Why do Jews always say they are not related to white people?
They have white skin. You can't just deny that. Are they sandniggers?
Why do Jews always say they are not related to white people?
They have white skin. You can't just deny that. Are they sandniggers?
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OY vey it is a mistake that you have asked goy!
>it's not about colour or race
what did he mean by this
>They have white skin. You can't just deny that. Are they sandniggers?
Of course they're sandniggers. They only pretend to be white when it serves their interests.
"The Origins of Ashkenazi Jews"
They're Eastern Europeans, so yes they're white, BUT they never voluntarily identify as such and their Elites often act against the interests of Europeans.
So I would not accept their simply being white as enough if they do not identify as white.
An Empirical Examination of the Jewish Question:
I have never heard a more jewish name in my fucking life
That name immediately conjures up a mental image of a person whose face is at least 56% nose.
lmfao OF COURSE its written by a kike
Patton on Jews...
He observed with horror that "these people do not understand toilets and refuse to use them except as repositories for tin cans, garbage, and refuse . . . They decline, where practicable, to use latrines, preferring to relieve themselves on the floor."
because Jews are absolutely retarded and can't discern left from right whenever it counts
fake jew amalekites are SEMITES / SHEMITES
just like sand nigger arabs, SHEMITES /SEMITES
they are not white(wheat) ie JAPHETHIANS
they are tare(pink pigs on two legs) spawned
by niggers.
Jews are as white as mullatoes and happas. sure they have white genetics (the smart ones at least) but they aren't white, they are mostly a mutt race. that's probably why they feel so attached to their American goy slaves.
i bet we'll discover some ground breaking shit about jews, i got a feeling they are the missing link of evolution or even neaderthals or some shit like that.
That would explain why they are trying to control dna tests so bad, why they never mixed, why they are so different etc.
They are lizard people
They are white when they want to be and Jewish when they want to be.
jews themselves do not believe they are white so they aren't
One could compare them to Grigori angels. They absolutely despise humanity, they want the world to end so the curse of having to be with humans, work with them finally ends.
As a white person, I can't wait for white genocide. White people are terrible. My fellow white people, I implore you, don't have children. As a white person I cannot wait for the day that all white people are exterminated. As a white person, I can truly say that white people are the worst race in the world and have provided no benefit to everyone, and it'll be a happy day when all the white people are gone.
By the way, I'm not white, I'm Jewish.
>This is the average Jewish Twitter history.
If some group of humans, yes even niggers, was genocided I'd feel bad.
Any but Jews that is. I would literally dance in the streets if I found out all jews on earth got killed deliberately and en mass.
The world should stop dealing with Isreal or any jews for a decade just to see how smooth the world would move. I'd bet virtually every vice or shitty part of our lives would magically disappear.
I hate them.
> It's a mistake even to ask
There's your answer.
Don’t ask, you pathetic little goyem! It’s problebmatic to even ask, fucking anti-sites!
These people are mentally deficient.
They’re not sandniggers. They’re Eastern European colonizers. Dogs, essentially.