Realizing the game is rigged

>be zoomer
>realize my life will be a neverending meaningless toil and my existence will be reduced to doing whatever it is that makes a jew rich no matter what choices i make with my life
>continue with college? i will be a debt slave living in a tiny apartment paying exorbitant rent thanks to the millions of imported shitskins driving up costs of living and driving down the price of labor (assuming i can even find a job with a degree from the only uni i can get into which is meh-tier at best)
>join military? best case scenario is i work my absolute fucking ass off to be qualified to work the only “fun” job in the army (ranger) and run the risk of being killed by a dune coon, perhaps the most shameful of all deaths. worst case scenario is i fail RASP and end up swabbing toilets in a garrison for 3 years only to go back to the college debt slavery route
>trade school? nope, i have no union connections so i will likely end up making

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Other urls found in this thread:

Get a fucking hobby
That said I totally agree on certain things. Many acquaintances and friends of mine are obsessed with “self improvement” without any end goal
And they poke fun at me for actually having talent. Fuckers

>he didnt gain valuable skills he could translate into a career while he was growing up
>he is just going to blackpill post on Jow Forums all day
You kids

t. 23 year old boomer making 140k in the midwest with no debt

Haha, silly zoomer, this is merely your first black pill.

i have quite a few hobbies. i dont enjoy them anymore and havent for a long time
well my dad is now dating a tiny androgynous korean woman who gave birth to 2 half black children, i didnt have much of a chance

That's life for 99% of the population
slaves until they retire or die tryin, most likely dying before retirement.
> military
my advice would be to go into the service do your 25 years and retire, if you are young.

Typical zoomer. Giving up before they even start.

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>well my dad is now dating a tiny androgynous korean woman who gave birth to 2 half black children, i didnt have much of a chance
That has nothing to do with you wasting a lot of time because "wow im a kid" and then hitting the arbitrary adult clock and realizing that you have NOTHING. Did you think that a career was just going to materialize out of thin air once you turned 18?

God these fucking Pepes just keep getting uglier and uglier I hate you faggots. I saved it tho

Be the change you want to see in the world. Maybe you won't be able to have the life that you want, but perhaps you can help secure it for the next generation.

That's what most people seem to think.

Be genx loose your house and retirement

Learn to take responsibility for your own failures and fix them yourself rather than trying to offload them onto a korean like some sort of liberal brainlet. You want to military? You better be ready to qual for SF or in a MOS that gives you a direct career path outside military (IT, Diesel repair, intelligence, etc) . You want to civilian career? You better start working that mcjob right now so you can put some cash in your pocket and use it to study for a career path that provides both emotional and monetary fulfillment.

Or you can sit here and bitch about it on Jow Forums you disgusting maggot

Lead the revolution

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Doing what exactly?

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Most people think that after spending 4 years and thousands of dollars in college they should be prepared to make at least a semi-reasonable wage.

Of course that doesn't exist for this generation like it did for that of the Boomers because our economy is in the toilet and uni is a modern racket.

Or don’t listen to this idiot and begin organizing the vanguard of the 4th Reich then come and confiscate all the shit he worked for in his life, backstabbing others and betraying and ignoring the plight of his countryman to get. Then force him into a concentration camp and laugh at his ridiculous attempt at working in a system he was never meant to get ahead in

>Did you think that a career was just going to materialize out of thin air once you turned 18?
why do you think i do?
no, i have not been meticulously planning my life and accumulating wealth since i was 15. that is my fault, i fully and unironically accept it. but it’s fairly easy to drink the jewish “ah dont worry about it just get a degree and get a job lol” kool aid when every significant role model was forcing it down your throat during your entire fucking childhood is it not?

Your problem is you aren’t being a man. You gotta be a man and accept the hand you were dealt in life and contribute in whatever ways you can. Why are you bitching? Do you think the men in Wigan Pier england who had to duckwalk 3 miles in a 4 foot high mineshaft for miles just to work in fucking COAL MINES all day bitched? Just to get black lung? They fed their children and they did what they had to do because they were MEN. Stop bitching, I know shit sucks in a lot of ways, but you gotta be stoic about it and simply rise above it. Moaning on Jow Forums certainly doesn’t put you on the fast track to happiness or success any time soon. I know shit sucks and blackpilling can get to you but to be blackpilled is simply not a viable option

Get a gun and go ham.


You know you can network right? Go out and try and meet people. You’ll probably get rejected 100 times or maybe 1000 but what do you have to lose? Eventually it actually will work.
Or you can just kill yourself now

>realizing the game is rigged
From the start?

