The NPC meme really isn't that funny/interesting

How does this meme trigger the left?

It's just the same old sentiment that "People are sheep!", but re-packaged. How is this clever or funny? I'm not against it since I guess it's effective, but I don't think it's a particularly good meme. I even found the boomer meme far funnier.

Why does the left even find this offensive? We're just calling them "Mindless sheep" basically. We've been saying that for a while, and it's an insult hurled at each other all the time. Is it just the image that really makes them feel bad because they know they are brainless robots or something?

t. sincerely confused user

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It triggers the shit out of the kikes, because the goyim waking up means they'll get kicked out of society again. So they do what they always do, use their media machine to try and distract/subvert/shill. Which itself is an easily noticeable iteration of the meme. Cue spiraling desperation, which brings the screeching you're talking about.

It doesn't trigger anyone. The shills pushing it are the ones telling you it is triggering.
Manufactured outrage.

That’s exactly what it is. It’s a rehash of sheeple, but its effectiveness resides in its relation to modernity. Young people know what a video game NPC is. It also shakes leftists to the core. They’ve truly believed that regurgitating NYT or CNN talking points makes them well informed. When confronted with the fact that they have no opinions on the news, don’t think critically, and are merely repeating someone else’s work, it crushes them. They realize they’ve been found out and exposed as intellectually lazy.

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It's because of the parodic element.
If you simply say "You are all blind followers" they simply respond with "NO U! Orange man bad!".

If you post "Orange man bad!" they can only respond with "Orange man bad!" and it's impossible to deny that your satire is accurate.


>It doesn't trigger anyone. The shills pushing it are the ones telling you it is triggering.

I'm honestly feeling like this. The meme is not even that interesting or clever imo. I have no idea why anons are acting like we've struck gold, or why the MSM is responding in such a way

Explain the twitter purge. How often do they respond that drastically and fast?

Yeah. It's the people getting their own accounts banned by the thousands telling themselves that it's triggering.....


Sheep is about collective behavior. NPC is about an individual's cognitive process. It makes it more personal.

>How does this meme trigger the left?

As you've noticed out it's an old talking point criticizing conformity. But it used to be part of leftist arsenal and now it was appropriated and modernized by the right so it scares them as it was an effective tool.
Now that they control things conformity is expected. It's just like with the free speech - they're the loudest advocates when they're being censored.

Do you think we only use the media? Do you think we aren't at work here?

>Why does the left even find this offensive?
Because the media are telling them to. Media copies off one another worse than reddit does, so all it really took was one dipshit to get angry.

The New York Times thinks it might be Russian bots. Twitter decided to ban it. That's interesting.

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crying wojak deserves better

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Well, that's just like, your opinion man.

I'm seeing a ton of threads saying 'its triggering them so bad u guys' and not a lot of actual triggering desu


I'm with you. I don't find it particularly funny or accurate but it's funny to watch people get so butthurt about it

>but it's funny to watch people get so butthurt about it

Is anyone really butthurt about it? I don't really see anyone who cares much

Stop posting the meme goys it’s ineffective geez

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Every second of every day
>"why does [The NPC meme] upset leftists so much? lmao."
Convinced it's being shilled at this point, for whatever reason.

Twitter is shutting it all down

>Stop posting the meme goys it’s ineffective geez
???? Doesn't seem like anyone cares to me?

>Convinced it's being shilled at this point, for whatever reason.
It's pretty weird. Since when does the MSM write articles about random memes that spring up?

>Twitter is shutting it all down
Is it possible there's some sort of controlled opposition thing going on here?

Just seems weird to me

This the NPCs have convinced thousands that they are real leftist

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Wait until the next one kike lover

It's not clever or funny. It's intended to further push the dissident Right from acceptability.

Do you think the Jews hate it because they lack the inner dialogue or because it undermines their control mechanism?

>NPC#26102 Designation "Kimmel" run 'saline discharge.exe'
My fucking sides

So I'm able to figure out Colbert, Conan, Noah, Kimmel, Oliver, Meyers, Maher, Fallon.

Who are the other two??

I don't understand it either. But if it's bad enough Twitter is treating it like the word nigger then I guess it's worth keeping alive.

It's kind of like finding out your enemy is terrified of pickles. I don't get it. But I'll use it against them.

>it works in practice, but not in theory

It’s edgy and pwns the lib normies, just like fortnite and flossing. Boomers BTFO!

