Why is Serpentza such a faggot...

Why is Serpentza such a faggot? He constantly shills for the CCP and globalism and says stupid shit like China isn't communist and churches aren't banned. The only thing he criticizes the party for is not being multicultural enough so he can get a green card.

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Because if he said anything else, the People's Republic of China would come take him away to be never seen or heard from again. You think people actually have rights over there?

China isn't communist and churches aren't banned
t. Not Chinese

They kinda do...
You can't directly criticise the system itself, but you're free to criticise people below the level of the ruling council (can't remember its name), and you have more personal freedom than in the West.
They have their own set of political taboos quite different from ours.

To tripple post, if you said plenty of things on social media you could get fired from your job, whereas in China likely no one would gaf.

>You can't directly criticise the system itself, but you're free to criticise people below the level of the ruling council (can't remember its name), and you have more personal freedom than in the West

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Most businesses are state-owned and the ones that aren't are heavily monitored for ideological purity. Churches are all run by the state and the Bible is heavily censored. Non-state churches are demolished and parishioners arrested.

>Say bad things about the party while in china

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>Most businesses are state-owned


I like him, desu. I've been bingewatching ADVChina over the past few weeks

Because he is not an NPC like this other guy he makes videos with. (he's still a nice guy though)
He isn't brainwashed by Western propaganda as the other guy, he criticises what he doesn't like and defends what he thinks is usefuly.
Example: The new social points system - he was clearly positive towards it even though he acted neutral because the other guy was such a moron about it.
Why? He often said in his video that Chinese people like to cheat like crazy, there is little social trust because everyone does whatever the fuck he wants.
So he sees this system and thinks to himself - yeah, that's maybe gonna stop the people in my neigbourhood from trying to rip me off all the time.
I mean he certainly doesn't like the idea of eating rat meat without knowing it because some restaurant owner decided to trick everyone into thinking it's beef in order to save a few bucks.
So he's someone concerned with China as a society improving in the future because he wants to stay and live there while the other guy is just repeating US media shit in order to score virtue points with his Western audience.

Nigga people riot in China over specific local issues with often no repercussions
Your view of China is a partially true Western media cutout
You can get drunk in the street and say racist things to people with no repercussions, ride your motorbike or bicycle everywhere, the food is cheap, transport is fantastic
I don't live in China b/c I have reasons to live here, but your view of it is not the reality on the ground
Even drugs are highly available and functionally decriminalised for certain drugs in certain areas (eg marijuana in at least Shanghai and much of Yunnan).

Economics is not my strong suit, but afaik there's plenty of independent businesses (cafes, bike shops etc.). Would be interested in links to more data on your position. It certainly seems quite different from the (supposedly) rigid control and planning of the USSR and N Korea.


This is complete bullshit. Most businesses are private owned.
You as a Westerner cannot run a business there on your own though, but this is due to the fact that you are not trustworthy.
Westerners just want to come in, steal as much money as they can and run off with their ill gotten gains.

>Not an NPC
>approves of globalism and state-surveillance


NPC is not about a particular position, it's about thinking vs non-thinking

He does not approve of Globalism. Please point me to the video where he says that.
Not everyone who wants to do trade with foreign countries is a Globalist, this was done even by the Roman Empire.

Serpentza is a high school, dropout who makes click bait for normalfags and mindlessly shills for a communist government because he can't go home to his African shithole.

Fuck off chang

china isnt communist
they are trying to subvert all the churches though

>if you don't parrot US media opinions about a place you haven't lived in or read about you must be from that place

China wants and prefers minority/immigrant men BREEDING chinese women.

Otherwise, chink men would have no competition and become decadent, complacent, lazy and abusive towards women.

Nice proxy, LingLing.

Sure, all these religions are foreign philosophies and their followers are often loyal to these other countries.
You only have to look at how many Chinese Muslims are fighting in Syria, Yemen and Afghanistan right now.
China is right to strictly control what foreign influences and influencers do and teach in their society.
You don't have the human right to be loyal to Saudi Arabia and their social norms in China.
And I say this as an Austrian who would like re-education camps for Muslims in Austria too, because they are causing issues here.
There's nothing wrong with teaching people, if they don't like the norms we teach them they can go back from where they came.

Fuck serpent nigga we laowhy gang

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And if we all don't reach this conclusion that we ought to not try interfering with the internal affairs of other societies then there are dark times ahead for all of us.
Because what's gonna stop Muslims or Chinese one day from imposing their norms through violence on us when they think they can get away with it?
Why not instead respect that they are different and insist that they have to respect that we hafve different norms too.

>Gay kike and his chinese beard.

>Muslims are bad
>So It's okay to bulldoze churches

Sure thing, Chang.

I also thought he was a jew but then he posted videos of his family in the US.
They are all Christian. I despise cucky Christians even more than jews with their agenda.
At least jews pursue their own interest, even if it is often evil what they do.

