
I've read the psychology today articles about the study, but I'm still not quite sure what constitutes an inner monologue in the context of the NPC. It seems most people do in fact have an inner monologue but find it expressed in different ways. But when we refer to an inner monologue here, I'm confused. Is the inner monologue having the ability to reason on a level deeper than how your thoughts interpret the world, or to put another way, the ability to separate and recognize your thoughts as a product of your identity, not your identity itself? Is your identity a product of your thoughts, which are a product of the world around you, or are your thoughts a product of your identity? Interpretation vs reaction, which I'm sure is always in a tug-of-war.

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It’s the ability to think own thoughts, not just regurgitate information. Although one can argue that all information is essentially regurgitated, what matters is if you arrive to it with your own creative or critical thinking or hear about it from some political figure, actor, news, etc and perceive it as truth.

I would argue that a better description of this is whether someone is purely reactive or whether they can interpret and then react.

the inner monologue is the linguistic/auditory mode of thought, much like how the "mind's eye" is the visual mode of thought
if you ever had a song stuck in your head you have an inner monologue. how powerful it is depends on you

I've had songs stuck in my head for weeks that almost drove me crazy. I guess I'm having a hard time fathoming a person that functions purely on a reactive basis with no consideration for interpretation or how others may interpret the same situation.

That's not what the article was implying, rather what the faggots who're pushing the NPC meme got out of it.

Conducting inner thought means you have the ability (and regularly use such ability) to speak within your own mind, and therefore conduct deeper rumination upon your life, and its various scenarios, situations, and stimuli.

People who do not do this have strictly reflexive thought. Meaning they do only think in reaction to the sight or essence of the stimulus in front of them.

For example, when i think of a car i think of the idea of a car. People with no inner speech will literally envision a car (red 4 door sedan, for example). They think in response.

I think deeply.

But it would be a product of having no inner monologue, I think.

Are you implying not all people have a "voice" in their head?

It's an interesting line of thought. I try to think without the inner monologue most of the times. It's faster to make the connection about something and then express it with language. What you are trying to explore with identity is a bit less objective, since identity in today's society is a bit more pluralistic than it used to be. There is always someone else's ideas in you.

They admit to not having it by implying that we are the weird ones for possessing an inner monologue. Pic related seriously creeps me out because I thought it was just a meme, but by their own admission, they lack it.

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The basic reason they do not have a voice in their head is because they dint pay nominate in school. the inner voice is your ability to comprehend what you are seeing, then articulate it into thought. Whats going on is they have the language skill of a seventh grader, so what happens is they can basically figure out how to use tools, that and they don't understand how easy it is for others to do basic deceive work to figure otu the situation.

It's not a voice. It's interpreting an idea. The idea has to be expressed in tangible form, namely language. But no, it's not a voice.

the study itself was complete shit and the methodology stunk.

i think on a basis of feelz. if i want a more detailed account of what they mean, i do an effort and get the full memo. but feelz based cognition(TM) grants faster and better decisions.

The studies are referring to literal inner monologue, i.e., talking to yourself and hearing it in your head, which (I legitimately hope) most everyone does but apparently in different patterns and contexts.

t. M.A., Psychology

I personally talk to myself the majority of my day and reason through what I should do. I can't imagine how people who don't do this can make rational decisions without relying on language. I totally agree that people without inner monologue must basically be NPCs. If they cannot reason internally using language, they must simply absorb their thoughts and feelings from the environment, i.e., they are programmed.

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Jews hate the NPC meme because it's the same dehumanizing concept goyim is in their religion, and they don't want NPCs to figure out jews have been dehumanizing them for thousands of years already with the goy concept.
>point out the dehumanizing nature of NPC is the same as how the Talmud says to treat goyim
>meme it hard to get people woke on the JQ

I read some user post that there is a part of the brain that is very fast at processing, but it is not that accurate. It's like instinctual reaction and is meant for quick fight or flight decision making. This is what many people have as their primary processor. Some of us have a defect or adaption that stimuli does not go there first, but rather goes through the portion that is much slower, but also much more accurate. Perhaps the auditory route is included in this? I don't know which pparts of the brain user was talking about, but figure I'd toss this out there if it triggers any ideas in anyone.

But yes, I have a sense that this has to do with instinct vs calculation. The NPC behavior heavily mirrors herd mentality. Whereas, not many of us go along with the herd in any respect.

its literally a voice. and yes, some people dont have it, they just make decisions on recalling images or body sensations, they go for the more comforting ones. most women are like this. so they dont need to process information, its already laid out for them in the shape of tv shows, facebook, twitter, etc.

Are you actually supposed to hear it?