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>spend childhood tinkering with computers
>ignore a lot of chances to spend time doing normie shit
>get better and better with my specific field within computers
>work on it in highschool with plans to take the college jew
>parents up and die while im in highschool
>no college
>start working shit tier helpdesk job while I stack skillsets and capabilities in my field
>graduate to job in my field
>be an asset so I get rewarded
Its not rocket appliances
The college marketing in schools is disgusting
But its a creation of public schooling not allowing free thought or encouraging independent thoughts. You have to keep in mind the majority of public school children are brown creturas who would spend the day eating crayons and playing xbox if the school gave them free reign.

Either way if you were unable to recognize this or develop yourself as an individual before age 18 you are forever doomed to the bed you made for yourself.
>every significant role model
If youre role modeling yourself off public government employees you need to mcfuckingkill yourself
Shut up leaf, dont make me get the rake

You can go to college for cheap. Do two years at a JC and then finish the next two at a state school. You will leave practically debt free. Pro tip: get NSF grants or do the scholarship for service which literally pays you to go to school, you just have to work for a gov agency for the same amount of years that hey payed you.
There are so many options, but you already knew that and are just a lazy piece of shit

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Recent grad who doesn't want to work in an office here. Is being a carpenter or electrician still viable?

>Just deal with it goy
How about we actually make shit better?
Fucking cucks like you are the reason Jew kike corporations have been able to walk over the US labor force for the last 60 fucking years.

Now fucking kill yourself you weak little faggot.

>Get a fucking hobby
Hobbies serve as a distraction that do not satisfy what OP is looking for. The whole concept of "hobbies" is a modern idea, an explicit symptom our bizarre and dying society.

The s_ygoy obsession with pop culture and videogames is a hobby. Ultimately it leads to nothing.

The truth sucks when it’s laid bare huh? If I wanted to get rich I could take take take from everyone around me. But I’m not a pathetic whore of the jews so I just laugh at you jews from the sidelines. One way or another your going to get fucked. Hope your money and pretty wives keep your head from thinking about it to much before it actually happens

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You can convince cuckservatives yo give up their jewish slavery because at the end of the day they can always think in their back of their heads “ I might be a piece of shit but I’m better then that guy and I can rape his kids for money”

fuck off Benny , i will feed you to a deathclaw

4th term sparky here. If you have the grades go fucking union.if you don’t know anybody don’t bother going non union you can’t survive. If you can’t do those things to be a sparky be a carpenter. They can’t paid much better and the trade hasn’t devolved into idiots and money grabs

>be zoomer also
>call out islam and get investigated by police because of 'extremist activity' for 3 months
>be completely silenced in college
>can't speak freely anywhere because there's always some dyke with exotic hair colour nearby
I'm an engineering student, how can I speak my mind (outside of this cursed website) AND still be employable? Should I just cut my losses and sacrifice the latter so I can at least make a decent living for my future family? If I can even find a decent woman amongst these fucking HEDONISTS.

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And what exactly *is* your field? Like, what specifically is your job description and title?

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>Like, what specifically is your job description and title?
Bullshitting with a minor in making shit up

Information Security

thanks for not posting a fallout meme senpai

move Anglo Uprising in the Pacific Northwest soon. Canada will be partitioned.

What would you consider the worst things about working as an electrician? Just want to know what i'm getting into.

OP is pessimistic fag

>trade school? nope, i have no union connections so i will likely end up making

Go be a monk at an orthodox or buddhist monastery and work on your salvation or enlightenment

Nah fuck this blackpill. Men can reboot repeatedly up into their mid 50s. Later even if they're sharp and healthy.

The greatest universal among men is endurance and a long game when it comes to our utility.

In 2 years you can completely reformat your life if you can make it your singular goal.

Is any war truly important? Why would you be upset over being killed by a dune coon? They have guns, after all...

The trade itself is awesome. So many different techniques, problems to solve tools to use and things to learn. Your always moving and thinking. It’s really immersive and if your a raging OCD autist like me you get into it. The worst part about the trade and I’m speaking from a non union perspective is the people you have to work with. Clients/customers are generally great. The other workers don’t like to see a guy get ahead though, they want you to know everything and work harder then they do, so you really have to have a good relationship with somebody to teach you.

