Recreational marijuana is now legal in Canada

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>Well, we fucked your country with hordes of savages and we'll keep fucking you for the next years, but hey, you can smoke that plant and we can call it even. You can even keep you precious fentanyl. Sounds good, huh?
Will leafs fall for that?


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Leafs rise up

why the fuck would you give cnn web traffic ? sage

Damn I hate freedom now. If only Canadas drug laws are like China where you'll be executed for owning a plant

Don't they grind you up into paste even if you just get some on your shoe on the street?

Get handguns off the street by banning them, Get pot off the street by legalizing it.

I would much rather smoke government grown pot, than risking picking up some with fentanyl in it off of the streets, that shit happens a lot.

Pic related just ordered

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Damn, hurry that shit up already.


Because government never does anything malicious ever

Enjoy your expensive shitty ass jewleaf you faggots.

You don't need all that plant matter you know.

Also never heard of cannabis being laced with anything let alone fentanyl, and 14-16% for that price is too much.

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>smoking the herbal jew

There are many reports here in canada of fentanyl being mixed in. i no longer live at home, but my father is a chief of police, he always tells me about people overdosing on fentanyl laced with what they're taking.

both same poster btw

The only time I've heard of someone overdosing from accidentally consuming fentanyl is from cocaine.

i like that drugs are being legalized. social darwinism will [[[weed]]] out the degenerates


good. get your native european population doped up and docile while you import millions of muslim brown people. makes sense

because no one in canada ever smoked before this.

dont get me wrong, trudeau is a fucking clown, im just glad Doug Ford is running ontario now

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Literally everyone already knows about this, you're not the cool guy with these new facts that you think you are

because canadians were so afraid of the threat of the law to smoke before this right? Cannabis is really fucking prolific so to say it's use will increase with a law change is a little absurd.


Not even canadian, but I consume my fair share, their immigration policies are insane? Why haven't I developed into some far lefty yet from cannabis use like you think it causes in people?

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also, remember, the prices of weed here are in CANADIAN dollars, which is worth less than your american, so the prices may seem high. I recommend checking out what the government store has to offer, some is selling for $7.25 CDN a gram...

Do you understand how much fentanyl you need to overdose? In all honesty, you can damn near lace anything with it. This is by injection, so you would need a larger amount by ingestion or smoking, but it's not hard to od on this.

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>tfw no fentanyl laced weed to end my suffering

"Recreational" as in basically extremely easy medicinal. Canada is a chronically depressed country and has disproportionate anti-depressant use to cope with how the country is turning into a shithole. What easier way to placate the depressed and agitated goys than get them hooked on inhaling the fumes of a burning plant? They even pay taxes and most of the proceeds go to the government ontop of that anyways... so we can afford to import even more third-worlders and make the country even worse!

You stupid fucking goys... but keep shouting "pharma shill!" and "Dudeweed!" at anyone who says you're dumb, goyim!

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I'm aware of how lethal it is, do you understand how much of a shitty business strategy involves killing your customers?

They don't intentionally kill their customers, nor did I ever claim they did. Take your strawman down, it won't do you any good here.

I wholeheartedly agree with you, the federal government needs a reboot and kick in the ass. But im gonna keep smoking my legal herb that I will legally start growing.... once the seeds go on sale...

Dosing someone with fentanyl without their knowledge might as well be attempted murder. If you are lacing something as benign as cannabis with fentanyl, you instantly risk killing your customer. The shit is really lethal, no one is unaware of it's lethality.

>Recreational marijuana is now legal in Canada
Who cares?
In the last 15 years, you'd actually have to somehow kill someone with weed to get arrested.
I don't anyone has been arrested for smoking a joint for decades. Now the government get billions in tax revenue, that's all that's changed.

>implying that wouldn't be good

In China littering and spitting and generally acting rude are completely normal because manners are bourgeois. You're thinking of Singapore, which is a nice place.

>shitty business strategy
worked pretty well for Big Tobacco tho didn't it?

