Who wins?

who wins?

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Lefty, no question.

They both lose. Pathetic libraries both in quality and quantity. These are the bookshelves of poseurs. All materials have been chosen to make the owner look intelligent and well-informed, but they're really just garbage hodgepodge collections of a few books chosen for their recognition factor with the ignorant unwashed masses.

Keeping books you've read displayed like trophies is pathetic
>omg i so smart i read 20 books my whole life, see

>using a book as a bookend

automatic loss

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what absolute cringe

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the one who isn t reedit tier, but pol isn t reddit so ... ?


>Jow Forums
>trump cocksucking
>video games
That sounds more like reddit than anything.

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I like shitposting here on Jow Forums but /leftypol/ is more informed on most things tbqh

You never owned a book? Reference books ruin your argument. Historical books also ruin your argument because there’s no way people can remember everything they’ve read, so you need to reference back. Same thing for any books related to your job. My shelf has mostly reference books and job related books from theory to practice.

>omg I read all these books and now I see that it's ok for whites to be demographically replaced in their own nations.

No, they're not, your filthy anglo, but nice try.

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How can somebody read such fat books about "Cocaine Wars" and "Dirty Wars" and still keep claiming that every single problem in the third world is "imperialism".

You know, when the CIA looked at the massive violence fueled by Cuban trained guerrillas here in the 1970s. It was just a matter of time before theyd'd act.

posting photos of bookcases is the male equivalent of attention hungry whores taking shitty selfies

the irony is when you read lots of lefty books and then find yourself a hard right person be default because everybody else lost their minds at some point but you didn't

>I don’t read books because I am a pathetic brainlet

>respected (((academics))) and (((journalists)))


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Reading is not done to prove something to others, retard

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Reading books is one thing, having to take a picture of how many you've read in order to show them off to people on the internet for the sake of acquiring some from of "cred" is what a truly pathetic brainlet would do.

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Jow Forums wins.

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Have you read your SICP today?

i'll take cherrypicking for 500, sir

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>No Communist Manifesto
>no Das Kapital

Lies they're both Jow Forums

leftypol literally sucks dick and want to be a anime girl.
You don't find more faggots than on leftypol

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I'm dyslexic, trying to read a book is tough when you start daydreaming mid read.

Jow Forums because we arent faggots

Books are to be read, not referenced.

sergeant potato reporting as ordered

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lol why the fuck is The Wealth of Nations grouped with Animal Farm?

Those bookshelves have ridiculously few books. I read that many in a few months. I pretty much only read silly fantasy and scifi books, though, but that's beside the point.

that pic. kek

>good goy, you've read 20 non-fiction books! now start reading fiction!
LOTR isn't going to teach you shit about the world you couldn't learn in a book about an actual war

>well researched and investigated, analyses problems, offers solutions
There's only 1 solution I care about