Reminder to the people who are shilling for Amy Barrett to be the next replacment for Ginsburg...

Reminder to the people who are shilling for Amy Barrett to be the next replacment for Ginsburg. This is who you're rooting for. Someone who wants to increase refugee resettlement and immigration laws.

Attached: 47A80331-2D2F-4BDA-9C01-6439DD72D77F.png (634x634, 992K)

She adopted 2, and had 3. Show them too. And you'll be allowed to criticize her only when you'll have more than 2 white children.

lel that smug nigglet face on the right

I'd vote for Marine Le Pen to be the next supreme court justice.

If you have ANY non-white children you get the rope.

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>And you'll be allowed to criticize her only when you'll have more than 2 white children.
How about go fuckyourself?

Nobody cares about this race mixing whore, getting rid of RBG is first order of business, this cunts digits will come.

She looks like she could really take some black dicks

The one on the left will have no problem integrating into white society
The little one will be a problem though

Attached: diversity.jpg (644x792, 150K)