>Natalie May Edwards, the senior advisor in the Treasury Department’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network who was arrested Tuesday, leaked the documents to a reporter for BuzzFeed according to a Wednesday announcement by Manhattan federal prosecutors.

out of all the media choices you can choose from, why choose buzz feed. Who the fuck even uses buzzfeed as their main news choice besides fucking basedboys and retards.

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Other urls found in this thread:

of course it was a woman

Because Buzzfeed put out the Piss Dossier so they need all the real Leaks they can get to maintain credibility among the incredible.

finally an arrest, and it's another woman. share a cell with reality winner

Rich commie bitch got served

i wanna see the seditious BuzzFeed offices getting raided by feds

women have suffraged for too long, repeal the 19th

oh no that sucks i hope buzzfeed makes it through this ok and /ourguy/ viewtiful joe bernstein can keep putting out quality content before making the big jump to the new York times.

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lmao women are fucking retarded

My guess is that this is just the start. And I think there is a good chance the Mueller surprises the shit out of a lot people.

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>To buzzfeed
Come on, any self respecting whistleblower would never even think to leak shit to buzzfeed, if she seriously contemplated this, then she deserves to rot in prison.

It's been a disaster year for womyn.

-MeToo fizzles out
-Feinstien btfo
-muh hippocampus btfo
-Warren btfo

ow fuck wat now?

Interesting that we haven't heard shit from obama, clapper, brennan, yates, lynch etc. in a good while.

Let's be honest here, she probably leaked to more outlets depending on who paid more.
This time it was Buzzfeed, hopefully it will come to light in the near future though. Leaks are happening WAY too often.

Digits confirm he will work at NYT. Adult Night BTFO

705341 sealed indictments and counting

on that note how the FUCK has obama come back to give speeches and interviews and shit and has said absolutely nothing about on his entire DOJ being caught forging fisa documents and wire tapping? not one fucking question or response. what a joke.

It takes two to tango, what happens to buzzfeed for purchasing the infirmation?

should see if she is a democrat too

When do we bring back public executions?

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They'll cry martyrdom
>muh persecuted journalists

came to post this, they don't belong in politics

Believe Women

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what can you say to the dude who has an entire tyranno-anarchist paramilitary bulwark around him at all times in order to keep the information contained in his brain until they splatter it over issues of that very same brain becoming a liability?

you can say anything you want, even calling him king nigger, but you can't prosecute him yet

Obongo is more likely to go the way of McCocaine than to be incarcerated specifically because he's one of their pet monkey usurpers

I remember last Christmas when it was like 30,000

Does this mean the government can go after buzzfeed now?

My god this post is art.

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Yeah, our luck, it’s probably all anons.

Buzzfeed is cancer.

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Women will return over the next few weeks, to cast their vote.
I'd be a little worried as a Republican incumbent. We shall see.

Hey at least we can be jail friends in Gitmo.

>We talked about Israel
>We talked about meddling.

Great interview but skip to 21:13 for this specific part. He also directly says that the Federal Reserve is his biggest threat.

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self bump

Probably less biased than cnn these days

>he doesn't know that trump is using leverage over rosenstein to prosecute every single leaker one by one
it's trump's fbi now frens

There’s tons of leakers dubbed resisters. When you have the former top FBI brass ie Comey, McCabe etc leaking you knew it was just the tip of the iceberg. Rumor has it tons of indictments will be made public regarding those in the whitehouse.

>out of all the media choices you can choose from, why choose buzz feed
it could be worse. you could leak it to Jow Forums and have them call it "fake and gay" as the cops are kicking in your door to arrest you.

Buzzfeed is Black Cube, that’s why CNN uses them to float stories.


why leak to that trash outlet instead of someone semi reliable?

we did just hear from obama though, he took more credit for some stuff like last week. brennan was just discussing the saudi reporter dying too.
fucking retard.

>maintain credibility
they never had any to start with imo

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This there a news org for literal manchildren, they are no different from Meoples mag and the Sun

lol poor aussies


>And the Pulizer Prize for investigative journalism goes to... That BuzzFeed reporter and his sources!

>Edwards is accused of disclosing SARs related to Manafort and Gates to a BuzzFeed reporter, starting in Oct. 2017. The feds say that Edwards saved a whopping 24,000 SARs on a department-issued thumb drive.
>The majority of these files were saved to a folder named “Debacle – Operation-CF,” which contained subfolders named “asshat,” “debacle,” and “emails.”

>It's actually their plan for turning us into glowniggers

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>Who are you?
>An Angel.
>What's your name?

She got nice tits? Maybe I’ll post bail if I can play with them


they dont belong in government period, dont deserve the right to vote, and subsequently we need to repeal womens sufferage.

The last guy to get in trouble for this was James Wolfe.

Huber's from Utah.
I recently learned Utah allows execution by firing squad.
Military Tribunal period begins in January 2019.
So, soon.

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She should be...?

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she got fat. here is her mug shot

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Heavy is saying she hates Hillary and it probably had to do with Hillary campaign donations!

Part 2 of the amazing mini series on NPC MEME THEORY!!!
>this video discusses the OTHER, Darker theories behind it...
>is it AYYYYS?
he says NO
Welcome to OUR 1984 moment where Big brother gets fucked

She cute

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Buzzfeed doesn’t have a “reputation” to protect so they can publish all sorts of dubious bullshit, allowing the rest of the fake news to write stories about “Buzzfeed is reporting Orangeman Did A Thing” while being able to fall back on “hey we didn’t say it, it was buzzfeed” when the story is disproven.

>seeing "Sperm Coctails" pieces next to "Orange Man Impeachment Broof" article

well they didn't think that one out did they

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She has a Ph.D in philosophy.

Hire a woman with a worthless degree=security risk.

Stop shilling your fucking videos faggot

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Jesus christ why is this shit still being spammed. Fuck off with your faggoty discord nigger

no thanks fbi

>hidden discord
>announces it publicly

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Reddit tier underaged fags. Got tired of being called newfags and created their hug box


Creepiest satan ever fucking claymation is the devils tool

Q user predicted this

thats what allowing women in power gets you.

the eternal white woman

I believe Buzzfeed is a subsidiary of the Huffington Post.

Philosophy is only worthless when a woman tries it. Men can make philosophy valuable.

her facebook looks like a joke

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It's a woman

>To fucking buzzfeed
Can women do anything right lmao

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Will she get prison since its a woman? Im betting suspended sentence