Why has fascism failed every single time it's ever been tried...

Why has fascism failed every single time it's ever been tried? Whenever fascist states go to war with an authentic military power, they lose. Why do fascist states have such pathetic longevity?

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lol brasilian integralists dont even tried their leader choose monarchism over it

because jews control the most powerful nations by exploiting the weaknesses of the elites' of those nations.

I think the portuguese and us had a pretty good run considering we were isolated in europe in the middle of a cold war in which we were hated by everyone, but whatever you tell yourself at night commieburguer

>Pinochet junta

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>KMT was fascist

Because Marxism always fails.

You misspelled marxism

Why do you say it failed?

E.g. Its been so successful they needed war to finish it of.

Your forgot another example, Spain. Kept order for decades than handed it over to democracy again - you think communists would do that?

It never failed, it had to be forcibly shut down by capitalists and communists working together to ensure their shared internationalist ideology has no competitors.

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It did not fail here, the flag you are showing is from some facist group that was pacifically fighting the facist group in power.
But when you intervened in South America and made a bunch of retarded dictatorships you fucked up everything.

Sorry kid, it were the communists who were actually armed and funded by and allied with and lapdogs for international capitalism.
And yes, socialism can have both private and public profit, because socialism is merely pro-social policies, not OWNERSHIP OF DA PRODUCTION BY THE STATE bullshit Marxist revisionists spew on about.

Jews are really good at subverting. But with each thing they take down they run out of tricks.

Jow Forums basics

>Who we are against.
>What we do. What we want.
White supremacist,Nazi,Alt-right among others are just labels given to those who speaks for white people and to those whites who want to preserve their culture,heritage & identity. So situation is like -Die or be the "bad guy"

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I said Marxism not socialism. Though Private capital is something that they allowed to happen they always gave the government the right to seize private property for their perceived greater good, and based their ideology around the Ideals of Karl Marx and Lenin.

stop with the jewish r9k meme

>implying fascism wasn’t successful in Spain
>Republican of China and Japan were fascist

You’re a fucking retard

he learns his history from Hearts of Iron.

>everything preformed by a government is socialism
Americans are not equipped to discuss political theory

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Because all left wing theories defy logic. Communism is fascism. Same gang. Different bandanas.

Then why did Hitler purge the Strasserites and kill hundreds of thousands of leftists in death camps?

>>everything preformed by a government is socialism

That’s not what he fucking said

Why did Stalin purge the Trotsky followers and put thousands of communists in gulags?

Augusto Pinochet's dictatorship was not fascist. Fascism is more than a dictatorship it's a hyper-nationalistic ideology where individuality is destroyed to serve the state/race/religion/creed. Same goes with the Kuomintang and Vergas' Brazil.

And Franco's nationalist Spain was a fascist state and was successful it lasted for almost 7 decades. I agree with you that fascism is bad just don't make these retarded arguments against it.

>Murican education

amazing, thanks

you just got redpilled sir

Fascism is a continuum of things and a very misused word.

Because its economy doesnt work in the long run.

ways of governing (ie fascism) must account for stuff like that.

What's that you say? Rome the original fascist state lasted longer than the USA a democracy has yet. A communist state on the other hand .

>rome the original fascist state
what is your basis for this claim?

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>why has every government failed, is failing, or has the potential to fail at any time.
idk life bro

fascism didn't fail in italy or germany, it's just that stupid nigger hitler thought he could take on the entire world. italy in particular was doing great under fascism. if hitler didn't have such a hard on for war things would have gone so much differently. fascism probably would have spread peacefully across europe

The Roman state is the model for Mussolini. The originator of fascism. Fasces is a Roman symbol,
symbolizes summary power and jurisdiction.

Rome existed prior to the industrial revolution and capitalism. It's absurd to project backwards into history like that and call Rome fascist

this is the most brainlet post i'll probably read in the whole week

explain why or move on to the next farm, amigo

>Portugal wasn't fascist but authoritarian
>the regime ended in 1974 and not 1975

Do you assume politics only existed after the industrial revolution? Or capitalism? Could you explain your reasoning, it's got me baffled.

