Dumbest explanation of NPC meme

If I google it all I get a News corporations takes on it. Rather hear what it means straight from the horses mouth so to speak

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It became popular in response to a study about people's inner voice.
The meme NPC is someone who has no inner voice and therefore isn't really conscious.

The usage has been generalized to refer to people who do as they're told and tow the party line without thinking about it.

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It started after people re-found a study from like 2011 or some shit saying that only 25% of population have inner monologue. The study had like "30 diverse people" or something, so the study itself isn't even dependable.
Also there has been anonymous posts saying that people act like soulless, or that they are NPCs, just saying what's politically correct, regurgitating same meaningless sentences over and over again like they just aren't able to say anything else.
And there has been anonymous posts saying that some people managed to learn how to have inner monologue and how it changed their lives, that they can't even comprehend how they used to live their lives before.

'cuz a study and anonymous posts

It's multi-purpose, one being to highlight the fact that people don't think for themselves.

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Some people are nonautonomous lemmings that lack the mental capacity for self relfection or critical thinking

recently someone discovered this reddit post from a couple years ago. it became the basis for a lot of the recent speculation

Attached: i-never-thought-with-language.png (845x441, 119K)

The only people here right now aren't from here.
>If you know where to look you can ask in the right place
>There's a few threads up about what's happening

>The study had like "30 diverse people" or something, so the study itself isn't even dependable.
30 is actually the lower limit to ensure a dependable normal distribution. Let me ask you, for something so confoundingly personal, do you think it would change much if 30.000 people were asked?

Here's another good explanation.
It's basically solipsism.

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