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ban are unjustified, it's working.
These parangon of virtue are huge narcissist

>How does this meme trigger the left?
Half of leftist writers have vidya playing cuck-boyfriends who bitch to them about how offensive being called npc is and threaten to go off meds and off themselves unless the gf writes a condemning article

Here’s the hot take as to why the left is freaking out about the NPC meme:
>they have adopted the jewish David vs Goliath underdog morality at the core of their ideology
>this morality was planted via mass media: Star Wars, Harry Potter, Hunger Games
>they learn in school to analyze their worldview into Davids and Goliaths and lo and behold, latch onto the small part of themselves that happens to be David (female, PoC, LGBT, faking to be trans)
>they know their mission in life is to fight the establishment as a woman, nog, etc.


when they are faced with an NPC meme that robotically parrots everything they say, they suddenly can’t understand how their own ideas got in their heads

this sets off a panic that the only thing that has the scale to mass produce their thoughts in themselves and all of their friends is the establishment that they thought they were fighting

they are discovering they are the foot soldiers for the establishment and that they never volunteered for this fight, but they can’t retreat without a mental breakdown since there isn’t enough dopamine left in their burned out psyches.

>David and Goliath
The point of that story is that David was able to defeat one of the strongest warriors in the land with nothing but a slingshot because he had God on his side... It's supposed to be inspirational lol. It's really a good story whether you're a Christian or not.

But I still see what you're saying. But we all call each other "Sheeple", how is this meme any different? Just because it's presented in a new way or something?

I'm a veteran chan memer, but I just don't fucking get this one. Seems pretty tame

This is the truth. But sadly it won't be swiftly eliminated from here anytime soon. It will continue to serve it's purpose in pulling your attention away from other matters more deserving of your attention and off-putting visitors wishing to be red-pilled.

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the meme isn't that funny in itself but it depicts well the millions of retard spamming #metoo and shit on twitter, thinking they are some sort of polish resistant in warsaw ghetto

Nice try, jewie mcjewjew

>1 post by this ID
Fuck off shills

So what? That just reinforces the meme. These people need constant validation or their world shatters.

Some folk are so addicted in their conceit to being victims that any denigration anywhere applies to them.
Thus they get angry about it.

Because they know deep down they just regurgitate talking points without understanding anything.

The only reason to be offended is if one thinks they are an NPC.

> It's supposed to be inspirational lol. It's really a good story whether you're a Christian or not

I thought that D&G is from the Old Testament by Jews that new nothing of baby Jesus. It was written with Jewish morality. Anyways, if it wasn’t the morality of Jews of the past, it certainly is the morality of Jews of today.

these people are triggered by NPC since they spent a shitload of money on an education and they think they are mislabeled and too smart to be a sheeple, or that their education puts them in charge of who is and isn’t a wrong thinker and a nobody like you or me have no say until we also pay $250k to go to the approved school

This is my favourite response to it. So woke.

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>a wojack meme is being pushed on twitter and 4shits by the media.
Wew lads’ that’s the most tinfoil hat theory I’ve ever heard, please do tell me about the intergalactic space aliens that probed you and Alex jones anus.

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Hahahahaahahahaaaa you think NPCs are strictly on the left? You fucking NPC - you’re a bit woke, admitting your confusion, I guess we can still be frens user.

Post tweets of these cucks bitching, or is this just made up salt?

people who believe in politics are NPC

>I thought that D&G is from the Old Testament by Jews that new nothing of baby Jesus. It was written with Jewish morality. Anyways, if it wasn’t the morality of Jews of the past, it certainly is the morality of Jews of today.

The God of the old testament is the same one in the new testament, and the old testament discusses the prophecy of Jesus a lot. It's all connected and the morality doesn't change much.

I agree Jews are obsessed with this myth about some oppressed outsider who rides into town and brings morality to the kingdom or something

Boy howdy! This thread sure is GLOWING.

>t. blue check

>Hahahahaahahahaaaa you think NPCs are strictly on the left?

I think a large majority of leftists are NPCs, and a large majority of a-political normies are definitely NPCs, and the neo-con/boomer spere of the right-wing is full of NPCs.

and when I say "Left", I mean neo-liberals. I wouldn't say full blown Marxists are NPCs usually, they're just luciferian scum who need to be removed. Not NPCs though

The NPC meme is simply determinism applied to lefties, while non-NPCs can still act based on free will.

Which is stupid because the determinism claim is universal. Either all of us are NPCs or none of us are.

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That would be me,

Look up Havelock Ellis dingbat