're gonna be eating catfood in 2040 bud, but it might be tight. What's your current job? I'm 22 and am working on saving/investments. My parents were fucking retarded when it came to finance and watching them crash and burn as an adult has been wild.

Hey fuck nugget commies killed more people then the fucking black plauge

>he says with an An-com flag

>america invades every socialist country or starts a CIA coup to protect the walmart sweatshops and stop third world countries from enacting evil communist reforms like banning sweatshops
>bro whys everyone being killed in communism
no fucking clue man

I was being hypothetical about it. In reality I am not going to make it that long, I have some health issues. My dad screwed me out of a lot of money, so I wasn't even financially stable until I was about forty. Consequently, I don't have much in the way of savings and I'm not too worried about it because there's almost no chance I would survive to retirement age.

no, it actually sounds like a symptom of being fucking retarded.

The Fed is privately owned and you can't even figure out who owns it.

Go ahead and try.

The kikes have got this own completely sown up.

my dad graduated high school in 1978 and bought a large plot of land for $10k, married my mom, had my older brother, and built a 2-story house + basement with the help of his brothers who were blue collar trained and could do electrical/plumbing etc. work for cheap. He had a huge yard, 2 dogs, 2 cats, my mom, and my brother by age 26. Zero higher education, worked in the basement of an IT company sorting floppy discs back when they were the size of vinyl records.

I turned 26 two months ago, have a business degree from a good state university, and make only enough to live with 3 guys in a shit hole built in the 1930s whose utilities fuck up all the time. We pay $3000/month in rent. We have to rent in the city because traffic is so bad, it would take us 90+ minutes to get to work one-way if we chose to live in the suburbs. For any of us to do what my dad did, we would need to make at least 1.5-2x more than we do now to cover the mortgage and pay for the kids + pets. Did I also mention he put a jacuzzi in the back yard at age 28?

Meanwhile, my boss made millions when my company went public two years ago and bought a massive mansion in a suburb town near us and owns three cars. His boss made dozens of millions and closed on a yacht + jet soon after. I got a 5% raise for it, which came out to exactly $1 more per hour. Thank you, glorious new Gilded Age.

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ideological indoctrination has complete control over people's lives if they never learned the philosophical pathways to identify and critique ideology, which surprise surprise, isnt taught in american school systems


that really sucks man. I'm sorry.

No dumb shit it was all done by YOU.
I believe in live and let live, you believe in the meme of equity. You forces everything away from people and when they disagreed you either shot them dead, or put them in jail to be killed.
Remeber ass nugget your ideology was more ruthless then The whole facisct regime.

100 percent of the soviet middle class face poverty out of the womb
wait i meant 100 percent of the country

none of you assholes who put their retirement into the hands of your government are going to retire!

you're luck if the government doesn't print your savings into oblivion with its shitty fiat currency

you fuckers are going to work until you keel over

that's your future
that was the price of decades of welfare cheese

pfff stupid fucks, as if I am retiring, I'm ODing on opiates on my 65th birthday

Im more of an An-com than communist. I just use commie flag for the sake of memes. I dont want state socialism, there are way more preferable transitional states of socialism than stalinism or state socialism

65% of people over the age of 45 are very poor...they live paycheck to paycheck

just don't take my fucking money, you pos

that's all i care about

the only way out is to become the most obedient corporate slave you can and kiss enough ass to get to a significantly higher-paying role. in other words, become a good goy and keep your mouth shut. I won't lie, we have seriously considered selling drugs because the system is completely rigged against young people and our incentive to follow the rules is small.

Yup. It's back to quiet desperation for us.

Is there anything like a future left?

Kill the Elite.
You will get your future back.
6 people on this forsaken rock own 50% of all assets in or on earth.

there can be if you get a hustle. the 9-5 dream is for people who still think the system can work for them if they work hard and always show up on time. Unless Trump does something about the fact that real wages haven't increased since the 1970s compared to inflation, it will very soon be time to start thinking outside the box to get ahead and have a chance at a good life and a family.

The current people will not retire comfortably. You should check out what happened to middle aged people when Soviet Union fell apart. Old people with no family died out. Currency collapse is a bitch. There is no shot USD will be worth anything but a fraction of its value in 20-30 years. Invest in a family, they will help to get through this, people with no family will mostly die out. The social programs will not be honored the way the things are now.

yes, USSR was tragic, even marxists agree

What marxists want to happen is for private property to be owned by the workers. Private property is things like factories, land, natural resources, patents, tools etc. MArxits are not interested in collective ownership of pencils, pillows, shoes, etc. That is all personal property and people keep all that.

redistributing wealth is gay as fuck and is a total mistake.

its a real problem especially since america was feeding itself cold war propaganda for 50 years and basically gave themselves a confirmation bias because the soviets went full retard so absolutely everyone is programmed to hate everything left wing and now people call shit like public school communist.

>What did capitalism mean by this?
I don't know but we'd better import more unskilled labor so the old fucks can't even support themselves working at walgreens.

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Silly goyim you're going to work until you're in the grave
I'm honestly surprised that jews aren't pushing that retirement is lazy and for parasites a long the lines of welfare to normalize it