MLK and Malcolm X

What are your honest opinions on these two? I think they were great and amazing intellectuals. They’d probably kill themselves if they saw how blacks acted nowadays.

Attached: 4DAFF89E-26B5-4D4C-8637-68D532679C05.jpg (286x400, 27K)

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Just two worthless niggers.

Malcom sure was one in his early life but he made up for it by stopping and getting his shit together

Malcolm X was the far better man, and (probably had the far better philosophy...

... victory comes by wearing down the white man until he finally gives blacks their rights.
... shame whites into facing their own guilt
... fuck any woman within range, even though you are married.

Malcolm X:
... blacks must solve their own problems.
... victory comes from building your own business, shopping in your own neighborhoods, and taking control of your own lives.
... the best thing white can do is leave us the fuck alone to live our lives.
... absolutely faithful to his wife.


This. But MLK’s philosophy did work though in certain situations, but I agree, it wouldn’t work all the time. There needed to be a mix of both (more of Malcolm than MLK though)

Heil, Malcolm X!

Sieg heil!

>Stormfag hailing an Islamic
What did he mean by this?

MLK was basically repeating the Gandhi method: you stand there and let people hit you until their arms grow tired.

I think in the long run, Malcolm's philosophy was better, because kept the power in the hands of the blacks. Instead of their power simply being a reflection of the white's generosity, it was self-actualized.

Attached: malcolm-x-carbine-ebony.jpg (618x340, 150K)

A properly red-pilled attitude.

Attached: M3kLUtL.png (684x499, 366K)

MLK was a degenerate communist pos. Malcolm was a great leader who wanted seperatism.

Based. Never seen this before

MLK was a communist agitator who did what his Jewish handlers said.

Malcolm X met with and was willing to work with George Lincoln Rockwell in separation.

Who do you think was better?

>George Lincoln Rockwell donating money to Malcolm X

MLK was a commie that had a Jew Handler

Malcolm X was brutally honest. The most Based and Red pilled Nig at that time.

It doesn't matter what the justification may be, so long as an honorable existence is sought. Blackbros can be allies, the trick is overcoming the propaganda of the rootless, cosmopolitan plutocrats.

I think this 40 second clip from the movie "Malcolm X" sums things up nicely:

They cared about their communities and were anti degeneracy, therefore /ourguys/.

Thank (You)

I didn;t have to write all that out

MLK was trash. Malcolm X was a good guy who followed in the footsteps of Garvey.

"you are a citizen of the united states of america, you went on a trip to a country with a completely different currency, you want to order a mcdonalds big mac sandwich, but first you have to change the money you do have into the local currency somehow; anyway after ordering, receiving and consuming the big mac sandwich of a lifetime on your pleasant trip, perhaps you decide to read what it says on the packaging or tray of the meal.

How much do you really know about Ronald MacDonald?

What would it take for you to work at McDonalds full time taking orders for Big Mac's like the one you just gave? (you don't get to ever eat any food from McDonalds in this scenario, not even on your break, not even on your day off, not even if you quit, it is contractually mandated for some reason purely hypothetical, the brands I am referring to might exist in real life I don't know) 2018 minimum wage?

You think that's air you're breathing?

I have no idea what you just said.

The Virgin commie MLK vs the Chad Black nationalist Malcolm X.


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Based and redpilled. A lot of people in the comments misinterpreted what he means though. “All white people’s help have ruined blacks”.

M1 Carbine?

Has someone actually made a picture of this?

based schizoposter

Are you alright?

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Attached: Martin_Luther_King,_Jr._a_Communist_Why_He’s_Been_Whitewashed.png (736x4587, 1019K)

Attached: MLK_Pop_Quiz.png (524x2255, 111K)

>be Gandhi
>preach non-violence
>get shot

>be MLK
>preach non-violence
>get shot

Attached: 1539387224771.jpg (177x170, 6K)

very based

>be Malcolm X
>preach violence
>don’t get shot
>starts to preach non violence
>get shot

Attached: A27A6EB4-419B-4028-BC11-A2AB7230BFBC.jpg (587x334, 179K)

Malcolm X was ready to renounce violence and work with MLK.

That's why he was killed.

Attached: i'll just leave this here.jpg (600x489, 36K)

very tough men

Attached: stokely-carmichael-on-assassination-of-martin-luther-king-jr.jpg (620x349, 27K)

malcolm x was an awsome tv series starring bryan cranston.

>(((White liberals)))

thats why we need to bring back the Judenfrage

Attached: 1539801287648.jpg (286x806, 89K)

Total waste of time

>[NPC nigger sounds]

chad Malcolm x virgin martin luther king

MLK was a commie coin nigger funded by kikes for their racemixing agenda, Malcolm X was an actual black nationalist that even saw eye to eye with GLR

MLK was a jew plant whose goal was to subvert racial relations in the United States only continuing towards the disaster we face now. Malcolm X was advocated for the seperation of the races (fucking based). I have tremendous respect for Malcolm X, and if he were alive today I think we'd have a great ally and someone with the shared goal of racial segregation. MLK was a kike puppet fuck him

Yet another example of why you don't know WTF you're talking about.

The fact that the meme uses the NPC meme says that it's fairly new; but an attempt to label either of these men as an NPC fails even the most cursory examination.

Then, you have the text of the meme which makes little to no sense; and is instead an exercise in pleonasm.

Then, of course, is your canned response to my initial criticism ( attempting to call me an NPC) , which betrays your youth and total lack of knowledge on anything beyond the superficial level.

The bottom line... go back to school.

Malcom X was taken down by COINTELPRO. He was based and red pilled.

>[outrages in nigger]
>[will you respong to nigger rage?]
>press [Y] for yes
>press [N] for ingnore nigger NPC