All heil our new Aryan Goddess 99.99% pure-blood

Attached: Elizabeth Warren Aryan Queen.jpg (640x962, 124K)

Other urls found in this thread:

This is actually a great idea. All the NatSocs should display support for her.

We need richard spencer to endorse her

She does seem like a white supremacist. She was so happy with her almost 100% white purity.

I had assumed she drinks milk, watches hockey, and goes to Klan meetings. She exudes white privilege and racual hatred.

Attached: White Power Eliz Warren.jpg (720x480, 50K)

reminder that she and talcum X are the only 100% white Americans

Attached: Shawn King gets ready for interview.webm (720x480, 2.71M)

This Canadian calls dibs on the first insemination

Attached: 7eb8757737701c11f9525ea78c42f251.jpg (584x775, 72K)

please trend

leaf, what's with your obsession with faggots?

Get a grip.

Attached: Leafs every fucking time.jpg (800x522, 43K)

impressive, very nice

CPL, is that you?

Attached: Desperate CPL.jpg (1024x761, 157K)

"Elizabeth Warren new darling of the alt-right"

Stop teasing us, leaf.

We need to get one of the Nazi e-celebs to pickup on this and endorse her for the senate race.

We should start getting all of the 'alt-right' accounts to show support for all of the SJW liberals LMAO, they'd fucking lose it.

Attached: The Jew named you.png (900x360, 119K)

Attached: Untitled 105.jpg (1960x1684, 1.07M)

>Shameless bump

Attached: Feels bad man.jpg (480x270, 14K)



Attached: spencer vs warren.png (1234x1302, 662K)


Keep em coming

could the alt right do something useful for once and endorse her for 2020?

the second footnote lmfao


Attached: Pocahontas.jpg (699x812, 345K)

I don't even think that's a word

>implying infetterence is not an "alt-right" inner word.
Get with the program summerfag

Attached: Bottomless Pit.jpg (645x729, 81K)

>calling me a summerfag when I was quoting verbatim the copypasta
I'm playing 2D checkers and you can't even find the board.

Attached: Autisto meter.gif (500x293, 68K)

Just admit that you were wrong and misinterpreted my original comment.

Attached: Moshi_Spiderman.png (350x350, 153K)

Total babe. Needs to drop that lesbian haircut.

Attached: 2a492d141f04f3b1471b89db8ef293ca.png (325x458, 175K)

I like it.

t. a natsoc
>I will give you a million dollars, paid for by Trump, to your favourite charity, if you take the test, **and it shows you're an indian**
ABC News:
>The results show "strong evidence" Warren had a Native American ancestor dating back several generations, The Boston Globe reported today.
>I wrote this in a comment below but it applies here: It wasn't a "thing" until POTUS made it a thing. He cared enough to place a million dollar bet on her having any Native American ancestry. That's a whole lotta "care"
>I don't think DNA testing is what he thinks DNA testing is
Cherokee Nation:
>You are insulting us. You are not one of us.

Attached: Screenshot from 2018-10-16 21-35-19.png (1465x786, 458K)

>Snopes is a balanced resource
This article came from fact check, where Snopes claims to believe that Trump actually owes her the 1 million, and blatantly stretches "Prove she's an indian" into "prove she has SOME native american ancestry"

>Fact Checker: Arturo Garcias
LMFAO this is the ONLY fact check post from snopes on this topic.

He said it was to be during the Debate during the 2020 election, and would require /ourgirl/ to be nominated.

Oh so they even ripped it out of context too? I have over 100x as much native in me than she does, and I don't even qualify for native status in Canada.

>Oh so they even ripped it out of context too?
Of course, it's Snopes. That's what they do with half of the shit there.

>Just half
RIP my sides

>RIP my sides
The other half is just lies.

This is good, need more.
Now is prime time to get this meme going, while everyone is getting distracted with the NPC stuff.

Jr is selling shirts.

Attached: 860dfa9fd0ba1019210f31a7cf60deb4_1024x1024.jpg (1024x1024, 76K)


Nah this just pushes national socialism into the narrative under a bad light.

>those footnotes

Attached: 1170475043882.png (125x125, 39K)

>Nah this just pushes national socialism into the narrative under a bad light.
It's never going to be under a good light. Might as well use it against them, you dumb shit.



If you're that desperate, just head to the local dog park and get inseminated there

Hahaha. Nicely done.
I actually lol'd.