Guys I finally got it!

NPC are golems made by (((them)))!

Attached: golem.jpg (855x934, 88K)

Other urls found in this thread:

that's what you are buddy
npc is just a buzzword

I wonder if the golem story is supposed to be a metaphor for jews controlling goys.

Attached: 1528886774191.jpg (4160x3120, 2.18M)

Wouldn't be the first time. Once you realise you see them mocking in many films, tv series and more

Check put Spaceballs. Druish princess who used to have a big nose. Main character turns out to have the power of the swartz and gets everything. His sidekick is a dog. The black helmets do ok. The white space helmets suffer lasers to the nuts and more

I totally believe this.
>a Jew make a golem to kill the nazis
>he become so violent and impossible to handle that he had to break it
like the NPCs they made this times.

We need to start slowly throwing some npc golems.

Attached: golem1.jpg (128x200, 7K)

are you 12 and you just discovered Jow Forums ?
google golem and talmud fucktwite stop thinking you're a genius and wake up spreading that NPC crap is exactly what (((they))) want and that just happen to make you a golems
if you don't understand this you belong in /ptg/ or on reddit

>a newfaggot that says newfaggot