Unless you know the boss then they will suck your dicn everyday even if you do fuck all. Most of them are alchoholics. People will actively keep you down, with them your fucked if you do and your fucked if you don’t. it all comes down to them having control over you, brings out some real sociopathic tendencies. Small business owners (there are some good ones out there) although your interests are both aligned will constantly create problems for you, fuck you over for employment, worry about their cottage vacation time first before your family eating. If you are not a perfectly agreeable person willing to put your dollar raise out of mind until they finally decide they like you regardless of how much money you’ve made for them then don’t bother. The only reasonable way for a young man atleast in Ontario to go non union is to live at home and be able to work at around 20$ and hour (and even that’s pushing it) to get your journeyman’s. Once you get your jman you can start pushing back a little and then when you get your masters you can start your own business and flip them all off. I love the trade don’t regret getting into it, but if I wasn’t living at home I would be fucked and have to give it up. Trades companies used to be very community based so raises, learning new things and bonuses all came naturally. Now they’ve just thrown that all out and it’s open season for them to prey on your labor. I’ve heard Alberta/Saskatchewan sparkles are way more professional though and take a lot more pride in their work so if your from their maybe throw the hat in. I went in not being able to read a measuring tape and it’s been a hell of a ride bud

My life depends on this being true.

Just make the most of what you’re given and be happy.

Check'd and kek'd.

How do you do that when everyone wants you to dig trenches and pay you 11 bucks and hour? Being specialized in one trade is no guarantee. Try going into a company saying you gotta take a week off to go work for your refrigeration company. Good luck with that

A man can find a young wife even if he is a graybeard. Feel better?

23? you are also a zoomer then. how the fuck is a zoomer making 6 figures what the hell?

>if i'm on Jow Forums and i'm a loser everyone else on Jow Forums must also be a loser

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>that zoomer who doesnt understand the 30yr old boomer meme

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This is true. As dudes, we can turn shit around in record time. With the right plan, focus, and discipline, men can accomplish plenty, well into middle/retirement age. Being born male is a gift.

meme applies to quake 3 30 year olds, who typically did well in the dot com boom, that's the fucking joke


Someone has to be the loser.



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Conditions for winning seem to be getting more and more fucked up lol

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It depends on the person. OP is looking for a sense of fulfillment and accomplishment. Obviously he isn't someone motivated by the arts but accomplishing himself in a political and national sense. However, there are plenty of people who find fulfillment in "hobbies," such as literature and the arts. Creativity is an inherent part of people and it will always lead to the advancement of our civilization.

I would rather die like a dog than do something for some other faggot for obviously self-defeating materialism.

Here's a solution.

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Pretty bad solution desu

I think there is a distinction between a hobby and a life path. If you dedicate your life to creating art I wouldn't consider this a hobby, but a life path. It is something that is not done only for leisure or to pass the time.

>trade school? nope, i have no union connections so i will likely end up making

Then just fucking Hero and be done with us. Save the rest of us the fucking oxygen.

selling meth isn't worth it if you're gonna end up in some cartel video getting your legs chopped off

Speak out again Islam and then go get a engineering job in the Middle East when you graduate

>*cracks sips* heh.. zoomers these days

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U hit the nail on the head. Learn close quarters combat. It is truly better to die killing your enemies than to die at the hands of your enemies begging for your life. Im going to kill so many fucking Muslims niggers and commie spics and white commies in the future im going to have a beautiful death. So many commies are going to die from my hands lol.

Did someone mention a lack of oxygen around here? Let’s make a deal.

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Straight up leafbro. Materialism/consumerism is a fucking plague on humanity, especially whites.

Absolutely savage but also based

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It’s literally destroying us. The last 30 years have been irrefutable evidence of this. I see it with the kids all the time. They know it’s haplening but they can’t explain it and their to scared to push back. They have no leadership but all the boomers sure are enjoying those pensions let me tell ya

You have to learn to like what you do.

It's the only way to not want to kill yourself as soon as the first speed bump appears.

the absolute state of americans
t. american

>i will not fight in a truly important war

Perhaps that's actually not as bad as the alternative.

I don't think picking up a gun is going to be a highly effective way of improving the world.

Having said that the world still has causes to fight for.

World hunger, disease, etc

Maybe even look abroad

I don't recommend becoming some patsy in a misguided political movement. As some seem to be suggesting in this thread.

fuckin A

>the eternal christcuck
>daughters probably been blacked

Just have kids and raise them well. That’s enough to die a proud and respected man.

id rather not go to jail because i killed the entire HR dept at work user.

>taking the archon pill

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No one is this thread has so far offered you the advise you are looking for. I am also like you and lurk %99.9 of the time on pol and search this place for hours on end everyday becuase it is what I truly relate to.

19yr old white male here. I can't offer you any advise as I am in the same boat as you currently and honestly I don't know what to do. I feel trapped with no where else to go.

I just have this yearning for taking part in something great such as yourself and particularly taking back the world and life that was stolen from us by them. That we were deprived of.

