Why is the NPC meme under attack?

Everywhere NPC memes are posted they become persecuted. Jow Forums deletes almost every NPC thread except for the slide threads calling it a pysop, or threads sabotaging the meme. Twitter is rounding up all the NPC accounts and genociding them. They’re writing articles lying about the NPC meme and trying to derail the meme at every turn

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Other urls found in this thread:


because it's so true

Because it works

you're surrounded by butthurt NPCs.

We've gotten to them. They know that their ideology lives and dies on a herd mentality.

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Because you are not allowed to use the weapons of the left against the left.

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because any publicity is good publicity to these creeps. forced memes are forced and inorganic.

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people in power are wise to Jow Forums and they fear its memes because they know its outlook, they might not necessarily understand the memes, but they see any meme from here gaining traction as being de facto bad even if they can't explain why. Jow Forums is the "the Jews" to the mainstream.

Shut up, bot.

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>(((they))) still think they can control the internet.

> Shut up, bot.
Look. They think other people are mindless drones too!

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An NPC calling someone a bot? Wow

>Jow Forums is the "the Jews" to the mainstream.

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They would not yelp in pain if the attack was not successful

Suspended after only 2 days. Did not post anything offensive or harassed anybody. I was blocked by Mcspocky on twitter and he told everyone on his twitter to block and report me tho.

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they updated their firewall

It's one of the most brutal comeback to the Nazi ACCUSATIONS

because it is true

Because people decided it's dangerous to discriminate against those with less self-cognitive abilities or whatever you wanna call it. They want drones and not free-thinkers.

>some men can get pregnant through the front hole

Thank god they put an end to your filth.

because you tards keep admitting it's a meme every time you open your mouth.

(you) = dumbass

Because it has the potential to awaken NPC's if they actively work on fixing their inner dialogue, and processing emotions properly.

They will stop having immediately emotional and psychotic reactions to things. They can stop their suicide epidemic and need to cope with heroine (in CA especially)

There's scientific backing on this one so it's not going anywhere.




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Because they know their entire existence is about shutting down their brain functions and going through life without thinking.
They go to work, listen to their favorite pop song, get their café latte, get to work, proceed to function, go home, listen to their second favorite pop song, take in data from a voice on tv telling them what they think, and that they should be mad at the opposition, they get mad, they proceed to be mad about it, they type into the computer how mad they are about it, they then see an advert about a product and desire this product, after this they think about sexual desires, and go to sleep to repeat.
They really have been programmed to
And the programmers don't like it when you point out the code

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>NPC meme started to mock people who can't think outside their bubble
>People who hate the meme deem anyone who says it a "fascist"

It's like poetry, it rhymes.

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Why do dumb memes from this shithole spread out so fast ?

NPCs are like ghost type or dragon type Pokémon

calling them out as NPCs is super effective rhetoric

1) It's true
2) It's forced
For some reason there's a lot of faggots who can't accept both of these things.

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Weaponized autism

NPCs can't captcha

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that's why the captcha said I was a bot and put me in the penalty box for slamming my keyboard like a retard tryna find the stop signs among the fire hydrants

t. :^|

The NPC meme is immortal. It can combine with other memes to create double entendres. This not only revives dying memes, it gives them the factor they were missing that caused them to die in the first place. The NPC meme is the Fountain of Youth for all memes. Bless.

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it was actually started from JOW forums.

Jews hate the NPC meme because it's the same dehumanizing concept goyim is in their religion, and they don't want NPCs to figure out jews have been dehumanizing them for thousands of years already with the goy concept.
>point out the dehumanizing nature of NPC is the same as how the Talmud says to treat goyim
>meme it hard to get people woke on the JQ

Oh look, another "forced meme" shill. Now shut up and give me my damn quest.

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Still fighting bro, I am rather unimpressed by twitters npc deleting algorithm

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The womanchild slapped with 50 shades of grey.
I see high power potential in this and levels of magic only kek could provide.

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Lol saved, looks just like an ESO NPC. Except no NPC in video games (except borderlands) is a fat disgusting fuck.

>the NPC meme is a psyop.
Ya that's why the Meme is being censored everywhere including here. You also can't claim it's a psyop without giving a scenario in which the meme's use is bad. Also, this meme is playing out just like, "It's ok to be white" did, and that wasn't a psyop. In order to make the claim that something is a psyop, you also need to provide an example of how it could be bad for us. Also, you are essentially claiming
>The CIA/FBI were ACTUALLY right wing all along, and are spreading right wing propaganda
In that case good.

For the fifth time, I guarantee you some autist will shoot up his school and say his classmates are all NPCs. It's fucking inevitable now.

the meme is shit anyways, let it die

The internet is Right-wing
must ban
must censor
must destroy
must hate speech laws
must gas them all

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We are winning

I'm sure the people in power are so very afraid of a bunch of autistic dweebs with a really good mementics division taking the piss out of everyday normal people instead of them, the people in power.

What would that change? Why should I be worried about whatever narrative they use for the next school shooting?
>some autist will shoot up his school and say his classmates are all NPCs
Most people who kill people do so because they think they're worthless, especially school shooters. Again, what would this change? You're not giving me a reason of why I should fear this scenario.

Here's a tip, it's not about if YOU like the meme, it's about how much THEY don't like it.

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>twitter equivalent of jannies having to work full time to clean up our NPC shitposting
o im laffin

>I guarantee some autist will shoot up his school and say its okay to be white
>I guarantee some autist will shoot up his school and say abortion is immoral
>I guarantee some autist will shoot up his school and say all lives matter

Memes don't kill people. I kill people, with memes.

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And here we see the concern shill. Do the "Steve Bannon is responsible for this" next. I love that one.

Because the elections are right around the corner and they don't want to fuck up the turnout.

