What the fuck is wrong with you, Canada?
What the fuck is wrong with you, Canada?
Yeah what's wrong with you guys? I want some legal weed.. haven't you niggerfaggots ever heard of sharing?
muh weed lmao
He even smoked the weed with cum in it.
why doesnt everyone in the world just move to canada for the free healthcare, sane leadership, and legal weed? in fact, why isnt canada PAYING to ship everyone in the 3rd world into canada? anything less is racist, lets demand canada pays for boats and planes to bring in millions of africans and arabs to prove Trudeau is culturally sensitive
As a Canadian, every circle jerk I see for the next 2 years isn't worth it. Nuke us or annex us US please
>in fact, why isnt canada PAYING to ship everyone in the 3rd world into canada?
I thought they were doing exactly this.
>awesome sane leader
"the USA try to fuck our oil exports?
well let's fuck their growing canabis oil industry"
tbf, smart financial move there
we need a plague
Any relation to Joe Rogan?
In how many years will Canada become a third world country?
What a homo.
Their flag is a fucking leaf, what do you think?
People are retarded. The worse your country does the better people think it is. USA is doing WAY better than CAN yet people think Trudeau is better because they are retarded.
I thank God every day we have the leader we have. Between this cuck and autistic robo-may world leader stock is at an all time low.
Fuck weed. I ate a weed brownie and literally thought I was gonna die.
Because Canada is full of Canadians, that's why.
Carrington Even 2, dead jew boogaloo
Exactly, gibs me dat, and gibs me more of dat.
whoa, how delusional you are??? you have more mass shootings than days in the year, your whole economy fluctuate and fall whenever trump tweet something,
you have no healthcare, you live on debts and students loans, you are not even having a "free governement" as it is corupted by lobyist and not based on majority, your leader is a running joke and peoples are turning away from the US to do business with europe, china and russia ...
boy, your coutry is in a such critical state that peoples are actually betting on when your economy will collapse.
Canada and the USA needs to have a trade draft... Sends all the faggot socialists to Canada, and we'll get al the canadian white nationalists to the USA.
>awesome sane leader
the detachment from reality is mindboggling
Seth the jew
>you have more mass shootings than days in the year
Yes, niggers are a problem.
>israeli flag
yeah come on up dude! Just not sure if you'll be able to go back...
Nah our leader is just not letting in all the shitskins, if other countries don't like it they are our enemies, especially the EU
> beep beep
>sup my dudes
>Government monopolizes the marijuana industry, like they did with alcohol
Yay! Such progress
>10 times the population
>25% stronger dollar value
>NAFTA control
You didn't forget did you?
>pic related
>muh weed
these people need to be put into camps. Hitler was right
Must be nice to spend $5 a year on national defense for your 98% white population. To be fair, $5 is about 225 Canadian.