If you want to save the white race STOP EATING

if you want to save the white race STOP EATING

the lower your bodyfat us the better your facial aesthetics therefore you will be able to find a mate and procreate

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I expected nothing less from a commie.

Attached: communism every time.jpg (643x600, 50K)

My jewdar goes off when I see the Athlean guy. Especially so considering his videos are algorithm hyped.

hes a cutie isnt he >w

Have you done your face pulls goy?

Attached: 1536433031248.jpg (547x547, 255K)

if you stop eating you will lose muscle mass and just become skinny fat, best to have a maintenance or small caloric deficit and do compound lifts.

dont you want GOD TIER facial aesthetics?

staying lean is the key to getting a beautiful white wife

Attached: whyifast.jpg (1125x1125, 384K)

He looks like a male Moretz.

Attached: why must you torment me so.jpg (1651x1100, 399K)

that a cope used by fatties

seriously stop eating

unless you have nothing more enjoyable to do its really not that hard


Attached: daddy'sfatkitten.png (578x658, 512K)