Explain this to me. How the FUCK does this nigga have so much energy...

Explain this to me. How the FUCK does this nigga have so much energy? He’s a 77 year old overweight grandpa and yet has the energy to talk shit 24/7. What’s his secret? Cocaine?

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Other urls found in this thread:


He has the lightest work schedule of any President. When he is not on vacation all he does is read twitter , eat junk food and watch shark week.

He never did drugs alcohol caffeine ciggarettes

The people

The entire mass media constantly talks about him all the time, some retards eat up the material that says to hate him, other retards eat up the material that says to love him. Same old same old, NPCs will never learn.

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His anger only gives him more power

>lightest work schedule
Lol kys Jamal Rodriguez.

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1. healthiest person ever
2. smartest person ever
3. a small loan of 6 gorillion dollars

Contrary to popular belief by plebs, the elite are not just lazing around in piles of money. These people are where they are because they have the energy and drive to constantly work 100 hours a week or more without stopping.

>The dumb hick actually believes this

>t. Salty poorfag

>“Trump himself says that he is ‘not a big sleeper’ (‘I like three hours, four hours’) and professes a fondness for steak and McDonald’s. Other than golf, he considers exercise misguided, arguing that a person, like a battery, is born with a finite amount of energy.”


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He takes Super Male Vitality three times a day and always filters his water.

>One study from 2012, for example, concluded that 150 minutes of moderate exercise a week (such as walking, bicycling, or hiking) will mean you live 3.4 years longer. And just 75 minutes a week could add on 1.8 years.

>That same study found that being inactive could reduce your lifespan by 7.2 years

What the fuck does he actually do besides shit-talk on Twitter, play golf (badly) and watch Fox and Friends? That is literally his life. Also, shit-talking doesn't take as much energy as you'd think. Jow Forums perfectly exemplifies this fact. I mean, most people here are obese retards with zero life skills, and yet the shit-talking never stops.

I mean, are you seriously suggesting that using a keyboard takes physical effort? What am I saying, of course you are.

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Fuckn rekt!!!!!! LMAAAO


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>NPCs actually believe this

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>What’s his secret? Cocaine?


He was a famous businessman in 80's New York, there is no way he hasn't done mountains of cocaine, I don't care what he says about never having done drugs

contreery to poplar beleaf, trump actually does drink tons of caffeine

He's pretty good at getting North Korea to come to the negotiating table. And booming the economy.

>born with finite amount of energy

His life battery is just bigger than yours user

>he considers exercise misguided, arguing that a person, like a battery, is born with a finite amount of energy
Neil Armstrong believed the same thing and he made it to 82.

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I called someone a faggot once and got really sleepy all of a sudden

He is a divine being

>Mfw I’m 200 iq apolitical posting in Jow Forums

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>Hick who believes if he puts in hundreds of hours in the coal mine he will get to the CEO’s level who doesn’t work half as hard as him

Keep letting them dupe you

>watch shark week

The Gorilla Channel you fucking wetback



he drinks coke retard

>Doesn't know were NEVER COMIN DOWN

Cocaine crashes

This baby runs on memes

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>watch shark week
he hates sharks tho


he's never drunk alcohol or smoked cigarettes while only doing manual labor for his dad's construction company for 3 weeks. He did play football in highschool which is surprising since high school football is bad for your health and leads to arthritis when you're past 50-60. he's also only 71 (still old, i know)
It's strange because he is probably close to 300lbs which should affect him but it doesn't seem to.

hopefully we see lean trump one day where he drops to 200lb. (he's 6'4' so 200lb would be lean for him)

>Trump starts eating squats and oats for massive gains and fat cutting trims
>This isn't even his final form

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>Watching shark WEEK for the entire 8 years he's in office

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his secret is NOT relying on chemical substances at any point in his life.

He gains all his powers from Ivanka's farts.

72 not 77 you disgusting faggot

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vril force

>not thinking he's on any pharmaceuticals