Sweden to expel 6-year-old orphan to Ukraine while granting amnesty to 9,000 Afghans

The humanitarian superpower Sweden has once again shown that it has no problem giving one vulnerable person preference over another when deciding whom to expel and who should be allowed to stay for humanitarian purposes.

When Denis was only 5 years old, his mother was found dead in an apartment in Södertälje. As his Ukrainian father has renounced custody, he is now an orphan.

Now the Swedish Migration Agency has decided that he will be expelled to Ukraine all by himself. There, he will probably end up in an orphanage since he has no family there who can take care of him, reports Expressen.

Denis applied for a residence permit with his mother on 9 November 2017. She, in turn, applied as a spouse to her then partner.

On 10 March this year Denis’ mother was found dead. The police initially arrested a man, but the suspicions were written off later.

According to district prosecutor Emma Olsson, there is no longer any suspicion that a crime has been committed, writes Länstidningen in Södertälje.

Today, Denis lives with his maternal grandparents who came to Sweden six years ago. They have, in turn, applied to adopt him, but the Migration Agency remains committed to its decision to expel Denis.

“It will be orphanage. He has no family over there”, says Midia Soufi, Denis’ legal guardian. She argues that Denis is in an extremely vulnerable situation with one dead parent and one who has renounced custody through a Ukrainian court.


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He's better of in Ukaine than in a nigger rapefugee filled commie shithole

This people really hate whites and europeans.
Breivik was truly a hero.

Is he really?
What is Ookervaine like?

They will not make him move there by himself retards LMAO, even if they do he is ukrainan and not swedish anyway


Afghans are fucking inbred sub-humans. Their 'culture' is evil as hell.

This is obviously fake news.
If the kid has maternal grandparents residing in Sweden, why would he be sent to Ukraine? And why aren't his maternal grandparents his legal guardians?

Eastern European orphanages are pure hell.


It's sad that he'll likely grow up in the Ukrainian orphan system, but Denis is much better off there than in Swedenistan. Maybe someone in the Migration Agency has sympathies for white people in Sweden and saw an opportunity to low key save one of them.
God Speed Denis.

Leftists tend to hate anything that has an image of being strong, good and successful. They hate America, they hate Western civilization, they hate white males, they hate rationality. The reasons that leftists give for hating the West, etc. clearly do not correspond with their real motives. They SAY they hate the West because it is warlike, imperialistic, sexist, ethnocentric and so forth, but where these same faults appear in socialist countries or in primitive cultures, the leftist finds excuses for them, or at best he GRUDGINGLY admits that they exist; whereas he ENTHUSIASTICALLY points out (and often greatly exaggerates) these faults where they appear in Western civilization. Thus it is clear that these faults are not the leftist’s real motive for hating America and the West. He hates America and the West because they are strong and successful.

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You reading skills are poor. It says the migration agency has control of him and are determined to deport him.

I am amazed by the depth and clarity of your analysis, based American.

Are you actually brain dead?

its true. end us. now.

Catladies can't fuck 6 year olds.

It's actually true, sweden is the most anti-white country on earth

>The police initially arrested a man, but the suspicions were written off later.
so we can safely bet it was an enrichment person
also the swedes police are pathetically useless

No bleeding heart white sjw swedish feminists will be making a scene in a plane and recording it when he gets deported. If only he was a shitskin rapist...

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That's some deep shit.

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What if he converts to islam and rapes a 3 year old? Will Sweden change their decision then?

there is no future in post (((soviet))) soros sponsored places

Would be a cool Pokemon design

>imagine living in sweden

There are +40 million people in Ukraine, the standard of living and their chances of improving it, are abysmal.

If amnesty is given, so Ukrainians have the right to protection in Europe, to settle, work and live. They will emigrate en mass..
Most of them will never leave again, they will settle -permanently.

Sweden and most other European countries are not "white" countries, they are ethno-states, one ethno-group, one culture. If to many foreigners come in, the national identity and the identity of the people will be lost.

btw, I think it is terrible they give amnesty to Afghans and other non-westerners; but I don't see how this should be an argument for giving amnesty to Ukrainians.


Swedes betraying white people, what else is new

>btw, I think it is terrible they give amnesty to Afghans and other non-westerners; but I don't see how this should be an argument for giving amnesty to Ukrainians.

It's obviously not an argument for that, but it's a good argument for the utter hypocrisy of the cunts in charge of that "country." Ukrainians are closer than fucking Afghan goat fuckers. Everything since WWII is an utter travesty of history...

>let's throw the one fragile thing which needs our support into the trash
>and then let's import more trash


Honestly surprised they're not giving him to the Afghans as a pleasure slave at this point.