Lol, there are some people who absolutely do not give a shit. They will cut wax with fentanyl because it's a better high and a highly addictive one. Their customers keep coming back, probably just thinking their wax is the best high.

not trying to be cool i just feel bad for you guys also worried because it threatens my northern border

wow, that's some over-priced weed.
i knew that would happen when the government got involved.

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Yes. Everyone is going to get high to forget about their lack of job prospects, getting raped/bullied by immigrants, and maybe even having loved ones killed by them.

This country is fucking retarded, the only good Canadians are ones that are far-right. Everyone else can fuck off.

Theirs kills you over a long time while being highly addictive, unlike fentanyl being able to kill you after a single dose.

I truly don't believe anyone who's ever smoked before will mistake the high that comes from it with opiates. Seriously, I've had surgery and the resulting opiates for the pain fucked me up in a way cannabis has never ever done.

It's been known for quite awhile that today is the day it starts if you haven't been living under a rock.

Just because they legalized weed doesn't change the fact the entire country is pozzed, how can you enjoy the herbal jew if everyone there is mentally ill and illegal migrants everywhere rubbing shit on everything and shitting on the street. It's about the same as Amsterdam now you both talk like retards, there is muslims and niggers everywhere, the place is filled with NPC's who don't give a shit people the degeneracy and destruction of civilization, but the weed soma coma will fix everything right. Gas all somatics.

They don't purposefully kill their clients, why the fuck do you keep hinging on that? They add a little bit of fentanyl, most of the time it's fine. They don't add too much, or anything like that. They add just enough to make it a really good high and still an opiate addicted one. Then one day, they accidentally add a little bit too much. Instead of 22 grains of fentanyl, they miss count and all of the sudden you have 36. They make these wax sheets on industrial size rollers as you can see here . A single batch can serve more than 1 person. If that entire batch is fucked up, 20, 30 people could have gotten it. Maybe not all 30 die, maybe only 15 of them do. The point is, they're not intentionally killing their clients. It's an accident. At the same time, they don't give a shit, because they can always find more people who want to buy wax. It's not that difficult to be a drug dealer.

Liberal logic in the current year.

More or less.

It is going to lull the public into accepting the increasing misery in Canada.

California: The Country

>The pot industry took in nearly $9 billion in sales in 2017 in the United States, according to BDS Analytics. The revenue from those sales is equivalent to the entire snack bar industry.

Very lucrative and expected to net 4 bill in Canada.

All the better to keep you docile while you’re losing jobs to the Chinese and Indians, are paying for the non-working Muslims, and are being bred out by Africans who will be arranging soon in much higher numbers. 420, blaze it, goyim!

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You have no idea the effects of cannabis do you? This isn't some MKultra shit, it's a fucking plant that's been consumed for thousands of years before canada made it legal. It's use is already so prolific I doubt the impact legalization will even make. Seriously, it's never been cheaper and more readily available, regardless of the legal status. Those who wish to smoke it will, and those who don't won't suddenly start because it's legal.

Pretty much this. Only difference will be kids not having to worry about getting arrested for having a dime bag on them, and that’s about it.

$6.50 over priced and you have to wait 48 hours? Laaame

I do have an idea you fucking hippie piece of shit. I've grown up in this country and see marijuana turn people from bright promising teens, to fat pieces of shit who have given up on life, are cynical, and don't care about anything aside from themselves.

I've also seen the opposite, people who don't use pot, and while not successful, are at least optimistic and somewhat knowledgeable about the world around them. You can claim I have a bias or some shit, or say that somehow this isn't true because it doesn't apply to you, but I've seen enough anecdotal evidence backed up by information provided in Psych 101 to make my conclusion.

Go on about how it's a magic drug that cures everything from cancer to epilepsy.

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ooh anecdotal evidence, Here's some proving you can smoke the plant and still be wildly successful

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Hey, im just glad its safe, some is $7.25 a gram which is probably cheaper in American. ill eventually just grow my own, 4 plants max in Ontario.