Yes, it is right to bulldoze Christian Churches in China. And if protestors try to block you I'd run the bulldozers over them.
Christianity is to China what Islam is to us. A foreign religion and ideology which makes its followers loyal to other nations and civilisations.
Therefore it must be suppressed unless it is modified in such a way that it strengthens loyalty to the Chinese people and nation.

Christianity was in China before communism was. Communism is a foreign ideology that ruthlessly oppresses all opposed to it. You're just sucking commie dick like the faggot you are.

islam is a political ideology, not of convenience as many religions often attach themselves to some state or another temporarily, but fundamentally. This is why the chinese government is cracking down on it.

Angry chink detected

So what? Christianity is still not Chinese. It is a philosophy that was promoted by people who conquered and murdered Chinese people for sport in the past.
I will never accept Islam because it is an ideology promoted by people who used to enslave and murder my people in the past.
China is getting stronger because they are doing everything right that we are doing wrong. They correctly identify that as a Christian you are not Chinese anymore, doesn't matter what your passport says.
So they treat you like a foreigner, while we get fucked every way imaginable by refugees and their Jewish lawyers who abuse our legal system.
I'm Christian too but I'm not as obnoxious about it as you, thinking that I must convert everyone on earth.
But maybe that's because I'm Orthodox Christian and we do no accept any foreigners in our church.

Of course you do, Jews love Communist China as much as you do.


I'm not the one who wants to be a chink to the extent that I'll defend a communist government.

Dude Asian countries already have developed a several hundred year-old grudge over westerners pushing first Christianity and then liberalism on them

They’re not going to forget about it tomorrow if you pull a 360, these people have long fucking memories and are conditioned to hold grudges forever

Koreans still resent a US attack on Korea that happened in the 1870s and the Japanese victory over the Ch’ing

>muh sinmiyangyo
>muh chingiljeonjaeng

>Christianity is still not Chinese. It is a philosophy that was promoted by people who conquered and murdered Chinese people for sport in the past.

Get the yellow cock out of your mouth and pick up a book.

>thinking that I must convert everyone on earth.

You mean like the Bible says.

His wife is ugly tho, winston's wife on the other hand is top cute 9/10 while being a doctor.

I don't care if they like it or not. We Slavs live bordering on China for centuries without any significant military conflicts.
Because we are more nationalist (including our brand of Christianity, which is the only legitimate btw) we understand their attitude very well and can arrange with them.
There's nothing I fear about the Chinese, except for their often substandard cheap products.
Likewise I don't fear the jews in Israel either. I recognise their legitimate interest in a continued existence but we are not as moronic as the US about it.
We are not gonna allow them to spread like cancer and create endless wars.

TIL Orthodox Christianity turns you into a Kremlin operative, Jesus Christ

What makes you think the Christian powers “killed Chinese for sport”? Are you sure you aren’t mixing Christians up with Chinese warlords or the IJA or even the KMT that actually did that shit?

Attached: china_jews.png (1056x2880, 1.79M)

No, the bible definitely doesn't say that. There's a difference between teaching it and having to convert people.
Chinese people have access to the bible, if they want to read it they can, I don't need to go there and promote it.
They are just not interested in it as much as your cuck church would like to, so you push for the human right to push your propaganda everywhere.

Translated from the original Russian

>we sat in our serf villages for hundreds of years doing Jack shit while the Western powers actually made something of the world, and now that the West is going into decline we are trying to pathetically rewrite history to claim that our insularity and cowardliness was actually a virtue

>if they want to read it they can

Now they can't, faggot. The government censors it.

The British people have made 2 major wars on China over the right to kill their youth with opiates.
Before the British brought opium to China it was the wealthiest nation on earth, afterwards 26% of it's population was addicted to opium and it quickly became a devastated society.
How could they possibly accept any ideology coming from these people? No way, they first have to pay in the blood of their own children for what they have done to them.

i love his little sexslave wife. weehkum toanozah veeedya. He is a CCP shill. Come look brah china awesome yo. but I'll show you some average pickpocket crap to make you think im not a shill.

Now you are obviously lying by trying to tell us that modern day Chinese can't get their hands on a copy of the bible if they really wanted to.
You do it to spread your fake cuck Christianity around the world because you only desire power over other people and can't accept that they don't want it.

Oh please, all of the West combined tries to conquer Russia for centuries and you just can't do it.
If there is a white master race it is the Russians because they are more powerful than all of you combined.
Of course I don't believe in master race bullshit and I don't consider myself white or European, but I know this triggers you because you believe these moronic ideologies.

Don't call me a cuck when you are defending the actions of a Banker Jew client state. The CCP destroyed most of traditional china.

>this is what Russians actually believe

I bet you think Russia was some kind of Oriental wonderland hundreds of years ago too.

