What the fuck was she thinking?

Politically correct answers only please?

Attached: warren.jpg (513x513, 93K)

Other urls found in this thread:


She was trying to appeal to the minorities by proving she aint white. Stupidity at new heights.


She was thinking that the liberal media would never cover her in a negative light. She and her strategists was so sure of this that they never thought this would end up negatively for her. Once those DNA tests were released is the moment they realized how wrong they were.

She is a retard who can't seem to let something go.

The Jew York Times just did an article on it, repeating exactly what Ben Shapiro said - when this came up 6 years ago, she should have said;

>This was family lore. I never thought to question it. I apologiize if I offended anyone.
And then dropped it.

But she couldn't stop taking the bait. And then she just does this and shoots her career in the face.

Shows that Democrats are once again the actually racist by claim the one drop rule applies regardless of percentage.

Woman "thinking."

Attached: Laugter.gif (160x270, 864K)

one drop rule

She wasn't.

she secretly wanted into the ethnostate

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red skin cock

>What the fuck was she thinking?
me cheatem white man

She wasn't.

Does that mean I can apply and start receiving grants/loans/gov't assistance that's for minorities, when my 23andMe has me at

she probably thought the one drop rule applied

all she had to do was ask a Cherokee the rules of tribal ownership

Why do so many Americans tend to have like 1% or

>Politically correct answers only please?
Are you for real?

she made an emotional decision based on her contempt for Trump. she wanted to prove him wrong so bad she was/is willing to risk everything

Believe woman!!!!

>What the fuck was she thinking?

It wasn't even a DNA test was it? It was just a speculation based on her possible ancestry and not a direct DNA test.

>Dizzy Lizzie

and I say that as someone who has voted for her

Honestly, this just boils down to lawyers being ignorant of math and science...

You are seeing McGregor Vs Aldo in a political environment.

Basically one guy gets in the other persons head so much that he is defeated before the fight even starts.

They weren't lying when they say trump lives rent free in the dems head.

She's a boomer. They are all retarded. Bitch doesn't know how precentages work.

it takes some imagining, but it involved our Euro ancestors fucking natives lol

I remember a couple pretty white friends in college commented they were 1/32 or 1/16 Cherokee. They heard the other say it and commented, the sluts of the Indian nations.

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no faggot

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Treaties with the native tribes, especially in the South, meant that large swathes of land were not legally allowed for sale between natives and white settlers. Many of the tribes are matrilineal though, so for a poor Scot or Irishman coming off the boat the quickest way to get land was to marry a Creek or Cherokee woman. Hence everyone in the South is 1/32nd or 1/16th something.

She's a politically correct retarded communist open borders bleeding heart liberal with Trump Derangement Syndrome.

I don't understand the desire to be mixed. I'd be devastated if I realised I was part shitskin.


nice try, shillboi. women FEEL they dont think!

It is literal insight to their delusion and a shining example as to why embracing leftist ideals...is a mental illness.

Pretty much everyone in a DNA test shows

She was thinking, "OMG, Booker's grandstanding at the Kavanaugh hearuings got him a lot of Libcoins from the crowd that loves anybody who is fighting with Trump. I need to get back in the spotlight as a Trumpfighter so I can get more Libcoins to spend in 2020. Better release SOMETHING to get back in the limelight and renew Trump's interest in tweeting about me. There is no bad publicity except an obituary."

Or words to that effect.

Attached: banana indian girl.png (396x482, 87K)

Thread theme

this, desu.

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She fell into a trap of her own making. She should have just owned up from the beginning. Shes white and she was into the idea of Native Americans back in college so she marked the box. Instead she fought against it and had to own the idea of deserving some kind of Native recognition until she was buried by it.

Inability to ignore Trump fucking with her a bit was another weakness.

>politically correct
>on politically incorrect

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>>This was family lore. I never thought to question it. I apologiize if I offended anyone.
>And then dropped it.
holy shit this, it would've been so simple. Maybe Trumps Pochahontas comments pissed her off too much

>initiate oppressed.exe
>display minority(dna.test) where minority(dna.test)>0

◄ 2 Thessalonians 2:11 ►

For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie.

God was busy at work with her. not to hard to figure out.

>implying there's not a lot of jews in the left picture

It was a DNA test. The speculative part comes in when you understand that there is no baseline sample for Native Americans -- tribal leaders do not trust the motives of DNA researchers, and fear that it is a white attempt to usurp how a member of the tribe is defined. So they strongly discourage tribal members from participating in genetic studies.

So the DNA test guy compared Warrens DNA to DNA from people in Mexico, Colombia and Peru, and found a statistically insignificant match here or there, which conclusively proves that 6-10 generations ago one of her ancestors may have had some Peruvian, Mexican or Colombian ancestry. This apparently equals TRUMP BTFO!!!!11!1ELEVEN!!111! to the more credulous and scientifically illiterate among the media and on the left.

I thought it was implied.

Attached: autist.png (500x522, 149K)

It's not just Americans. She was 0.09%.

That could literally easily just be a similarity with Central Europeans. The reason they chose South American Indian DNA markers is because Norrth American native american markers are apparently too similar to central european markers (since, apparently, the injuns in North America were those that moved out of Europe later than their cousins down south).

There's really no proof at all she has any Native American ancestry at all. AT ALL. She has a statistically inconsequential (literally margin of error tier) amount of Peruvian Indian DNA - and that match with Peruvian Indians might simply be a similarity shared between Injuns and Europeans common ancestors back in the pre-migration period.

