You're racist tricks have been foiled again

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Other urls found in this thread:


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No it isn’t. Fuck your own face, jewish fridge body.

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>single mother
>triggered by the NPC meme
Classic NPC behavior, the script is running bug free

Ah finally, NOW the meme has finally reached it full power.

please don't mock them serbBro, they take it very seriously

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The fact that this meme is evoking such an emotional response is rather telling, isn't it.

It's definitely odd. This isn't organic.

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So this is meme power. Huh. Not bad.

>its targetting POCs
I thought it was targetting tumblrinas and soiboys?

Here I thought it was targeting NPCs
Isn't this article racist in suggesting all POCs and NPCs?

errr.. all POCs are NPCs

this one's good, thanks

Why is this meme pissing so many people off? I haven't seen a single article about non-NPC Wojack, and only a few about Pepe, but the NPC meme is front page news! What gives?

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It's even worse. It has a # in front of it without irony.

stop being racist Jow Forums

Attached: 55518824-3DC3-41E3-B3A3-C99693D6DD97.jpg (600x400, 154K)

They're afraid
It really touches a nerve because they know their strategy in order to get the masses on their side is they have to create easily relatable talking points that can be parroted without thought
Now they have been called out on this

Ameribro you are truly wise, bless us with your infinite wisdom

NPC isn’t new. Nietzsche called them sheep, Erich Fromm called them automatons and conformists.


Attached: npc-tile2.jpg (800x420, 95K)

Jow Forums you are cancer fucking kys

Attached: redditnpc.png (663x735, 144K)

Attached: npc.jpg (994x893, 120K)

They've been dehumanizing the right and their plan got flipped back on them.

it's beyond organic

These sheeple of people are finally waking up to how controlled they are.


ironically nietzsche would hate most Jow Forumstards

Attached: nietzsche.jpg (465x744, 111K)

Don't shoot the messenger geez.

Hitler was a Socialist lefty retard. He was just nationalist instead of globalists like the Soviets.

A meme can only be forced in 2 situations:
>A small group of people keep posting their meme everywhere trying to get it to catch on but it never does
>If people are not being paid to post the meme
If neither of these are the case then it is by definition organic. The meme is wildy successful so option 1 isn't the case, and no one is being paid to spread it so option 2 isn't the case either. You may be using the word "Forced" to mean it's spreading extremely fast and extremely wide, but that is purely due to how powerful and terrifying this meme is. Also, a major reason it's spreading so fast (Forced) is because of how the Left have reacted to it. It's not forced to use a meme constantly that your opponent FUCKING HATES, why would they not use a meme that their opponents despise? The spread of this meme is just as much the lefts fault as it is ours. Then you also have to take into account that the meme is being censored everywhere including Jow Forums, which causes people to want to use it more, to spite the act of censorship. The meme is also behaving very similarly to how, "It's ok to be white" did. Which was just another good meme that spread fast based on a combination of Merit + Leftist salt.

>I must continue my programming as orange man is bad. I am capable of inner thoughts.

Attached: npc news.png (632x796, 184K)

I just said this in another thread today:
Within six months, the NPCs will be looking back at anyone who ever used the NPC meme, labeling it at hate speech, and trying to discredit that person's entire career.

Of course, the meme is getting bigger faster than they can shut it down, so that'll fail too.

So they are calling their pet niggers NPCs? Don’t they think that’s a little racist?


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No u

If you need to tell a human it's human something seems wrong about that.

What the fuck do you think they think they are? Why are they so hell bent on what someone else thinks what someone else is?

in their ideology, it's not racist to call a white #Resistance member a NPC. Upsetting, sure, but not racist.
but any criticism directed against non-whites that are part of the #Resistance is racist.
btw, it's also not racist (in their ideology) to criticize black conservatives, since they're not part of the Resistance.

i know that their rulebook makes little sense and seems rather arbitrary, but still important to know how they think.

that's not very tolerant of you, Mr Party of Tolerance


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>targeting poc members

we call them pozz-members

Holy shit. This is terrifying. Why would they be calling it racist and trying to ensure people they're human if it weren't true?!


Up next... math is racist

Attached: Math.jpg (235x212, 3K)

Self hatred since he was essentially an incel and a NEET.


he'd hate /b/tards

Like clockwork

Attached: npc1.png (543x236, 73K)

>Jow Forums embraces nihilistic hedonism
Lurk moar faggot.

we call them Pocks, pronounced like Pox


Attached: math_is_racist.png (1270x634, 333K)

>Up next... math is racist
Pretty sure they beat you to that already

Leftist here. Its because we know getting celebrities to push our ideas is a cheap trick and turning a political position and set of ethical beliefs into a trend is a pact with the devil that can easily go wrong. We like SJWs and antifa about as much as you like Tiki Torch Kekistanis, but obviously neither of us can be honest about these things.

