Scientists In Germany Just Switched On The World’s Largest “Artificial Sun”
Our old Sun was yellow
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right looks like a screenshot from GTA:SA
This thread is dumb.
The sun is real idiot.
I went there on vacation.
did you find the one who switched your pills?
It's a proven and useless fact user
Why is the sun no longer yellow
Because conspiracyfags are too stupid to even know what a spectroscope is
Don't post in the adult threads child. Nothing is as it seems you fucking NPC.
ok explain to me where the old sun went then
And yet when a /balkan/ thread is made it's immediately moved to Jow Forums.
Obviously this is a more serious and pressing issue.
How come the nazi's worshipped a black sun ? Yellow sun seems gay in comparison.
I have no idea. But several people have reported things like this, including those I consider reputable. There has been reports of two suns. Also reports of massive stellar objects emerging from the sun likened to massive crafts. There has been many oddities related with sun observatories shutting down across the globe. I have also seen and heard discussions about people observing multiple suns in the sky.
My sense is it is related to EMBLEM or Bluebeam, the sky has very obviously been converted through the use of colloidal substances, into a giant projector screen. I took a flight this week, above the screen layer the sky is blue still. I haven't seen a blue sky in many years from land. There is wierd shit afoot and it's been this way for several decades now. They are progressing whatever it is they are seeking to achieve to the next stage of the project. I don't know anything further, but I'm old enough to have seen enough shit to know not to dismiss even the absurd outright. Just look at what Tesla accomplished, we plebians are in truth totally in the dark about our civilizations technological achievements.
Don't be so quick to dismiss things. It can demoralize a thread. Let it develop.
You guys was South America always that far forward?
South america was directly south of north america
New zealand was directly east of Australia
Japan was southeast of Korea
WTF is this shit?
This is how I remember it from my childhood. I also distinctly remember being able to stare into for a second or two. Now I can't even come close to looking at it. I also remember the sky being a much richer deep blue color, not this pastel shit we have now.
>those I consider reputable
Like who?
I remember Uruguay being more or less directly south of Florida.
Shit! The 3pm sun lamp went out. Jerry, quick, we only have 5 hours to replace the firmament bulb!
The Sun was yellow when I was a kid. I fucking swear it was. What the fuck happened?
The two suns
the second sun
this is all just a satanic experiement carried out on the germans to prepare you for armageddon
two sun new mexico?
The Sun is a balloon that runs off exotic gasses in the extreme upper atmosphere. It's all buoyancy. We live in Plato's Cave.
Camera have something called "white balance"
>two sun new mexico
So that's where they change the bulb
link the video
I see a blue sky every day jackass
>Scientists In Germany Just Switched On The World’s Largest “Artificial Sun”
No, sweetie
With mirrors, and the Sun, you could extract hydrogen for free. Fresnel lenses are very good at focusing sun rays.
The sun at 7:30 am Eastern time in my town, just a little bit west of Niagara Falls. This layers of cloud going all the way from low to high altitude filtered out so much sunlight that you could look at the sun with the naked eye without hurting your eyes at all. All with no refraction!
Or the light bulb was dying and dim.
as in this video you can see one white sun on top of the other yellow sun
Christ this thread is filled with brainlet NPCs from /x/
You stupid fuck, i clearly remember the sun being yellow. Nowadays its so bright white i must squeeze my eyes most of the times when outside or it literally hurts my eyes.
shills are strong in this thread
So explain to me why every government in the world would try to hide the real sun or try to hide that the sun is now "white" instead of yellow? Explain to me why this is a concern? Explain to me why they would put up a false sun, is our real one gone? Is this a flat earth thing? Is this something all on it's own? No one has mentioned anything except "oh I remember when the sun was yellow, its white now". When it could be a combination of bad memories and worsening eyesight. What's even the point if me replying to you?
post more videos and photos
I thought it looked different today
it means to sun is heating up, causing it to turn white. This is the reason for "climate change". It's natural and the climate always changes, the sun plays a large role in this. We are literally comming out of a minor ice age.