Remove the elections from the equation and their fear of the meme makes absolutely no sense.

It was very forced and annoying, but after having seen how mad they get its hard not to want to see what comes of it.
Its like another jude-star except that it applies to all useful idiots, and the only people it applies to are the people which are NPCs.
And you can do lots of different shit with it.


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They're afraid Ted Cruz is gonna tweet an NPC Beto meme.

NPC meme is what make me decide to kill Jow Forums once and for all. hwndu was bad enough.. now it crossed the line and scorched earth is coming. Deal with it incels.. ask mommy for extra tendies and mac and cheese tonight.

This is the most iconic NPC with the most effective programing. The snarky wit and constant affirmative quote "Am I right?" causes many NPC's who don't have an opinion to think he is actually right.

It only took a couple thousand autists to come up with a strategy to outsmart the jews. GG /jewpol/

>oh look it's this thread again.jpg
>wait, it's almost like it's getting spammed by a bot
>yfw u just realized the irony

(((you))) are not powerful enough to kill an idea.

i dont think anyone is saying they are literal robots op its sort of a metaphor i guess. the "idea" has been around for a while but this one triggers people the most. without doing your research it seems really ignorant but if you actually read about it and do research you will realize it isnt thus proving to others you do your own research = fact checking, taking credibility into account and why the group posting the info might want it to look that way or even being able to separate logical arguments from emotional ones.
Its very good at deprogramming people because if they do the slightest bit of research it starts them to think for themselves

1. It's effective.
2. The left views itself as being much smarter than the right and is insulted by a rather clever quip which reduces them to being viewed as unthinking drones incapable of any sort of thought or agency apart from regurgitating their programming.

I'm so tired of hearing about this NPC shit. Please stop.

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it’s probably shills trying to change the meme. Like a few days after the NPC meme came out some started trying to merge it in with simulation theory, even though it’s just a meme about people with no internal diagoloue who can’t think for themselves

>we have a war to fight on twatter
fuck off and never come back

I think my favorite meme that came out of this is "Orange man bad"

Because it's racist!

You can't stop memeception even if you shut it down the internet Jow Forums has printers and will be forced onto the streets .
How much do you want that to happen user ?

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Pic related.

The best place to take a shit is in your enemy's backyard

Because its the most effective weapon against jews and their shabbos goyim

Here's a tip, it's not about if YOU like the meme, it's about how much THEY don't like it.

Then leave. We don't care.

>Twitter is the only website on the internet
>I don't like making my enemy upset


Because PvE isn't allowed.

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It’s effective because if you aren’t an NPC you won’t get offended, and if you don’t want to control people you wouldn’t get offended.

The fact that NYT and others are shitting bricks about it proves that they ARE trying to condition and control people. They are showing their fear by attacking the meme. They’ve all unanimously decided it would be better to try to reinforce their brainwashing and nip this in the bud, rather than let people redpill themselves. It’s kind of hilarious.

I wish the madman would

who is THEY?? tell me. and if its the jews get fucked losers. My best friend is jewish and I would die for him before I helped any of you racist obsoletes. You guys just need to die off.. whether if the meth needled or fentanyl it not matter. We reach out to you but you slap our hands again and again.. finall we leave you behind and let you die and become history. This racism and hatred must stop. you won't win.. trust me. Just accept your loser fate and get along with us winners in the world or drive your damn pickup trucks off a cliff.

>that capcha


Yeah mine is also suspended
It's not like i couldn't create another 5

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Decent bait, 7/10

How about I tell you to eat my asshole. They're just begging for an excuse to socially persecute people who use Jow Forums. The fact this meme so abruptly appeared with absolutely no comedic value makes it painfully obvious it's being forced. You retards picked it up and started using it like a child waving around a gun. Oh it scares the liberals, what fun! You wouldn't know bait even if you had a polished hook in your mouth.

not bait man but just a voice of reason in this echo chamber of hatred and failure. You guys have a chance... you don't have to wallow in hatred and failure forever you know.

its too meta and its upsetting the matrix

01011011 01000001 01100011 01110100 01101001 01110110 01100001 01110100 01100101 00100000 01000100 01100001 01101101 01100001 01100111 01100101 00100000 01000011 01101111 01101110 01110100 01110010 01101111 01101100 00100000 01110000 01110010 01101111 01110100 01101111 01100011 01101111 01101100 01110011 01011101

It didn’t abruptly appear you idiot. It stemmed from discussions about a recent scientific article, which provided a basis for explaining why some people seem like unthinking drones. Like you.

>dude this one article was published and then the meme came into existence!
>that's not abrupt at all!
t. Ad Master Extraordinaire.

I'm doing fine, I hope you are in shape and know how to use a gun though.

I am fine too and I do know how to use guns but I not need them. In a civilized modern society we have police to protect us. Most guns should be banned except for bolt action rifles. Handguns should NEVER be allowed to be purchased by regular citizens.

If this really was bait, then you got me on the last one.


In case of not being bait.
Lol what a holier than thou faggot.
In case of bait.
Lol what a faggot.

How does it make you feel that there's $300 pocket guns and you'd never know someone was carrying one?

Because the truth is an interesting thing, no matter how deep you are in lies the truth has a way of slicing right through the bullshit and being self evident.

The npc meme is too truthful, to perfectly reduced and instantly resonates with everyone.

Therefore the propoganda masters in the mainstream need to (((shut it down))) before it can do more damage

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"Who claim to be Jews and are not, buy do lie"

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....yes, that’s how things work in this world.

Ideas are formulated and if they resonate or articulate the truth, if they strike a nerve within the social undercurrent of ideas, they are spread.

The person who wrote the article had nothing to do with the meme. It spread organically because it fit a social need—because people wanted an easy way to articulate a phenomenon occurring in society.

NPC are golems!

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