The truth is China was already a stagnating empire by the late 1700s, if not earlier, just like the Mughal Empire. The first Europeans to reach China like the Portuguese were no much for China because at that time (the 1500s) China was much more competent and powerful which is why shit like the massacre of the Portuguese and Ningpo happened.

The Opium Wars were a symptom of China’s decline not the cause. Even more honest Chinese historians will admit this.

he shit talks the government all the time, what are you guys talking about?

It is their own business, I don't care. You want to convince me to become hostile to China because I don't like the way they run their own society internally.
Fuck off.

He'll take easy shots at the police, but never the party directly. If anything, he white -washes everything they do.

I'm surprised by the amount of anons watching ADVChina in the first place.
Literally best asia podcast/vlog. Everything else is screeching weebs. Winston and Matt at least talk facts and impressions without garrying jumpcuts or memespouting.

>more powerful than all of you combined

Dude the Russian economy has been shrinking for the past five years or so and Russia is absolutely terrified of how fast the US is gaining a military advantage over the country.

Don’t get me wrong you guys make cool stuff like AKs, I like vodka cocktails and I bet most Russians can BTFO most Westcucks in a street brawl but get real for a minute, Russia is a joke militarily and economically

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My pride is not derived from wealth. My pride is my people and my nation and if you try to fuck with us we will fuck you up so badly that your people will cease to exist.

Because China is a cog in the globalist machine that negatively impacts the world economy.

I don't give 2 fucks about the global economy. You can stop trading with them, and if that doesn't work you can gas yourself.

His wife is a doctor.

You should care about the banker Jews who want to use China to fuck over everybody else.

doctor my arse. she's a nurse at a private "clinic"

>says stupid shit like China isn't communist
He is right. China is Fascist.
China has been Fascist for 30 years now.

Here you can't critise the jews.

The hilarious part is that even though the West is in a gentle decline, Russia is actually declining very quickly, so much so that the West is actually growing in strength vs. Russia economically and militarily even though it is getting weaker compared to China and Iran

Sure long-term trends will probably fuck the West but Russia is fucked RIGHT NOW, just look at the pension scam going on and how the Russian economy is bleeding money like a dying Ebola victim.

For now as bad as things look long-term Western economies are still afloat, military budgets are solid, people have money in their pockets and shit just works, while Russia is visibly falling apart and if we're honest has been since the 1980s.

I don’t know where Russian jingoism comes from but it’s hilarious, the West is squeezing Russia’s balls hard without actually laying a finger on the country and you’re just shouting “fight me bitch” like a drunk football hooligan

you earned your 50 cent already you can stop now

Yes, yes, we are in an epic decline. Better worry about yourself, you have no business to care about my people or give any advise.
We don't want to be you, get this through your thick skull.
Same goes for the Han.

I feel like he does a good job criticizing China without being tiananmen square'd. Enough to have the Chinese incels plotting against him atleast.

>criticizing China

Not when he sucks CCP dick every other video.

>The British people have made 2 major wars on China over the right to kill their youth with opiates.
that was Jews

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Whatever. I see what Anglos do in the world today. I don't trust them and I never will.
You just blame others for your own shit.

His city kooks pretty nice though.

He was born in South Africa you idiot. China is the first functional country he has been in. Also he got a hot doctor wife way above his league.

The people transporting and trading the opium were Jews, did you not read that? That's not an opinion, it's a fact. I don't give a fuck how you feel about Anglos, just get your facts straight.
>You just blame others for your own shit.
You mean like you blame Anglos for what's happening in the world today?

How do you feel about the thousands of slavic women Israel make sex slaves every year?

Attached: Screenshot_2018-10-17 Destination Israel for sex 'slaves'.png (1181x532, 108K)

It would be you to defend such a pathetic doucher
Anyone who looks like him should be impaled in the town square

>You just blame others for your own shit.
Is that so? Then why do Israelis themselves claim they ran Shanghai and it's crime?

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no freedoms, dirty as city, spies constantly watching them but at least it has better coffee than 7/11

forgot pic related

Attached: Screenshot_2018-10-17 How Jews once ran Shanghai, the ‘wicked old Paris of the East’.png (1242x694, 708K)

He's a high school dropout who got a shitty visa and married a divorced nurse in her 30's.

You can't wash yourself in blamelessness by pointing just at jews, even if they were the traders.
It was the British government that sent the army to enforce their right to poison Chinese youth.
Just like Americans are not blameless in what is going on in the Middle East, regardless of the influence of Israel.
For the longest time most Americans voluntarily went along with this, and many do even today.
Good that this is changing, but you become even less trustworthy to me when you shift blame around.
And no, you personally didn't do it, but you defend your "moral right" to interfere with foreign societies.
How is that any better? Do Chinese or Russians fight for the right to make you all Buddhists or Orthodox Christians?