They must make us ignore what our eyes are seeing, for the want to cause a problem for wich they will offer the solution ofc... wich is massive taxation and entire industries getting rich from the sustainibility meme.
The real sun has healing effects. Some Jew is probably subverting energy for profit/control.
Sun is more obnoxious lately
this is the most tumblr gif ever please stop posting this
>Nowadays its so bright white i must squeeze my eyes most of the times when outside or it literally hurts my eyes.
fucking this. it's gotten ridiculous
So even amateur astronomers know this? Because amateur astronomers can also observe the sun, so why arent more amateur astronomers coming out about this? Now I'm not saying they arent trying to make money from climate change, I just feel that it seems kind of hard to hide that the sun is changing this much.
that guy's meme folder is probably like his life. messy, cluttered, and completely unchanged since 2011.
the real reason they have and continuesly work on an Asun is because our SUN is dying and multiple massively destructive rays will soon hit the earth which disables the internet , satalites , electronic devices and pretty much the apocalypse.
Because that's where it belongs.
I can assure you that the politics of the balkans are of little concern to the civilized world.
The earth is travelling through a part of space with a different makeup than previous. This causes the earth to appear white now. Also, we will probably have an ice age soon.
6500k is superior.
Nobody wants shitty 3000k sun.
>government can't pave a road that lasts more than 3 months
>government can't make a website that isn't a 1990's reject piece of crap
>expects me to believe they can build a fake sun and implement it with no one noticing
You're just going color blind
actually this
It's one of those things nobody really notices at first because it happened so gradually. It was a slow shift spread out over a few decades.
Mark my words, we'll hear a lot more about this in the future.
The rain thing is just because corrupt LOCAL government is cheaping out and scamming you by making the roads out of inferior materials and pocketing the extra money.
>recreate the light from the Sun onto a single point, vaporising water and producing hydrogen and oxygen.
space is time
god coming back
sun is first hint
digits prove right
>its a small shift no ones notices
>every brainlet on Jow Forums mentions how they remember the sun being different
Which one is it? Is it so small amateur observers of the sun who have been observing for decades dont notice, or it is noticeable enough for even the normal dingus can tell?
And is it global warming orAs he says, ice age? Which is it? Climate change orAn apocalypse with the sun disappearing?
See how it's hard to take any of you serious?
So they could artificially sets the time for muslims to break their fasting.
user what the fuck was that fin flag you posted and do you have sauce
that patent WTF
7 2nd sun
Those damn space nazis at again!
Maybe it’s not the sun. Not our sun anyways. With all the CERN stuff going on, maybe we’ve slipped into a different dimension. Slightly different.
I just thought I had sensitive eyes from relying on sunglasses for years.
nice to see the german schizo retard is back with yet another new claim
When have you fatasses been outside for the last time? The sun is still fucking yellow lmao. Especially in autumn
Yea when I go out on a bright day I have to keep one eye closed and slowly adjust with the other eye.
1 more pic coming
Most of the people here probably can’t get out of their basements without special help.
I didn't say it's a small shift, i said it was a gradual shift you fucking moron. This place is were people come to speak their minds; a vast collection of shared thoughts. Did you come here expecting everything magically fits together? Go back to plebbit for your quick and easy script NPC.
Its the same concept of nuclear energy. Just a really expensive way to boil water.
Yeah man like I cant even show my asshole to the sun anymore, it's too bright.
>I can assure you that the politics of the balkans are of little concern to the civilized world.
Fine be that way. We'll just start another world war. Senpai will be sure to notice us. Go back to arguing about the color of the sun faggots
Sun is heating up, turning from yellow dwarf to radiant white. Evidence is that the solar system is heating up. Global warming, while possibly a fraction of a degree hotter because of our industrialization, we’d be warming up regardless.
Remember Pluto the ice planet? It’s shrinking because as water cools, it shrinks slightly as it becomes more dense, then expands while it forms ice. The reverse is also true.
Dont hate me because Im sexy and have a waifu
>you're a npc because you wont accept my completely baseless accusations.
>man like this place man is a place where like man we can say whatever we want man
Jesus im glad this thread is making me laugh otherwise this would be sad
Shifting tectonic plates?