"From each according to his ability, to each according to his need" is fundamentally the worst economic model. Imagine a workplace in a society where this is enforced. There are two people: one who works hard, and another who is significantly more lazy than the other. Both recieve the same pay. The worker who is lazier gets the same pay as the worker who works harder. This is fucking retarded.
Karl Marx was full of shit
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>telling Jow Forums that Jews are full of shit
That's like telling a marine biologist that water is wet.
he was shit
But in capitalism very lazy people get paid millions (cash me outside girl) while people who work their fingers to the bone (chinese factory workers, Bangladeshi scrappers) get paid next to nothing.
>There are two people: one who works hard, and another who is significantly more lazy than the other.
sounds like my former workplace. Damn that was funny when the whole middle management begged me to stay and remove some of the lazy tards and I just told them if they like Niggers they should with Niggers
you know what's even more retarded?
To think that rich peopel will respect your demented fucking values of free market and won't try to enslave everything to profit if given the opportunity
Well the argument is that they both need to give according to their ability. That would mean that either our friend is lazy and does not give according to his ability (which I shall assume is equal to the hardworking friend had the first friend not been lazy) or is actually severely restricted due his laziness-sickness and is actually giving according to his ability. Now the argument goes that in the first case, we the People can tell this lazy faggot to man the fuck up or get fucked. And in the second case, we've got a sick person who is desperately trying to help society. He must be accepted for who he is.
I doubt that someone who is truly lazy can't convince others that is because he is sick and that he deserves to not work. That means that over time, your own people will work to dismantle the state.
>Both recieve the same pay
You were going alright till you said this. Where does that apply? In Marxist-Socialist countries that follow the Leninist model of Vanguard politics and Centrally planned economies? Marx advocated neither and mentioned neither. In a worker owned and controlled environment lazy workers get voted out of employment. And if the majority of people are lazy then the industry collapses as those who are not lazy can't compete with them. Marx had no idea how the world worked, but misrepresenting his ideology or beliefs helps nobody except leftists.
I pay my Chinese factory workers the equivalent of 150 shekels per hour in bitcoins to hand-sew counterfeit che guevara t-shirts that are supposedly made in America in a union factory.