> Following an announcement Monday from the Treasury that the federal government ran a deficit of $779 billion in Fiscal Year 2018, the Democratic staff on the Senate Budget Committee released a report showing that the federal government would be running a surplus today if not for four Republican policies.
Show the figures of how much we'd be in the hole if we were running under Democrat policies.
Anthony Cox
I could come up with 4 democrat policies that if we dropped, we could balance the budget. But pointing to them does not at all discuss their merits or value, or popularity.
Owen Campbell
>Without the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the enormous post-9/11 defense buildup and two rounds of costly, regressive tax cuts, the federal government would be running a $156 billion surplus instead of a $779 billion deficit.
If i remember correctly, Obama promised to bring the troops home during both of his elections. 8 Years, and he didn't do shit
Aaron Gonzalez
What this retarded report is saying is "if you'd just let us double all your taxes, we'd be in surplus!" The only reason any gibs program exists is because of democrats. Don't forget every single one voted no to remove husseincare.
>government has less money What a shame. How awful. Please obamaleaf, tell me why I should give all my money to the government.
Oliver Miller
they're too stupid to even understand what they're saying
great post friend
Ryan Reed
I never gave a shit if he brought troops home, nor commented on it. I'm pointing out that pretending he actually placated the people who wanted to leave the Middle East alone isn't going to work.
Luke Green
With Dems we would never make it back to over 2% growth. What kind of BS is this shit?
Some day in the future a dem will be president and suddenly dems wont care about the deficit and the GOP will its a fucking meme like "the president gold too much"
Fact: Until another power can supplant North American economic might and or sail an army over to make us pay, the deficit doesn't fucking matter
>A few drone strikes >Not military action We should drone strike Canada and see how you feel about it then.
Daniel Thomas
>democrats who slandered kavanaugh now want you to trust them on the economy they're just trying to fool moderates into thinking that this time voting for democrats will be different it wont work schlomo
Samuel Torres
Obama promised to bring most of the troops home Obama brought the vast majority of the troops home There is literally nowhere to argue
Hunter Myers
>Dems force crazy omnibus bill through congress >TRUMP YOU'RE SPENDING TOO MUCH MONEY
Nolan Reed
>clinton, bush and obama take the debt to 20T
voters have been demanding more than they pay in for decades
u don't comprehend the difference between wasting trillions invading countries and a few drone strikes?
my god u freaks truly are brain dead
Lincoln Wood
Obamaleafe you are a tired and stale retard, The deficit literally doesn't matter as long as we are still the premier market on earth and we will be for the forseable future.
IF the US cannot do what it wants to do with the money it collects, it should do less.
Deficits are a spending problem, not an earning problem.
Why don’t you go suck your faggot leaders dick leaf!
Jacob Rodriguez
Sure, he fulfilled a faggoty, useless promise. Now defend Obama expanding the Middle Eastern war by 5 countries.
Jackson Nguyen
obama added 10 trillion in 8 year, clearly dems care about the deficit
Caleb Murphy
What's the budget surplus when we keep our military at roughly the same level of funding, expand medicare, medicaid, social security, provide "free" healthcare for every citizen, provide "free" college for every citizen, expand welfare, EBT, and other nigger gibs, expand multiple departments and agencies to more strictly oversee and regulate free public enterprise causing a massive increase in expensive do-nothing federal employees and simultaneously raising regulations and taxes on businesses so badly that they invert and move production to other countries to employ anyone but Americans and avoid corporate taxes, and allow unlimited immigration to the U.S. and provide all of these "free" services to every single person who enters, no questions asked or criteria met?
did you just take the highest quarterly number from his entire tenure and say that he had that growth?
Guess what his average is bud?
fucking dumbass leftist cuck.
Daniel Cook
republicans increased military spending by like $100B and cut taxes for billionaires and corporations
all dems asked for was a few billion for meth addiction treatment for trump voters
Angel Long
wrong, faggot sad you think you can lie and nobody will notice
David Jones
what are they?
