When a female calls you an incel, how do you respond?

When a female calls you an incel, how do you respond?

I'm fighting for my manhood and masculinity, but I'm tired of hearing that word used to describe my plight.

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Idk OP. Never had that happen before. They usually call me "daddy", and occasionally "pappi" if I am craving something spicy.

Left wingers are incels.

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Just leave her to her hundreds of Chad and Tyrone dicks, she'll hit the wall when she gets old and blame men. Fuck off, say goodbye to her bitching and save money for retirement.


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Ask her what that word means without her cuntsplaining it

You call her ugly dyke roastie you newfag



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Ignore her. She is just craving attention. If she repeats herself or comes to Jow Forums she is verifying she can't think for herself. If it persists to insulting random strangers whom don't care for her, deep down none of her thoughts are her own as she realizes she is an NPC.

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Incel? Funny, your sister didn't call me that.

Would you care what a child called you? why would you worry about what a woman called you?

>shut up incel
“just because i wouldn’t fuck you, doesn’t mean i’ve never had sex lol”
remember with women you need to shame them or call them ugly at the same time basically. in fact saying this will probably make them want to fuck you to prove they are good enough or whatever bullshit happens in their heads. women are brain dead

Renounce fornication

Seasoned polemic here, tell her: Your insult says a lot about what you offer in a relationship.

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Tell her that she is jealous that her mother has skills at blow jobs.

Call her a roastie? Or if she really isn't one, just call her a bitch. Straightforward.

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>tired of hearing that word
Try harder, user. You need a girl and a bunch of kids.

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Tell her you're not a heathen and deign only to have sex after marriage like a responsible adult

Tell her that you’re a Genius.

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>haha you didn't get to penetrate a hole yet, you're worthless!
Just call her a hole, as that is by her own admission all that she is.

If you are genuinely an incel, realise you are to blame, man the fuck up and step down. Use it as motivation to better yourself

If you are genuinely a guy who is a joke on face value, realise you are to blame, man the fuck up and step down. Use it as motivation to better yourself.

If you are genuinely a guy who people can look at and respect, well done. Keep bettering yourself.

maybe stop being an incel and people won't call you one, incel

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>"not anymore"
>rape her

>When a female calls you an incel, how do you respond?
>There's no such thing as an incel; only lazy volcels who won't fuck fat chicks like yourself.

you mean when a female calls you that in your imagination?

I mean way more american men are overweight than women so it's more likely the male is overweight

You literally call them roasties.
They are insecure, neurotic infantile basket cases.

i scream 'I'D RATHER BE AN INCEL THAN IN YOU' and then dab

I want boomer drivel to stop

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You are part of the problem.

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You laugh at her and call her a hysterical cow

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i seriously doubt that

also keep in mind that bmi is not the best way to determine if someone is overweight or not

a lot of men are technically overweight when they're just carrying a lot of muscle

Warranted digits, will do this if the situation ever arises. Thanks Satan.

I’ve never actually heard anyone ever use the term “incel” irl


step 0 - you must feel confortable around women.
Around women you might try to "polish" yourself to appear nicer.
Wrong, you're doing so only because of insecurities and women know this.
You want a woman who will love you and bear your children, you don't want a whore who needs to think you're a npc in order to like you. Then ou must be able to talk
solutions :
try trinder and other shit in order to gain confidence while talking to women
try talking to women you don't find attractive in any way.
try talking to friend women

step 1 - Woman must feel confortable around you.
step 0 is highly important pre requisite for this shit.
mind :
You want a woman in your life ? Your life must be woman friendly.
You honestly think that woman are inferior ? Then you'll die alone, sorry but you deserve it.
You spent half of your time watching anime ? Do you really think that's what a woman wants to do ? You can watch anime for 1/2 hour a day if you want to, but if you want to start a familly with a woman, you have to man up a little.
You don't have to act like fucking rambo or you dad, just be the grow up version of yourself.

body :
Doing 2/3 hour of push-ups a week is enough.
On fashion and shits, it's easy, do not look like you're an incel who don't fit anywhere, it's easy : jean, maybe kinda slimy one, blue grey or black + t shirt.
On facial hair : it's a fact, women like them ... a LOT, not a must have but a really REALLY good bonus


lol found the incel

It's as if there's no data and we have to venture guesses with anecdotes.

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step 2 - finding woman
auto swipe right on tinder, woman will choose for you.
go to friend's party
go to a social event where you known you'll find someone you'd like to meet (example : you won't find a good woman in a night club)
Don't be afraid to try talking to odd, strange, kinda outcast women, good surprises here.

step 3 - charming thy woman
she must not know that for you she's THY woman, she must feel like she is when she talk to you.
Don't ask too early if she want kids or shit, women don't handle well this kind of pressure and they might say "NO EAT SHIT AND DIE" when the real anwser is "Of course, but only with the right guy, not with a creep who ask this before saying hi"

step 4 - keeping woman
try to surprise her sometimes
listen to her
Make her fucking heart beat.

step 5 human reproduction
Please, you already know how it's work


>If it persists to insulting random strangers whom don't care for her, deep down none of her thoughts are her own as she realizes she is an NPC.
t. person doing literally that right now

70% of American men are overweight.
59% of American women are overweight.

