Ok now THIS is epic

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Don't you know this is Jow Forums, you're supposed to approach everything with nihilistic sadism. You don't look like one of the cool kids if you point out that something is cool.

Jews hate the NPC meme because it's the same dehumanizing concept goyim is in their religion, and they don't want NPCs to figure out jews have been dehumanizing them for thousands of years already with the goy concept.
>point out the dehumanizing nature of NPC is the same as how the Talmud says to treat goyim
>meme it hard to get people woke on the JQ

Whoa! Quite the insight! Too good to leave unpraised.

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I dont like the NPC meme, but if its getting this much countercoverage, it must be doing something right

Again I say that the NPC meme is a psy-op meant to discredit this place. Fucking idiots not scorning this damage.


>nihilistic sadism

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Jow Forums never had credibility to lose faggot

I wasn't talking about the credibility of the website, but how likely normal people are willing to consider right-wing opinions espoused here if the NPC meme is also at the forefront.

yeah they feel the need to inoculate the entire heard, seeing as its spreading to multiple major media outlets.

So close and yet so far.

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actually good insight. I wish someone could blow open a case on the word goyim.

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Spent my whole life as jew neutral, except for ragging on them for being religious as I would with any other faith. When I heard about "goyim" it rubbed me the wrong way big time. I don't know how pervasive an idea it is in your standard public school jew. But its fucked. Youd have to criticize it in a bundle of other religious criticisms or something. Talking about jews specifically is taboo because of how quick people label you an antisemite. Ironic because I'm being label a goy. Whatever. Have a good one. I have no platform to blow open a case. And I'm retarded.

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It's Gangweed Epic style.

>calling anyone on the right wing a "Russian bot"
>"NPC memes are insulting and degrading"

You fucking kidding me?

Ironically this NYT article was written by a NPC.

Well no shit.
Not like they hire anyone else

The NPC meme is perfect.

We are the new jews

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It is legitimately the exact same thing. It’s the behavior of the NPC that was recognized and labeled Goy. Now, when somebody asks what got means, it can be described as the Jewish word for non Jewish characters.

I'm pretty sure it's non player