Robert Garcia
>The US should just go around bombing the shit out of anyone they don't like. Again, why shouldn't we do this to Canada? You've got enough Muslims for it.
Tyler Flores
>H-he lied about bringing the troops home! >S-so what that he brought the troops home, D-DRONES! DROOOONNNEESSS!!!!
Nicholas Hughes
Jimmy Carter spent his whole term paying down Vietnam war debt . Reagan introduced debt borrowing for daily government operations.
>>Low taxes are good because now I can spend my money on overpriced healthcare and get ripped off by corporations! Isn't your whole fucking shtick as a shitlib that we're CURRENTLY spending our money on overpriced healthcare and getting ripped off by corporations?
Why the fuck wouldn't I want lower taxes when I'm ALREADY paying for the shit you're bitching about, dumbass? Use your fucking brain.
>If Not for Republican Policies, the Federal Government Would Be Running a Surplus lol..thats a good one user
Christopher Wilson
literally no argument from the shills
Adrian Wright
Housing crisis caused by repub deregulation
Nolan Davis
>high taxes are good because im too stupid to manage my own finances >daddy government please do all my thinking for me This is what an NPC looks like
Justin Reed
>the Democratic staff on the Senate Budget Committee I am sure they are not biased at all. It is like those retards who shout "if we had communism, America would be much better!"
John Smith
Where did he send them, then? Or will you call me a liar and then make shit up?
Christian Allen
It's unfortunately part of the republican intersectionality. If we could just kick the neo-cons to the curb then this wouldn't be an issue. Lower taxes=lower spending=smaller government=good. Lower taxes=greater spending=larger government=very bad.
Brandon Turner
didn't Obama double our debt from $10 trillion to $20 trillion?
Levi Ward
>Diverting from the fact king nigger is a failure and can't defend the actual things he did instead of his pretty words. Nigger got a good pair of lips on him.
Robert Russell
Without Non-Whites, America would be running a budget surplus.
>debt and deficit are the same thing >thinking debt is a bad thing
Levi Morgan
I didn't run for office on the promise I'd bring them home you fucking mongoloid, what kind of god damn response is that? "Well it's more than YOU did" No shit, I'm not the fucking president
Daniel Taylor
>Source: Blogspot Wow!
Isaiah Walker
>making predictive statements with economics lmao, literally all the "dismal science" can do is analyze previous trends. anyone selling you an extrapolation might as well sell you a bridge in brooklyn.
Cameron Cruz
>Thinking debt is a bad thing DEBT GOOD THE JEWS SAY SO!
Leo Cook
>Moving the goalpost and talking about something completely unrelated Where the fuck did Obama send the troops he pulled out of Iraq and Afghanistan? You said he did, so where the fuck did they go?
Mason Jones
I want to know how the fuck FDR could rack up a net debt while sending huge numbers of tanks, planes, and ships to other countries without compensation.
>So you think him sending the troops across the border is "bringing the troops home?" No wonder you believe his bullshit they feed you
Where did he send them? Answer the question already. Are they in Saudi Arabia now?
James Turner
are you retarded? How exactly does that matter when there is nearly 10 trillion more debt from when he started office from when he left?
>The deficits from all these budgets total $6.786 trillion. But, like most presidents, Obama's contribution to the debt was higher. There's a difference between the deficit and the debt by president. All presidents can employ a sleight of hand to reduce the appearance of the deficit. They can borrow from federal retirement funds. For example, the Social Security Trust Fund has run a surplus since 1987. There were more working people contributing via payroll taxes than retired people withdrawing benefits.
>The Fund invests its surplus in U.S. Treasury notes. The president can reduce the deficit by spending these funds instead of issuing new Treasurys. As a result, Obama added $8.588 trillion to the debt.
Charles Nelson
>Democratic staff on the Senate Budget Committee released a report showing Into the trash it goes
Austin Morris
If American healthcare was an actual freemarket the prices would drop and coverage would expand... just like every single product or service in our capitalistic society. Only the ones where the government interferes with do prices get inflated.