There’s gotta be more to this

For some actual local news on here, this cutie was an actual pedo mom, that “let” her boyfriend fuck her 3yr old daughter.

There’s gotta be more to this story, any Pennsylvania gents know about this? Apparently she moved away but why? Why she do all this? Where do you find these crazy girls and what makes them?

Other than meth.

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She cute

i'm shocked

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Nooo why’s this sliding so fast!
I want more info!!!

fucking newsweek wont archive for me

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Yeah same issues i was having, good job

so fucking gross, how can she do this to her own kid?
just walk her out back and hang her please

that is a fucked up story, bitch deserves more punishment than she'll ever get ffs


Not going to lie. It's one of my fantasy to date a single mother with a daughter and impregnate them both. Too bad it always shall remains a fantasy.

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