I feel bad for American women I mean holy shit. They need to immigrate up here to get away from those round soft " men " they got down there


he's a manlet/fat/beta so whenever he looks at a woman he imagines them calling him an incel or rejecting him or humiliating him

maybe you didn't catch it the first time so i'll reiterate

my gym is 90% men

a lot of men in that "overweight" category are actually weightlifters such as myself

bottomline is there's no fucking way there's more overweight men when you consider actual athleticism instead of just bmi

Are you genuinely retarded?
It measures by BMI you literal fucking chucklefuck. Muscle mass is actual mass, as in kilograms, I know novel idea.

Going by BMI to ascertain obesity in men is hilarious.

Virgins (and especially wizards are rare). There are far more men who are not virgin and simply hate women - which is the primary reason for inceldom.

It depends on how you define rare.
GSS clocks them at 19%
The CDC clocks them at 18%

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By that same logic black men would be more overweight than black women, but black women are much more overweight.

Get some pussy? It’s hard but it’s not that hard.

Yeah, because black women are legitimately morbidly obese to the point of caricature.

>Caring what women think and not just being gay
Sorry user I don’t know your plight

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Your whole life revolves around faeces, STIs, AIDs and you will be incontinent by the time you are 40.
Not to mention you are severely mentally ill.

Pierre, it is all fine and dandy, but consider this:
>women are not worth all the trouble

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>says just be gay instead
>posts a pic of a woman

>user, I............

>implying I wasn't baiting
>implying you didn't know that
>implying I still needed to type this out because there was a chance you believed my original jest to be genuine and the only way to prove that I was trolling all along was to type this in the original comment

I would unironically rape her

If i read this right, 20% are incels, and 5% virgins.

2008-2010 is interesting regarding inceldom. Economic crisis aside, my pet theory is that it's the point when social networking really took off and all the small dating markets where one had a chance (ie high school/college/work mates) got vaporized by facebook chads, and later tinder.

Additionaly, web porn streaming got really into mainstream by that time.

I’m in a good relationship with my bf and don’t fool around like some wanton slut but thanks for playing

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>step 0 - you must feel confortable around women.

she would unironically love it

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>E.U tracks all of your internet activity
>makes comments like that
>no but dude Poland is based so im allowed to
>Poland has no relevant military
>Poland sucks
>goes to jail for making rape statements in the future

You can't read a graph.

The dotted line is unmarried not at all sexually active.

The full line is married and not at all sexually active.

5% is the first graph you posted.

I started turning down girls who do hit on me, because I’m autistic, so now everyone thinks I’m a VOLUNTARY celibate and it’s some kind of spiritual thing, and it’s made me immune to cruel jokes. They think I’m some weird monk when I’m just an autist

>Poland has no relevant military
More tanks and firepower than all western eu countries combined
Also, your army is literally a meme
And your country is gay with so high food prices your fridge is empty. Now fuck off hungry peasant

not murdering your genes who have been preserved by countless generations of blood and sweet of your ancestors and who carry the tears, suffering and hard work of thousands of years of the males in your ancestral line is what's actually worth the trouble.
You weak polish cuck.
Know that in this very moment as you type that shit in your keyboard, your grandfather and every male before him in your family are twisting in their graves, disgusted by the thought that you are their last hope of continuing their genetic heritage, which clearly you do not deserve.

Yeah, it's a lifetime of trouble but believes a french user who might as well be a bot or don't : true love worth every trouble.

>small dating markets where one had a chance got vaporized by facebook chads, and later tinder.
This is the main reason dating nowadays sucks
Before you had to compete within your school or workplace and be the best there
Now you need to compete with everyone in the closer area AND they are allowed to put up a highlight reel of their best achievements whereas you are forced into reality

I come to think about how actors before shots in movies get "pumped" so their muscles look bigger and women think thats how you naturally should look, not to mention them often being on steroids and a perfect diet/exercise plan

Competition is good but unregulated competition is bad

You don't have to be 200% confident and shit, just confortable enough so they don't get scared or think of you as a "friend"

>whenever he lo
just laugh and tell the pig you were only being nice felt sorry for because she's fat. Then walk away laughing. Game over. That'll haunt her for the rest of her life and she might not attack a lonely person again.

Get lost, chad.

First of all, it's projection, 1 post malone shill.
Secondly, when a ho calls you an incel, she's telling you that her cunt is the only thing of value on or about her, and it's 100% implied in the insult.

That is the aggregate of never married individuals that submit they have never had sex. Men and women.

I ain't, I'm just trying to help my people

I've never heard anyone getting called an incel offline.

It's an online word used by kids.
Grow up and just be yourself.

i fantasize going ER

maybe find less weird females? Where the hell are you looking?

>When a female calls you an incel, how do you respond?
usually with: "I'm volcel, now fuck off skank!"

ur a gay lol
>true love worth every trouble.
I deny the possibility of you saying this statement for serious

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This guy unironicaly knows what's up.

>When a female calls you an incel
Shut the fuck up, tranny.

But, I am and I was like you before.
Then I found someone who makes me feel ... alive and purposeful, you might think of my as a retard and you might be right, I'm just trying to help you because 14

Satan AND God agree.

I would not care op. But then i am a weirdo.
One who goes to parties purely out of obligation.
Well that and the possibility of free alcohol.
Mostly the free alcohol.

>Caring about what women think at all