His wife is hot, he has his own business and a country that is not completely cucked. How is that 56% going for you burger?

I say this is a significant cultural difference between us.
We fundamentally do not care if Chinese or any other people enforce societal norms that we don't agree with.
We don't view us as fellow human beings or even worse, fellow Asians or something like that.
You don't fuck with us, we don't fuck with you.

He is a spy, CCP is watching him closely.

>but you defend your "moral right" to interfere with foreign societies
I absolutely do not, don't project your issues with the west onto me.
>Do Chinese or Russians fight for the right to make you all Buddhists or Orthodox Christians?
Are you ignoring about the decades Russians spent arming , training and instructing Africans to kill my people to make us Communist? Are you ignoring the Russians that came to Africa and fought against whites here to try to take over our countries and make us communist?

>Just like Americans are not blameless in what is going on in the Middle East, regardless of the influence of Israel.
I never said Americans are blameless, it's not shifting blame, assigning responsibility to the people responsible isn't shifting blame. Jewish bankers did take control of the British
power structure in the 1700's, just like they control American society now. See pic related. Do you blame soldiers that believe they're protecting their country more than the people that send them to war? So it's "shfting blame around" to say the Jews started war in the middle east, but what is it when Jews say it was Jews that planned and started the war? So it's westerner's role to now claim responsibility for everything Jews do?

Attached: jew war.jpg (625x480, 109K)

Don't bother with the kike shill.

Yes, that was wrong, that's why we've done away with the Soviet Union just like the Chinese have done away with their Communist policies.
Maybe you didn't defend your right to interfere, but plenty other Anglos did in this thread.

Most countries who can intervene when and where it's in their interest. My serf jibe aside, Tsarist Russia and later the USSR expanded their interests into Sinkiang and Manchuria. Russia today uses its influence to shape events in Syria, the Ukraine and elsewhere. Russia has been traditionally more inward looking than Western Europe, but that’s only part cultural, it’s also a result of lesser capabilities to project power. You guys are kind of taking an unflattering reality and turning it into a virtue.

And China certainly feels free to try and manipulate events in Korea, Australia, South Africa, Zimbabwe and elsewhere. Isn’t it somewhat cucked of you to suggest there’s something morally wrong with doing to China what China does to others?

I’m getting the impression you’re a little deferent towards them desu senpai

Because he's an expat living in China, he said on his videos that foreigners have pretty much no solid rights to stay long term in China, even when living there for years and being married to a Chinese woman he still needs to renew his visa pretty often. If he's overly critical they'll just not renew his and tell him to fuck off back to South Africa, and he hated that place.

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It is cultural both for Chinese and Russia to be more inward looking.
We, just like them expanded our country by mostly taking over vast empty space bordering on us.
In no way was our expansion a failure, Russia is by far the largest country in the world, 4 times the size of the EU and we succesfully counter you for centuries.
But what you do not find with us, just like with the Chinese is the attitude that you must live your lifes according to our values because we don't care.
We have our own Russian world. When we interfere in Syria it is because we want to prevent you from being able to topple any government as you please, which would eventually threaten us too.
And we clearly see the results of you toppling these various governments, you can't point to us ever doing such a thing where we left total devastation for generations.
When we came to the aid in Afghanistan (a secular, progressive government that was friends with us for decades and received tons of economic and military support) we did so to defend a comparably modern society.
You interfered to revert it back to a society of stone age monkeys in which you succeeded and then you claimed it was an invasion, which it wasn't.
Also we did not push the radical anti white agenda that is haunting South Africa now.
It is an invention of your own people. Even though I do not agree with interfering in SA back then, we did not push "kill all white people" - this comes from your own brothers.

He's unironically based, far more so than laogay and prozzie (a genuine fgt). He has good insight on China and is not afraid to speak the truth about things he finds wrong.

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>Chinks wanted to deport him and even called for people to kill him
The reason Serpentza even went to China is cause they are full of cucked manlets over there.
E.g. One time he went outside cause people were making noise in the middle of the night shouting etc, I bet he wouldn't do that in the US projects with the nogs.
He's always trying to get his nose into public disputes and shit cause he has to deal with manlets.
He's a weak attention whore fag.


He sucks Xi's yellow cock so he doesn't get deported. He's a shill and a coward.

Weycum to anada bideo

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I like the cunt.
simple as

>abusive towards women
They already are. They have mistresses. If you're going to wife up a woman, don't cheat on her. It ain't easy to find a good woman.

He doesn't look happy.

>South Africa is a beautiful woman but she has AIDS

You're a retard if you think that China is "communist". Authoritarian, yes. It's way more communist over here. Fact. End of story.

He went to China because it's not full of niggers. Even a communist hellhole is better than being around them.

Hot Asian girls is just icing on the top.

Attached: pack of wild niggers strike again.webm (400x272, 1.92M)