Thoughts on Michigan’s next republican senator, John James?

Thoughts on Michigan’s next republican senator, John James?

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Is he nigger or just fell in a bucket of black face?

seems cool. hes pretty whiteish
does wigger work both ways? or is he a nhite?

ps would vote

i hope he runs claiming he is 1/32 to 1/1024 native american just to mindfuck elizabeth warren.

>checked and based

I'm voting for him, we need more black republicans to break the mind control over blacks that is liberalism.

Looks like a stronk, intellijint black man.

>John James
our guy?

I'm okay with blacks that act like Americans.

Based Black Man


West point grad, seems like a decent dude

based black man

Attached: 1537833402800.jpg (750x906, 97K)

Based Jap^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1052270676982333442&ref_url=


The nig fears the samauri

>The right keeps gaining more and more black support
Dems are fuming.

military blacks are usually alright

ITT: Reddit CivNat faggots

Go back to r/the_donald

I wish he gets it, I'm definitely voting for him

Better than a democrat.

Is nigger


he's running against a Jew, I'll be voting for him

>married to white woman
>bad example for Michigan white girls.
I'll pass, thanks.