Could be subconscious processing of stimuli and the transmission of the response to the consciousness through emotions. I'm a bit of an autist and I have to think about all social interactions as they don't come intuitively. So I'm constantly analyzing non-verbal cues and contexts consciously which makes interaction laborious and exhausting requiring lots of downtime alone. However, I've come to realize that many normies simply process these types of signals without consciously thinking about them and that they react based on how the situation makes them feel. So I gather that they are processing the correct response to various stimuli on a subconscious level and then that is transmitted via emotions to their consciousness where they react to the emotion and not the actual stimuli. It appears like it's instinct rather than reasoning through a situation like I have to constantly do.

not with your ears dude. you can almost hear it. like you can imagine exactly what it would sound like if it was out loud

its not supposed to be like an auditory hallucination if you ever had one of those.

You might be thinking "inner dialog is a lot of words in my head".
Actually, it's not. It's something deeper, something closer to true thought. That's the layer. An NPC with a head full of word salad is still brimming in brainlessness and solipsism. You must BE STILL AND KNOW.

Oh that's okay then. For a second I thought it was supposed to be like a cartoon where you can clearly hear everything you think.

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Is Mark and Jez's inner narration on Peep Show an example of the inner monologue?

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This is why the NPC meme has been so powerful. Many people, if not most people, don't have a "voice" in their head. They think almost entirely in symbols, idols/imagery.

I guess this is why they are so easily prone to programming through association. If their primary mode of decision making is via emotions from familiar or preprogrammed responses to stimuli, they'd be quite easy to manipulate and why it's less successful in people like the average user on Jow Forums

i love when Jow Forums tries to talk about something like the nuances of the human psyche and on the same page there are threads about vaccines causing autism and the earth being flat. i also find it hilarious that the biggest echo chamber on the internet is trying to paint its political enemies as unthinking automatons simply because they have a different political opinion. npc's are not partisan.

if you have ever said the following unironically, youre probably a npc: redpill, r*eddit, based, cuck, snowflake, triggered. the left doesnt have a monopoly on autistic mongoloids spewing buzzwords

this is just false. but feel free to prove your dipshit statement

When someone describes it as a voice, I take that to mean a voice other than yourself. A voice you don't control, something literally talking to you. The voice you're describing is your own thoughts and feelings expressed in ways we communicate. You are controlling your thoughts, going back and forth with yourself, but it's not a voice, it's your interpretation of the world around you. I think they misunderstand the voice as something talking to you, instead of you talking to yourself, because they don't interpret the world. They react to it.

oh shut up you fuckin homo go catch a beer bottle in the face

No, that would be a hallucination. You "hear" it like you hear a song in your head or like you're reading slowly.

t. npc

The inner voice is the Word. It is the Logos. It is pure consciousness, Gods gift to you.

Come to terms with the reality that, potentially the majority of the populace cannot reason. They cannot engage in heuristics and logic, because they experience consciousness only as a stream of vague symbolism and imagery.

Inaction is an abuse of this gift you have been granted. It is an insult to God. Embrace it, use it.

Memorize a simple sentence, for example....

"The house on the corner has a white picket fence".

Once it's memorized, don't look at it, and "read it back in your head" (remember the words). (in fact, do so while lightly biting on your tongue to prevent your lips from moving).

Could you do it? How did you "remember" it? Did you remember it as a series of words? Is it the same way that you "think" in words?

That is the inner monologue.

These tweets are fuckin' scary man. And these are the bluechecks, the upper echelons of our society.

Yeah I'm a bit of the same way. I can't make a decision without consciously talking myself through the logic in my head. You described the alternative of relying totally on subconscious processing, but I personally feel that most people make horrible decisions every day of their lives, primarily by failing to think it through. They're also not mutually exclusive, your subconscious processing of course is the vast majority of your brainpower and guides you through your conscious thought.

>our society

You mean the society the neoliberals have selected for us.

Well, yes. Like I said in the OP. It's the ability to see and recognize your thoughts as separate from who you are. The voice in your head is you interpreting the things your mind is reacting to. I could be wrong, I'm just trying to understand this is the simplest terms.

I have inner monologue every time I read.

Thought it was a way to trick people into processing propaganda into "inner monologue" like an inception type thing.

This explains NPC behavior quite nicely

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speed reading is for NPCs. if you dont absorb the information it is useless.

I remembered it because I "saw a white fence in a corner house.

>no refutation
>ad hominem

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Self-reporting by triggered shitlibs has occurred in massive amounts over the course of the past two weeks in response to this meme. Large amounts of NPC's report that they do not in fact possess an inner monologue, and furthermore call us crazy for having it. This is ample amount of evidence to support my hypothesis.