She probably failed the cheap kit test. You have to know if she runs that test result will be leaked.
She should have stuck to her Grandmother story. This is a self inflicted fatal wound.

1/1024th of a plan face

And also reporters.

If you ever want to just submerge yourself in dispair, follow the "sceince reproting" in the media today. They know almost nothing, and do not even bother to carefully transcribe the handouts they are given correctly, leading to things like reports that the Colombia was traveling faster than the speed of light when it destroyed itself on re-entry, or the insane coverage given to the guy who claimed that sewing a dead head onto a corpse was the first successful head transplant.

White women live BRC.

Quite simply, she wasn't.

She simply rose to the bait Trump put it front of her.

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It's not just that, it's the echochamers of social media. I bet before this her normiebook and Twitter were just people praising her. I knew this backfired when those safe spaces got overrun with haters. Normally it'll be like a handful, and not total domination. All the articles and posts about her are like that everywhere, besides maybe ultra safe spaces like DailyKos and Plebbit.

Dammit, Lizzie.
Tell me this was part of the plan.

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That would require admitting her family lied to her and that she lied to herself for her entire life. In fairness, this lore was probably conjured up to soothe a teenage Warren who was mad at her parents for being born white.

She took advice from this guy.

Attached: Shaun King.png (220x299, 102K)

he is whiter than drake

Also /Thread

She figured better now than before the 2020 election when she plans to run

do you honestly think a white person can win a democratic primary in the foreseeable future?

She knows that all publicity is good publicity... this feud with Trump puts her above all the other Dems.

Subconsciously she was willing to self-immolate, rather than rethink her reality.
Knowing this, the Dems, put her out as a recon / sacrifice mission to see what would bubble up from the people prior to 2020.

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>What the fuck was she thinking?

Dumb white man give me lots of wampum, Kemo Sabe. I use to buy firewater.

Attached: WarrenNPCTribe.png (700x519, 378K)

Americans are bad at math and generally dumb as fuck.

She was thinking she was an American Indian and she was wrong.

>this meme
Most Americans have 100% native American blood because they were born there.

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Well according to this we can safely rule out she has any indian blood in her.

>Official Statement from the Cherokee Nation 10/16/18

Many moons ago, paleface squaw spoke with forked tongue to red man, promised heap big reparation. Instead snakewoman take government funding and waste on the creature that walks like man but has skin like obsidian. Make Earth and Sky spirit angry.

Now the chief brave of the white man, with top of head yellow like corn, who count many battles against paleface-squaw-who-prefer-night-creature show for all to see the cowardly nature of trickster squaw. Tribe no longer deal with squaw who lie. Only trust palefaces like Chief Lion-Soaring-High, Turtle-That-Sniffs-Firerock, and Man-With-Name-Of-Woman.

Attached: 1531019956998.png (784x645, 36K)

Attached: 1539375285197.png (750x400, 346K)

Needs a macro. Also, who are those:

>Turtle-That-Sniffs-Firerock, and Man-With-Name-Of-Woman.



The media shilled so hard for her initially and then only 24 hours later started backtracking. All of it coordinated.

Attached: Turtle and Lindsay.png (758x504, 568K)

>no "social construct" spin to it yet

Poor woman just wanted to pass as a trans-indian. But white supremacist hate mongers doxxed her (or her DNA anyway), harass her now on twitter and further spread the fake news through violent imagery, including the neonazi frog.


>including the neonazi frog.
that damn frog

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We are weeks away form midterms. This is the distraction the dems need, which is why she came out with it.

>There is no bad publicity except an obituary."
famous last words

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Don't be such a pedantic brainlet user, it doesn't suit you.

Does anybody have her recipe for wampum wontons?

She really wanted that million dollars lmao.
>DNA test reveals that she is AT MOST 1% Native American
> S-See I'm Native American now pay me!

>shoots her career in the face.
so you think she'll get voted out for the republican Indian dude?

(mandatory mention of Talcum X)

>if you're born in africa, you become a nigger
by this logic, Elon Musk who was born in Pretoria, would be an afro-american you dumb muttposter.

oh boy a fucking french cuck is upset again. you mad francois? dont you have a battle to surrender to or a piece of your country to hand over in exchange of no more violence? id love to slash your throat open

Im trying to get Diehl in there. Indian guy and woman lost. Whatever though, this that’s is hopelessly cucked. Diehl keeps exposing her corruption and it only makes small ripples. This dumbass, warren, claimed $100,000 in clothing charity in one year and no one cares

Elon is an African-American (frequently confused with Afro-American)

>Implying there aren’t any in the right either

probably the other way around considering that the vast majority of indios have spanish sounding names like Cruz or Ramirez instead of Tekanoplikokwak or what have you.

did you see how the MSM pushed her angle on the day she dropped her results? there were at least 10 articles from major publications saying how "I took the test, now Trump won't pay what he promised!" She actually thought people would completely ignore the results of the test and jump straight to Trump. But the coordinated effort of it all is what disturbed me...

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Pick one

Native pussy speared by Anglo and Germanic Cock

>reminding and pointing where you are wrong is being upset
>meanwhile exposing my jew-tier fantasies of violence is being not upset

>surrender another piece of your country
>meanwhile France sits on 2nd largest exclusive economical zone in the world despite being less than 1% of world population
With such délusions, would you happen to have jew blood or something?

The Solutreans were the first humans to find North America.
She may not be a SiberIndian, but she is just as Native American as any chink or Siberian blooded injun.
The oldest human remains found on North America are actually Europeans. The oldest sites are on the East Coast not fucking Alaska.
This is 6D chess at it's finest.