Realizing the game is rigged

>be zoomer
>realize my life will be a neverending meaningless toil and my existence will be reduced to doing whatever it is that makes a jew rich no matter what choices i make with my life
>continue with college? i will be a debt slave living in a tiny apartment paying exorbitant rent thanks to the millions of imported shitskins driving up costs of living and driving down the price of labor (assuming i can even find a job with a degree from the only uni i can get into which is meh-tier at best)
>join military? best case scenario is i work my absolute fucking ass off to be qualified to work the only “fun” job in the army (ranger) and run the risk of being killed by a dune coon, perhaps the most shameful of all deaths. worst case scenario is i fail RASP and end up swabbing toilets in a garrison for 3 years only to go back to the college debt slavery route
>trade school? nope, i have no union connections so i will likely end up making

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Get a fucking hobby
That said I totally agree on certain things. Many acquaintances and friends of mine are obsessed with “self improvement” without any end goal
And they poke fun at me for actually having talent. Fuckers

>he didnt gain valuable skills he could translate into a career while he was growing up
>he is just going to blackpill post on Jow Forums all day
You kids

t. 23 year old boomer making 140k in the midwest with no debt

Haha, silly zoomer, this is merely your first black pill.

i have quite a few hobbies. i dont enjoy them anymore and havent for a long time
well my dad is now dating a tiny androgynous korean woman who gave birth to 2 half black children, i didnt have much of a chance

That's life for 99% of the population
slaves until they retire or die tryin, most likely dying before retirement.
> military
my advice would be to go into the service do your 25 years and retire, if you are young.

Typical zoomer. Giving up before they even start.

Attached: z1.gif (931x682, 532K)

>well my dad is now dating a tiny androgynous korean woman who gave birth to 2 half black children, i didnt have much of a chance
That has nothing to do with you wasting a lot of time because "wow im a kid" and then hitting the arbitrary adult clock and realizing that you have NOTHING. Did you think that a career was just going to materialize out of thin air once you turned 18?

God these fucking Pepes just keep getting uglier and uglier I hate you faggots. I saved it tho

Be the change you want to see in the world. Maybe you won't be able to have the life that you want, but perhaps you can help secure it for the next generation.