Yeah man, im almost done college and I still smoke

>Literally everyone already knows about this

You are wrong. Very, very few people know about this.
But this is not the problem, the real problem is the Global Compact on Migration (migrants), not refugees.

Not interested in getting stoned but I want to try cbd to see if it helps my lifting recovery time.

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If you saw the interview you'd know he's smoked it like twice in his life.

I have to find a new headshop that's still willing to sell cbd if I want any.

>Under Ohio’s new medical marijuana law, which goes into effect on September 8, the Board’s clarification on CBD oil, which can derive from either marijuana or hemp, depending on the source, is illegal. The board says CBD oil must go through the same rigorous testing procedures and comply with the same rules as actual cannabis.

We don't have any dispensaries throughout the entire state that are operational.

I did, hence why I even called it an anecdote.

>Still using a nigger tier drug in 2018
Fucking retards.

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I've never smoked before but I'm growing two plants for fun. What do i need to know (on smoking) ? How muwh do you roll on a paper? Also how much does it cost per gram there, i got two seeds for 50$ shipped

That's shitty - cbd doesn't even intoxicate you. I have only read positive things about it.

Also just in. It appears the provinces of Ontario, Newfoundland and Nova Scotia have errupted into what is being described as an apocalyptic dog/human/horse/goose/goat/arab orgy.

In Ontario
Can confirm

Perhaps now that Canada is doped to the eyeballs, they wont post low quality crap and we'll finally be the victors

>0.0 to 1.0% CBD

Certainly not the most per capita in the world. No sir. What would give you that idea?

I'd get out before the moose figure out whats going on. Only a Quebecer can possibly survive that.

Last time I bought it on the black market its $10/g and discounted by 10% (rounded to nearest $5) for each step you go up

1 oz =28g = $160
1/2 oz = 14g = $90
1/4 oz = 7g = $50
1/8 oz = 3.5g = $30
1g = $10

In the government store its anywhere from $7.50/g to $14.50/g

You usually roll between half and a full gram on a paper and make a filter with cardboard

It was the only decently priced weed with a good amount of THC, next time im gonna order a few different

I did the opposite

Use a water pipe.

Very nice there's like a 100 private stores opening in my city, not exaggerating


Whereabouts in Hogtown are you?



I like your beef. Someday I'll get one of those hats, too.

I see that, hope it works out with your lifting fellow canuck

You're not free until you're allowed to self grow

We can... 4 plants per residence

Most (All?) provinces do.

>one store in the downtown

Yeah thanks.

Can you at least order online?

You need to get a code from the liquor store that proves you're of age to order online.


hahaha jesus christ how retarded

Vancouver has had stores since forever

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Damn bro, as soon as midnight hit here in Ontario, I placed my order. Should get it by the weekend. But whoever answers the door gets carded for 19 years or older

>You usually roll between half and a full gram on a paper and make a filter with cardboard

1. you mean cardstock, not cardboard
2. half a gram to a gram? lolwtf?!

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Why not just call up any dealer and have it delivered today for less cost.

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"Dispensaries" were common in Toronto, too. They were just brick and mortar shops for the black market.

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Surprisingly the legal price is comparable to street prices. Even the grey market dispensaries were like $8/g

I mean, unless you're rolling needles, a half gram isn't huge. There are also multiple different sizes of rolling paper, dude.

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there's a fuckload of vids on youtube regarding harvesting and growing so I'm gonna assume you have that covered. if you don't, you better start looking it up cause it's pretty easy to fuck up and while fucking up one step usually won't ruin it two or more almost always will

as for the actual smoking - if you're smoking joints, pack them about as full as a ciggy, maybe a little less. generally you want to not use a filter, or use a small roll of cardboard - I find tearing a 1x3cm strip off a kleenex box and rolling it tightly is usually about right

however I strongly recommend you go with bongs instead - they're smoother, and get you way higher than joints.