Jow Forums...

Jow Forums, we all know that the welfare parasites are having a very negative effect on the political systems in the West.

my own personal story: My sister, who claims to be "bipolar", actually got approved for government disability and receives like 1400 dollars a month from the government. She is physically healthy, not autistic, and could easily work. She could also easily marry some beta male and have him support her.

We need the government to collapse, so that all these worthless parasites, welfare parasites, fucking die off.

Niggers, mexicans, and poor white trash are all welfare parasites. This is why we NEED a global world war. There's simply too many useless subhumans and we need a world war to wipe out at least 4 or 5 billion humans. Only like 5 percent of humans are actually useless and contribute to society. That 5 percent tends to be mostly white MEN, too.

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>Only like 5 percent of humans are actually useless


Sounds like your jealous.
If you want a check then go support UBI.
Not like you work much anyways, you lazy fat shit poster closeted cuck right wing pansy boot licker prick.

UBI is 1000 times worse than welfare. Let's just give totally FREE money to niggers, mexicans, and white trash to NOT work.

Fuck you, socialist. The day of the rope is coming.

No it isnt you fat lazy shit.
I have worked longer than your lazy slob pun ass has been alive.
You shit post memes all day. You have a fucking meme folder and you shit talk your family online.
You are pathetic, everyone around you knows it, its why no one fucking likes you. It is why you sister and family roll their fucking eyes behind your back.
Ever wonder why you fat nasty ass closeted cock suckers sit here all day every day, making threads to entertain your egos and black cock obsession?
Right, ya dont work, ya dont do shit, ya need to take a fucking bath and work a day in your life.
BTW all the mooches are already mooching ya dub shit. UBI would go to the hands of the working class.
Also its why you maga hat pussies never fight a real man. You bitch and moan and say day of the rope but ya never been in a fight or outside.

Jealous little sissy bitch.

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Agreed. Killing the welfare leech is step 2 of saving america.

i'd love to work. But smart yougn white men like me are held back so worthless niggers, mexicans, indians, and white trash beta male pussies like you can work. Because you are all easy to control. It's much easier to hire a bunch of yes-men than intelligent white men who actually can help the company make progress.

and step 1?

"We know how to save America cause we from Jow Forums where we never worked a day in our life, we shit post about minority cocks all day, jerk off to tranny porn while insulting them but hey we know how to save america!
You couldnt kill a fuckin thing ya pussies. The liberals are more violent then you pansy ass right pussies.
Seriously, liebrals do more shit than you do with violence.
It is why when that bike lock pussy was beating the fuck out of you all ya cried about it.
Yall never been in a fight so stop talking shit. You are do nothing basic ass bitches.

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rofl you admitted to not having a fucking ever working. haha
Man you fucks are pathetic. Blame everyone else for not going out and working you lazy ass fat shit.
rofl this is too awful its like you fucks are just beyond autism pathetic. You are worse than the limp wristed pussy liberals.

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>you lazy fat
That's where I agree with you everything else is a buzz word.

OH VEY GOYIM, we NEED brown people to come here and do the jobs you GOYIM uh i mean white people won't do!

That's a lot of projection for a fat faggot who likes niggers.

>You couldnt kill a fuckin thing ya pussies. The
My hunting and fishing license says different.
You liberals act like niggers because you're high all the time.
Yes I work unlike you.

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Problem is that the welfare parasites will be a lot of the survivors. Their lazy sloth like gluttonous asses can starve for a year with just water and still live off all the fat stores. It's been tested that you can live off just fat for almost a year at least... the guy took some vitamins too, but it's not known if that mattered, though they suspect it helped to not develop any negative health affects from complete starvation. He was like 500lb, but applies across the board I'm sure.

Never said that pussy, I dont agree with muslim bullshit. So yeah, you are wrong, you are lazy, youve never been in a fight or had to do hard work.
You blame everyone else for your failures.
You are pathetic, like I said, you chose to be pathetic.
Thats a lot of assuming about who I like, try to deflect pussy, wont matter, just like in life, no one should ever take your fat lazy ass serious.
I am not a slimy ass sjw liberal ya pansy. Your hunting and fishing license dont mean shit. You day of the rope pussies wont do shit. Liberals attack more people for their beliefs than the right does. I hate ya both but you right wing fucks are just boot licking closeted cock suckers that jerk off to tranny and gay porn while idolizing a fat retard who eats mcdonalds and never worked a day in his life either.
Ya picked the perfect president for you, in your own image, a fat retard, who doesnt work, pays for sex, never been in a fight, is too dumb to fucking speak in public without cringe autism.
Yall are like liberals accept ya deny it. Boot licker

AnCap world would be awesome. Unfortunately there's too many pussies who are afraid of death and (((democracy))) allows them to create a government to protect them from the strong.

>Never said that pussy
LOL you're the pussy cause you are too weak to support yourself and thus you demand a government welfare state.

RWDS is gonna getcha, faggot

>like 1400 dollars a month
How much are you exaggerating?

not exaggerating. The average disability SSDI payout is 1350 per month.

rofl you dont even work I work ya fat sac of shit you keep assuming shit just to try and pick at me ya cant I work, I pay for shit I do me and have for over 25 years.
You are a never worked pathetic shit who is hated by everyone around you.
You lose man, stop assuming and just go cry somewhere else, fuck its pathetic you admitted you are lazy and a bum, just stop its cringe.

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whatever. if you're a welfare parasite, your day is coming, subhuman.

I have never had welfare you dumbshit.
You dont even work and have no job, you are a parasite and leech.
Fucking pathetic man, you wont do shit accept stink, make women uncomfortable, and shit post.
Just sit down go jerk off to tranny shit and tell yourself you are a patriot that has never and will never do shit.

>and step 1?
Step 1 is putting a government in place that will allow us to effectively enact step 2.

This is a pretty lame attempt at niggerposting. Everyone knows that lefties are more violent... they're also more incompetent, and more weak. (Their weakness and insecurity is exactly why they are more quick to turn to violence)

>we need a world war to wipe out at least 4 or 5 billion humans

>white men love war
>they find a bunch of reasons to go kill each other again, for the 3rd time
>all of the "disabled", women, and cucks stay safe at home and perhaps a small percentage of them die in various bombings etc
>all of the best white men annihilate each other again killing off the tiny little percentage of the white-warrior caste that managed to survive WW1 & WW2
>the SJW's seize control of everything after WW3 and disarm white men permanently
>white people completely extinct by 2150

Great plan. It worked so well the first two times this was tried. Ask the Germans...Oh wait, there aren't any real Germans left. They're all dead. The few "Germans" that are left are mongrelized slavic mutts and rape-babies who don't care about Germany and won't fight for their mixed "race".

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white men are the most effective killing machines to ever walk on god's green earth

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white men are GODS on earth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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you mean cucks on earth


>Niggers, mexicans, and poor white trash are all welfare parasites. This is why we NEED a global world war.

We don't need a war at all, just shut off the welfare.

Stop all welfare and watch them drop like flies.

Just lol @ this delusional incel

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War won't solve anything.

We need to take away the welfare and the problem fixes itself.

why aren't the RICH funding RWDS to get rid of the poor? WE NEED A PURGE NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You need to think like the jew, long term. You can eliminate them without any conflict if you just let them die.

cut off the welfare, let them fucking starve!

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I know what you mean
But you're on the wrong forum if you're complaining about fat, lazy NEETs. I'd estimate that at least 60% fall into that category. Or they're students doing useless degrees who will be future NEETs

The post was good until you started talking about war and genocide, not very libertarian of you fag