Berkowitz is desperately trying to tie this NPC meme to their most potent weapon: the threat of racism.
Jews created the concept of racism and have been using it to subjugate and demoralize white people for decades. It is their calling card.
They need to make the NPC meme racist so that the white NPCs are like oh it’s racist? Fuck it then no introspection required.
The JEW is terrified of the goyim snapping out of their ZOG induced trance.

One step ahead of you partner

Attached: racistmath.png (984x464, 122K)

That can't be a genuine article. It reads like satire.


No archive into the trash it goes

>people still think niztche supported nihilistic hedonism

Absolutely pleb tier

Racist is the insult of last resort. It's a desperate admission that you can't refute something. And the thing is that there are millions of white NPCs out there. Sure, blacks probably have a higher percentage per population, but there are still NPCs of every race. It's a universal insult and that is why it's effective.

this is bretty good

Lol too late

They also say equal justice, rule of law, logic & reason, and proof/evidence are racist concepts

I want off this ride.


Attached: wojak 2.png (1600x900, 256K)


the state of Nazi meme flaggots

based Jesus. I love that dude. He's my king.


the npc image is literally a grey guy who looks identical to everyone else...

How is it even racist?

Wait wait wait... This is the NPC's going through syntax errors because it doesn't know how to react to it

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Seems like a troll to me. Jewish single mother advocating diversity who’s only written this one article. You wrote this, didn’t you OP?

archive you're posts lazy nigger

>dat reading comprehension
Jow Forums doesn't think Nitzche supports nihilistic hedonism, let alone support or embrace nihilistic hedonism.

Now fuck off back to school and learn to read.


The SPLC is within our grasp. Declare the NPC a "hate symbol." DO IT, NIGGERS!

Attached: NasimCowDance.gif (480x272, 1.96M)

>I want all of my readers to understand that YOU ARE HUMAN and you are a beautiful, unique individual with a vast array of emotions and lovely characteristics.

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They resist by having the popular opinion that's shared by all of the media, celebrities, and by their corporate overlords!

Attached: Don't Think.jpg (821x753, 114K)

>cultural Marxism isn’t real it’s an anti Semitic conspiracy
>also white culture must be destroyed
>math is racist
>logic is used to oppressed the proliteri—-i mean disadvantaged

It never ends m8

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I don't speak for all of Jow Forums but I personally would like to say I'm sorry that you are apparently an easily offended wimp (provided you were serious of course).

It actually does a good job explaining how they literally have childlike tantrums when hints don’t go the way they want/expect

LGBT and POC SJWs are PO'ed to be called NCPs


This is still going? Lefties sure are mad with it, never tought it hould actually hit so hard and last this long

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>single mother
It's too easy....

Imagine being this doood

Attached: 38274994-902C-4E4F-A837-FDA57606FE40.jpg (400x400, 40K)

>One article by Mitilda
>on Medium
>search provides no other information about this person of interest

You may be onto something fren

Attached: 1539723614661.gif (750x750, 1.87M)

He hated anti-semitisn and what he saw as petty nationalism


Attached: QyZ35TZ.jpg (577x485, 31K)

>I want all of my readers to understand that YOU ARE NPC and you are a beautiful, unique variable with a vast array of programmed responses and lovely boolean data

no u

Attached: hitler_obama_2_by_wwu-d496tgu.jpg (614x732, 33K)

I'm pretty sure "Matilda Berkowitz" is a Jow Forumsack in disguise.

I intended this to be more obviously just anti-Semitic.

Attached: wojak_npc_npctalk.jpg (680x568, 53K)

>single mother of two
Chances of them being 56%?

Jews hate the NPC meme because it's the same dehumanizing concept goyim is in their religion, and they don't want NPCs to figure out jews have been dehumanizing them for thousands of years already with the goy concept.
>point out the dehumanizing nature of NPC is the same as how the Talmud says to treat goyim
>meme it hard to get people woke on the JQ

Are you sure (((Berkowitz)))? Are you sure you're not just trying to assign this meme to shit-skins to make white retards feel like it isn't about them? When this actually applies to insane SJWs no matter what race you are?

How dare you
How dare you
How absolutely dare you

Also, when is "projecting racist shit towards POC" going to be considered racist?

it's not meant to have power over us.
it's meant to control their own.
as some other user posted, it's not about making us stop calling them npc, it's about making liberals immediately shut down any self-reflection because npc meme is now associated with "racism".
that's their trigger word that starts up their mk ultra-like brainwashing training.

They just need some affirmations is all.

Attached: NPC affirmations.jpg (500x508, 174K)

Holy crap, I just read that article... the author IS serious... wow...

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>Jewish people seem to have circumvented the NPC label as they are normally the ones guiding public discourse of opposition to the current presidents regime. jewish people’s over-representation within the media
Who spiked her drink with truth serum?