Unless you have a better means of getting inside the consciousness of large portions of the population.


I guess I mean that they offload more of that processing to the subconscious than is good for them if reasoning is a good thing. It's letting a part of the brain meant to make snap judgments about life and death deal with the complexities of modern life. That's for sure going to lead to bad decisions as much as it's a bad outcome to let a gorilla do your taxes.

thank you for this, user

God wills it brother.

Is it not normal, when reading a book to "see" the picture the author is creating? To make mental notes, and then trying to make sense of it? Or do NPCs just read as book and then just get left with feelings? Is that it or am I wrong?

i think its pretty interesting that this stuff is being talked nowadays. psychology has been literally useless for nearly all its existence, and now its producing this stuff, thats frankly where the real deal is.

this is talked in NLP too, extensively. for those who dont know, this is a branch of hypnosis. inner monologue has a huge part into it, and the characteristics of it determine if you are optimist, depressed, paranoid, etc. the shape of your thoughts create patterns and these filter reality and the options you believe you have. rudimentary forms of psychology grasped a bit of this when they encouraged free asociation talking, where people babbled the first thing that came into their minds without self censoring. most people dont know what and how they think.

I guess the responsible thing is to wake up others.

NPC’s can’t chill out because everyone on planet earth is laughing at them with us. The little braphogs.

How do you stop yourself from overthinking everything and being afraid of the bad consequences is a action?

Yes. Also, thought bubbles in cartoons. Apparently, some people don't have this, which surprises the fuck out of me.

That's called "visualization" and it's completely normal. NPCs "see" the written words but lack focus and have difficulty extrapolating beyond the literal text itself (reading between the lines is impossible for them)

i think they process very similarly to us. they can use their own memories to paint the picture an author is telling in a narration, but they dont seem to make it congruent with their other knowledge, they seem to have aisles of knowledge, tibdits of stuff, thats why the "nerd" NPCs love trivia. trivia is a way of hoarding absurd amount of useless data.

NPCs buy books and then put them up to show that they own books.

Oh okay, so they just go with the flow.

Gin and lemonade. Marijuana. Casual sex. Driving on the motorway to music, because cars can dance if you get a good enough one. Or all of the above at the same time if I’m feeling edgy.
>are you serious. Are you serious right nooooow?

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Weed just exacerbates the Inner though, and I get more in my head. Alcohol does Indeed help and so does cocaine in my experience but that is not something for everyday use.

>I'm special, everyone else is a retarded automaton
The NPC meme in a nutshell

Then try to remember something more complex. For example....

"... when in the course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands that have connected them with another.."

This is not something easily visualized. Memorize it word for word.

In the truest sense of the phrase. NPCs are entirely REactive, nearly never PROactive in their actions or interactions with the surrounding environment.

I agree, speed reading is a meme. Now, it is true you should avoid sub vocalizing to the extent possible.

i like to make the voices in my head
bernard marx is a whiny, sniveling little faggot
john is BASED

4:19: mindless npc standing around like fargoth
4:20: kill fargoth

>be muhammad
>surrounded by mindless meccan npc's
>go to mountains to be alone with my inner monologue
>a fucking angel appears and starts speaking through me
>go forth and transform the npc's
>enlighten them wherever ye find them

Yes, it's hard but can be done, I memorized it.

>How do you stop yourself from overthinking everything
In relation to what? Other people?
In other words, they identify with their thoughts, meaning You are what you think. Instead of You being able to interpret your thoughts. I picture this as layers, your thoughts are how your mind attempts to process the world while You interpret these thoughts through an inner monologue.

Now think the words in your head. Do you "hear" the words as words?

muhammed was turned into a PC by a christian hermit who lost his way.
remember that many of the real occultists were PCs, thats why they market their synbols and rituals so much to NPCs

And I don't mean "hear" like someone in the room are saying them, I mean "hear" as your mind thinks the words

My argument is that a large portion of the population does not engage in a language based, internal analysis of the world around them.

I'm self-aware enough to remember a time when I was younger where I thought "almost" explicitly in symbolism and imagery. Words sort of stayed on the periphery of my mental processes. I didn't have an internal monologue or dialogue until my late teens, as if my brain hadn't developed it yet. However, experiencing it for the first time was like cracking through a shell, like a revelation with God. I'm almost certain this is what the ancients mean by "revelation".

Seems that, as we're discovering now, most people experience the near entirety of their consciousness, throughout the course of their lives, as just sequences of image/symbolism. This explains a lot with regards to the inability or lack of desire for most people to to engage in meta-analysis of abstract concepts, such as politics for instance.

it's a voice
it's being able to hear your own thoughts formulated by the inner you
as if you were reading a transcript of your train of thought in silence

Yes I "hear" as if I have to think about the words I have memorized, and its meaning, I don't just memorize the words but the "content".

do [redacted] people run from the police because they are npc's and cannot reason to themselves that they will fare better by resisting their impulse to flee?