I noticed everybody likes to tell people how to solve each others problems like its obvious and flawless to understand and do but nobody here has started a movement or taken the initiative. Particularly starting a new party or group just like the national socialist and plenty of others once did.

I often think I would like to one day but deep down I know that is a lie. I'm a pussy. I just want someone else to do it and let me join them. I want some one else to do the starting and the initial work and to personally take part once I know it is okay and safe to do so.

I'm ashamed to admit it. Sorry OP I have nothing to offer you but my view on things.

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Get a grip. Being a man is realizing that no one is going to take care of you but yourself. If no leader will come to show you the way, be that leader. You can't expect a savior to come because they never will, regardless of your faith.
With no degree and you're making that much?

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Advice, you fucking retard.

>No one is going to take care of you but yourself
This. its quite liberating once you think about it.

It isn't that bad, there are plenty of wagecuck/salarycuck jobs that pay well and you'll find fulfilling.

Alternatively start a business.

You just completely proved my point about what I was saying. Your clearly either not paying attention or a complete retard with your "self imposing" image you are trying to use to make yourself appear more serious and legitimate. Posting a fake photo shopped image of a "chizzled" and strong man wont make your "advise" and words appear anymore legitimate. Use a less comical photo next time and more instead of that obvious BS you keep trying to pull.

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>With no degree and you're making that much?

>With no degree and you're making that much?
For now. He's extremely overpaid at whatever firm he's at, and will be replaced by someone with a relevant degree/three pajeets.

He's probably just bullshitting though.

>be 28
>be Canadian
>be Doomer
>Hate yourself enough to not care about dieing, but not enough to suicide
>Get firearms license to inherit family heirloom
>Grandpa bought this rifle to keep up his rifle marksmanship after the war
>Dad and Uncle learned to shoot on this gun and hunted with it
>It is now mine to use and pass down
>Since I had to go through the bureaucratic bullshit to get this gun I might as well get one another one
>Now KingCuck Trudeau is planning a ban
>RCMP horsecops may now kick down my door and seize my property under threat of force
>Have decided a long time ago that I would make my hill to die on.
>If the son of Castro wants my gun I will fucking die fighting
Go ahead. Give me an excuse. I don't give a fuck. I'm stupid like that. Don't give me some BS excuse about Federal cops just doing their jobs. If they're willing to enforce those laws I'm willing to die fighting them.

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lol i love how the only thing that you think brings meaning to life is to attempt to fight or conquer shit

put down the fucking gamer fuel and stop being metacucked by the american imperialist fallacy

For those of you saying electrician jobs are dead ends, look into doing automation work. I am a 20 y/o zoomer with a 2 year tech school degree making 70k a year, which I know, 70k by it’s self is not amazing but starting at 20, that’s pretty nice. Automation work is fairly easy, not retard easy, sort of complex, but it’s not rocket science. the industry is only going to see more success in the future, and if you are young then companies will want you.
>inb4 hurr automation will kill jobs for white working class men
No it kills jobs for the retarded beaner/nigger operators in factories that don’t want to work anyway. If an operator job is seen as a worthwhile prospect to you, then you are not looking high enough. Automation is already at a point where there is some automation going on in pretty much every factory with a good vision for the future. There will be a demand for more automation engineers, i.e. jobs that retards can’t do but you don’t have to be einstein to do either. Seriously, I work for a private automation integration company and right now I’ve been doing some work at the same company factory (no, I can’t and won’t say what company it is) for like the past month and we work with several of the company controls technicians, and they CONSTANTLY bitch about how you can beat the problem or solution over some double digit IQ operators head and they will still not do shit. They told some literal ESL beaner (porbably illegal) to tell his crew to not reset his line so we can look at the fault and study it. The controls techs were fucking holding back screaminrg into the radio at these braindead fucking bug-people known as mexicans. Guys, you don’t want these operator jobs, you don’t want these company control tech jobs. Find a private automation company and go do work for them. There is a whole market that will be filled in the next 100 years, go get a piece of it while you can and say fuck operators jobs.

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OP wants good living, not starve to death.

Sorry I did not elaborate on the story. Controls tech tells beaner to tell his crew don’t reset your line so we can study the problem from the PLC. These beaners are constantly resetting it at every opportunity for literally 30 minutes straight meanwhile the control tech is as nicely as possible (but fucking fuming in our office) that they can’t reset it, on the radio, which all of the are on so they can hear. These operators literally think that if something is wrong, cycling power enough times will fix it.


Where were you when you found out the biggest jew of all was natural selection and urge to reproduce for no other reason other than to spread your genes?