Hi faggots it's me the developer of Coon

hi faggots it's me the developer of Coon
for all of those who didn't see my original thread, i'm making an RPG set in a kinda futuristic dystopia where the jews won
give me ideas for things you'd want in the game and ask questions
>inb4 this isn't political
mods this is political i swear

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Other urls found in this thread:


enjoy your ban

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learn to format a post so its political you stupid fuck

>implying i'd get banned
teach me you queer

Make Jow Forums a hub in between levels where you can pick up main and side quests. Threads change over time



tell us about your dystopia, is it a cyberpunk or post-apocalyptic, too much order or anarchy?

1: there are elements of both, but i would say it's more post apocalyptic than it is cyberpunk.
2: anarchy.

Out of curiosity, do you plan on dropping subtle redpills or just bluntly on naming the jew?

probably bluntly naming the jew

i'd imagine a muttoid utopia like brazil or current LA now, would the kikes be mandatory worship or be like now operating in the shadows and perceived as "oh those silly religious comedians all over our tv!"?

Look at the Soviet Union in the early days for what happens when Jews win.
Cheating marriages, rampart abortions, high suicide rates, rampart degeneracy. Which brings weird diseases. Massive exploitation as well, expect the Jews to treat the goy'm as goys.
Another place to look is Los Angeles and the homosexuality there. Also the Wiemar.
It will be a bit like Israel too, a mix of extreme degeneracy and crazy baby sucking orthodox (who keep the birthrates stable.

It would be anarcho-tyranny. Tyranny for the goy, near anarchy for the those imposing on the goy.
All media would be propaganda. All schools would be filled with child grooming.

Pic related, under the Soviet Union Jews were worshiped to such an extent, that it was punishable by death to say anything negative about them.

Attached: anti-semites death penality.jpg (1688x301, 134K)

The total extreme would be a world were Jews farmed the goy, like actual farming but in a slavery sense. A slavery of the mind and the body.

Also remember, the Jew must humiliate.
>pic related

Try to be as nuanced as possible to begin with. Make the world a Jewish world, but don't just up and down about it being Jewish. Just refer to it as a Utopia (yes a Utopia, as all good Dystopias are seen as Utopias.)
Let the player fall down the rabbit hole and emerge knowing more.
The best game would allow the playing to voluntarily learn more and come to the realization on their own.
This approach really depends what the game looks like, how it plays. If it is a simple game then being hyperblunt is just as good.

Attached: the jew must offend.jpg (839x809, 98K)

1: you're correct in that the world is a muttoid utopia, well. most of it, there are still some places where mutts and shitskins cannot go, like the scottish highlands and northern canada and alaska
2: mandatory worship.
thanks for the help

oh shit didn't mean to put that extra 2:

it's not gonna be vidya user

I like the extreme degeneracy part. As OP said, he doesn't want to go 1984 and prefers anarchy.
The problem is, it's hard to both have anarchy and the oppressive dominance of a caste. The only way to make this plausible on the long term is if the enslavement of people is indirect, through their urges.
So I'd rather go panem et circenses on steroid: drugs everywhere, porn and prostitution everywhere, shitty food that makes you keep asking for more, etc.
Basically, modern day USA is a better inspiration.

>he problem is, it's hard to both have anarchy and the oppressive dominance of a caste.

It is possible if the oppressive caste is seen as religiously sacred, as Jews want people to see them as.

>shitty food that makes you keep asking for more
Kek, like a coke that contains zero energy (sugar)

Rampart drugs too. Anything that has massive exploitation margins.

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please excuse the mandatory e-nigger commentary that google images yields, but will this dystonia resemble something like pic related?

would you have seperate demons too representing different facets of modern degeneracy?

what will hollywood film be like at that point?

Attached: download.png (500x654, 167K)

Add a character slot for religion.
merchant +3
christcuck +2
mudslime +1
agnostic 0
druggie -1
buddist -3

1: yes, it will resemble something like pic related

>would you have seperate demons too representing different facets of modern degeneracy?
what did he mean by this

2: Hollywood film would be pumped up full of degenerate propaganda and any and all movies with deep plots that try and make people think would be banned
what would all those +'s and -'s do, though?
is it like some kinda charisma thing or..?

so it'd be like Ass: The Movie, but instead BBC for 2 hours?

I meant something along the lines of cuphead where you'd meet different bosses representing different degeneracy like positive drug culture, gay culture, tranny goblins, etc

>set in a kinda futuristic dystopia where the jews won
>he doesnt realize the jews won 100 years ago
user, I ...

>It is possible if the oppressive caste is seen as religiously sacred, as Jews want people to see them as.
I guess a dystopic future where the press, state, financial elites have all merged into a single clerical caste pushing for a degenerate metaphysical view of the world, like a neofrankism, could make sense.

Sure, it wouldn't have to be like that though.
It only requires control of the financial systems for a group to impose all their beliefs on the press,state etc etc.

you should add more specifics than RPG, like is it 2d, 3d, top down, first person, real time, turn based etc

1: Precisely.
2: yeah, probably. but i'd need to think of an explanation as to how they exist. maybe they're like genetic experiments or some (excuse my french) bullshit?
>implying that the jews wouldn't have wiped us out if they won
that's probably what (((they))) will be like
it's not a vidya faggit

Based Black man who dies at the hands of a merchant.
Then the merchant mutilates his dick and sells the body.
Also make the chinks look awful and the world like isreal/Palestine. With lots of bunkers and dead bodies

The Talmudic jews worship dark gods because God forbid it. Moloch(child sacrifice) Baal(domination) and Bahomet(tranny shit) are a good place to start.

there will be no based black men because there are no based black men in real life
there will be plenty of dead bodies and bunkers.
start what, lad?

The parasite can't kill the host. Also they believe every jew will have 2800 goy slaves when their messiah comes. You gotta read up on kike religion if you're going to make a game about them, bro.

Learning about their perversity. They do the opposite of everything taught in the old testament. They think they can cheat God himself. Here's a quick rundown.


Also don't forget to mention the Freemasons. It's kabbalah for goy dupes.


Really it all stems from Babylonian mystery religions captured jews learned while there. Pic related. They think Adam was a tranny before eve was removed from him.

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not it doesnt. please shut up. dont speak on matters your brainlet cant comprehend