Found the prototype NPC. (Pic related)
Careful with the coke. It makes me silly as a sausage. Last time I was boosted I had sex with three people and spent a lot of money, I got arrested for boxing a Pakistani (or afghani?) taxi driver and dearrested 10 minutes later since it was his fault.
I haven’t been out on a night out for four weeks because of that. I did a lot of other stuff too but I’d better not mention that stuff because it might just make me look bad.
I can’t help it though. I was dehumanised as a child by NPCs.
... goodnight /pol.

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i wonder which boards have higher rates for inner monologue. i imagine /lit/ and the really niche non-media interest boards have the highest.

What if you inner monologue is not subvocalized but intuitive? Such as how you can think about the reasons why you should prioritize one task over another without having to sound off each and every word in your head.

That study really made this concept go viral, but it is very similar Pierce's lemming concept.

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then it's not a monologue

Is not that the same thing? Intuitive to you is a already packaged ideia? Ir is it that you don't need to engage in self debate to conduct a action? Not every moment needs a debate.

Late teens? How did you function? prior to discovering the inner voice, were you capable of processing complex thought? Or any for that matter. How did you self-reflect?

Pffffft you said tug

I think it's a bit more complicated than that. I'm beginning to understand the mechanics a bit better. Though I never would have thought that some people self identify purely with their thoughts. Your thoughts are not you, your thoughts are You interpreting, through an inner monologue, the information your mind is taking in.

I assumed everyone had inner voice, I already had mine since I can remember being a kid, 5 grade not baby and such obviously.

Voice is too literal. It's ideas being expressed. Yes, I "hear", or can imagine this voice. It's me, thinking to myself in a language I understand. I "hear" my voice because I associate these thoughts with what they would sound like if I were speaking them.

Listen, Jack... the NPC thing is a meme. A FUCKING MEME. There isn’t some threshold of thought pattern that when you go past it, you’re just a mindless drone. That’s retarded. In reality, we’re all on a fucking spectrum. Some people are highly enlightened, awakened and alert to the world around them...highly self conscious but also aware of the external world and even the universe...maybe some have reached a level that transcends this dimension (one extreme).

Then there is the clinically vegetative people that basically react to rudimentary inputs and cannot detect patterns or picture concepts in their mind. They’re entirely hypothalamus based in their brain resource useage. Everyone else is at some point in between these two extremes.

The people we perceive as “NPC” in the context of the meme can be one of several things: a retard, a smart but not yet enlightened person, a smart yet severely emotionally damaged person preyed upon by other damaged people, a psychopath, a schizophrenic, or someone with deep seeded FOMO (fear of missing out) on the social circles they value most.

The purpose of the meme is that (we hope) the smart yet unenlightened may realize they’re latched on to a group of mentally damaged or malicious individuals and start to ask questions.

Same here. I'm too old to remember when I first had it, but I'm know I had it at 7 years old at the latest.

I'm not bashing people who don't have it or got it late; I'm genuinely interested in understanding how their thought processes worked, and what limits they had to how/what they could think.

Then what's so special about having a subvocalized monologue in your head, if you are thinking the same things in an internal debate but just without sounding off the words in your head?

I'm interested in how reading works for them. Is this why so many people have terrible reading comprehension?

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>That’s retarded. In reality, we’re all on a fucking spectrum
I never said this. I understand that it varies, probably wildly depending on experience. I don't even think it's a static state of mind within each person. I'm sure each individual has experienced this full spectrum at different points in their lives.

But they get used to this "subconscious processing" and don't practice logic and reasoning when necessary during internal reflection. I.e. they never look inwards and truly analyze themselves, and they never truly analyze other people. But they still FEEL about thenselves and others emotionally, but they are wholly unable to put it into words.

I'm starting to think that article was pure bullshit.
No one in any of these threads has come out and said "Hey guys, I'm one of those people who doesn't have an inner voice."
I mean if it's so common, someone here has to be one of said people, no?


Thats what im saying.
I guess im just confused, i dont see how you could function without being able to think.
Just seeing pictures when you think isnretard tier shit right?

I have entire debates and conversations in my own head, ruminating over facts, analyzing things, imagining stories (have started the write) etc. I thought everybody was like this but maybe not, maybe this inner voice is a reason why I have never been able to fit in with mainstream groups and always seek out those that can discuss ideas and are able to have a broad even detached perspectives that lead to things like humour, mockery etc.

Fuck. Is that post a troll?