For killing more Europeans? Wow. Leave them alone, instead, so that some of them or their descendants can be redpilled. Breivik had no real reason to kill. Don't waste life.

I don't see the problem. He has no cause for asylum so he should obviously be sent home. Ukraine is a safe place. There's no war going on there unlike in Syria. And so what if he ends up in an orphanage? It's not our problem.

>killing Europeans
*killing traitors*


Those darn Swedes and their immigration policy, at it again baka...

Dude this story seems pretty fake, try finding a news source that isn't pushing a far-right agenda that has reported on this story. If this were true we'd probably be seeing this story blowing up.

A very enjoyable read though.

>She, in turn, applied as a spouse to her then partner.

Ukraine is at war with Russia.

It would be a sound argument if not for the hordes of shitskins you annually allow to settle in and live of gibs their entire lives

Kikes got the swedes good, they preyed on their vulnerable self-image of best country in the world / best society in the world and decided to fuck them good with their usual jew BS (((arguments))).

The only thing swedes did wrong was to dare have beautiful women.

They got denied the tutelage for the kid.

Boo fucking hoo.

That's the best analyss you got?
That you are a ethno state?
Ukrainians are whiter than you at this point.
You guys are filled with niggers and muslims.

This is the power of the west?MAN FUCK YOU.
You can all go to hell.

maybe he'll toughen the fuck up

the jews want him to get deported to Ukraine and be sent to an asylum where he'll be sexually abused. They are going to ruin the life of a young child.
Every jew must pay for their crimes against humanity. I hope they truly get Shoah this time

Biggest mistake in their countries history will be remembered for hundreds of years. The same way the natives lost the America’s. They let in scum.

Stop using proxy to shill

you must have poo in your eyes

Leftist traitors will destroy everything, if allowed to.

Håll käften din dumma lilla hynda

The difference between white niggers and shit skins is that polands and ukrainians do integrate into your culture, they work and become valuable members of your society. Their kids will consider themselves belonging to your ethnicity. While shitskins live on welfare and vote for leftists. They do not marry to your aborigines and maintain their culture through generations.

Its true but they changed their mind now, he gets to stay with his grandparents.

>child rapists can stay in the country for "humanitarian grounds" because they'd be in danger in their home countries
>a vulnerable child can't stay in the country despite ties to it & ending up in an orphanage will only fuck his life up in the long run

People in charge of this "system" are twisted and evil

What the fuck? I'd rather have 30k actual Ukrainian refugees living here who have a chance of trying to make something out of themselves than 30k mostly fighting-age sand niggers arriving here and making DEMANDS for better upkeep in the centers they're placed in. They're not being bombed or shot at which is reason alone to be grateful for.

Source? Thank god

>gold digging Ukrainian whore got murdered by her (likely) drug dealer
Sad for the kid, but just like people from Afghanistan, Swedish people shouldn't have to care of him.

>Source? Thank god
>Vi kan konstatera att vi gick till beslut för snabbt. Det finns flera utredningsåtgärder som vi borde ha vidtagit. Det är sådant vi kommer att arbeta med nu, säger Per Ek, presschef vid Migrationsverket i ett uttalande.

Translation TL;DR
Took the decision to fast, have some more things to look into and we are working on it now. So they haven't decided he gets to stay either but i am pretty sure that he gets to stay with his grandparents because they wanted to adopt him and they live here legally all ready.

>I'd rather have 30k actual Ukrainian refugees living here who have a chance of trying to make something out of themselves
You have absolutely zero experience with Ukrainian immigrants, that much is very obvious. There's entire fucking communities of them here that live on welfare, use their local Orthodox "church" to evade taxes, do false billing of medical services, etc. They're essentially smart niggers with pale skin, but some of them can be okay.

This. So much fucking this.

DOTR will be 85% 50 year old women. God dammit i hate these vile cunts.

Could you enlighten me how to use the church to prevent theft?

Good. The more we expel the better desu

Find a church that lies about donations or doesn't keep proper records, then you should be lucky.

My inner dialogue tells me you have a reading comprehension issue.

He is such a qt kid, such a shame our Migration Agency lets Afghan cheaters to stay yet this kid is to be expelled...

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Probably less likely to be raped in the Ukraine really.

I bet no white cuck will try to stop his deportation flight.
Fuck this gay Earth.

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Then get out. Most of my friends are trying to get out of Europe. I'm looking to get out. Voting isn't turning this ship around and your taxes are just going to fund your own abuse.

What's the point? If you realize Sweden is a lost cause, get out. I am forming expat networks.

lets see if this brave bitch will stop this kids deportation

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That's why women shouldn't vote:

They are not even evil necessarily. They are just children.

Take women's unearned rights away.

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