Is it just me...

Is it just me, or is it becoming painfully obvious that NPCs will dye their hair to establish a distinguishing feature (or elevate uniqueness) among the monolithic mass of NPCs they commonly reside in?

Attached: sushi3.jpg (640x855, 31K)

Attached: comped.jpg (749x499, 87K)

same with tattoos and piercings
they are so insecure in themselves, believing they are so ordinary, that they vandalise themselves in an effort to stand out

faggots too

They do it with tats and piercings too. If you have an unblemished body as an adult, you are a minority. You are the one displaying individuality from social consensus.

I never understood tattoos in the first place honestly
Especially since 99% of them are just some shallow design with varying quality
Like fuck put it on a tshirt, you dont goddamn need a triforce on your neck you mouth breather you arent unique

Why the homophobia?

Yup, I never liked the idea of tattoo's, can you imagine meeting someone with the same tattoo in the same place. Nothing wrong with a woman getting her ears pierced but when they do more than just the lobes it seems like a cry for attention

they die their hair to look less human
no blue hair: wow she's ugly
blue hair: wow.. she has blue hair
that's why

Yeah, and pinstripes an a spoiler on your car? We get it, you're a unique driver.

Do you know where you are?