Fascism is a transitional form of government that arises in the wake of defeated proletarian revolutions (germany 1918, italy, spanish civil war)

I was trying to think how I should word it for you, but if you honestly believe that politics were made up after the industrial revolution then you are incredibly ignorant of history

>Japanese Empire

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Not politics you fucking imbecile, the program of fascism. Fascism could not have existed before industrialization

It doesn't fail it has to be destroyed by Jews

Fascism is the people, obedient to the state, the state an extension of the people. You are a citizen of Rome subject to Roman law, or you are not.

>ItS nOt ReAl FaCiSm
Where have I heard that excuse before?

What do you even me with program you dumbfucking, cocksucking nigger mutt?
Do you even know what Fascist Italy had as its social order? if someone says that it was modelled after Rome that could give you an idea you goddamn luz extinguido brainlet. Gtfo or overdose on meth, either way free us from your stupidity you autistic fat fuck

>Fascism is the people, obedient to the state, the state an extension of the people.
This is the most nebulous and unsubstantial description of any political perspective I've ever heard. I would encourage you to read any work of political theory at all

>Your forgot another example, Spain. Kept order for decades than handed it over to democracy again
so it failed

That's because Cesarism is the base of Fascism.

>overdose on meth
You'd know something about that wouldn't you, poncho? Hit the floor when you hear gunfire *pew pew pew*

Because he was a fascist.

It's what fascism is you are obedient to the state, the state cares for you. You have representation in the state. But if you are not obedient to the state, are not obedient to the laws of the state. Your dead meat.

Ok, whats the difference between Fascism and just stock Authoritarianism?

Totalitarianism and authoritarianism aren't exclusive to fascism though. There have been states organized all kinds of ways with that principle. Were the monarchs of Europe fascists?

because the gommies are insecure pussays who have to rope people into fighting their battles for them

national socialist government and ancap society shall soon replace their faggotry

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how's your bitcoin portfolio doing bud?

What if the nations that destroyed the fascist nations in your picture become fascist themselves.

Not real fascism, Trump is the only fascist.

Every country ever founded has or will fail

Mexican confirm

what if poop was pee and pee was poop? I'd have to wipe my dick

Because they were Trotsky's communists not Stalin's communists.

Facism was more leaning to the government than the free market so...

> fascism failed every single tim

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Fascism isn’t a perminent solution or idiology, it’s just political reactionism. There is no static state of fascism, it strikes when needed.

There's nothing new under the Sun. Methods and names change. Hitler added a race element to Mussolini fascism. That was also present in early Rome, you could only be a citizen of Rome. If you where of certain family's.

Real fascism has not been tried

bingo bongo.

Because fascism is a form of a brake, not a full scale vision of social order. Which is why fascism will always lose against Leftism and degeneracy

>When you realize the most powerful nations in history were all libertarian (i.e small % of spending relative to GDP)

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What (You) call fascism has been the prevailing human sociological norm for at least circa 10,000 years.

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Is this the "that wasn't REAL socialism" but in facism?

More like the eternal mutt, slave to the jew, made wrong decisions both world wars.

Keep digging dude. Trump's term 'draining the swamp' comes from an economic reform bill called NESARA by this dude called Baynard. It calls for the end of the Federal Reserve and changing fiat currency back to gold and rare metals. It would be uuuge if Trump blags it. Most journalists are shit cunts though and have decided that 'drain the swamp' means firing corrupt people rather than freeing society from endless crippling debt.

fascists literally cannot account for fascist failure, politically and militarily

Portugal was never fascist



What does the industrial revolution have to do with the ancient Roman politics?

>uses brainlet memes
Better to keep your mouth shut and have people think you're a fool, then open it and remove all doubt.

it could've been saved, had mussolini not been a multiculturalist dipshit and attacked us, forcing Hitler to intervene. that's what was flawed with fascism in the first place. its inventor, and its vagueness outside of an obligatory dictatorship.

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Solid mature response. If the current world hegemon turned fascist then then obviously it is more likely to flourish, geopolitically it is not likely to get invaded whilst helping other politically aligned nations.

feeling a little philosophical today, leaf? did you ever realize that, like, our planet is so small compared to the universe?

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>Why has fascism failed every single time it's ever been tried?
The very nature of fascism stands in the way of its survival. Though its definition constantly changes on who you ask what it means (like with socialism), what I believe to be a common factor is its totalitarian nature and reliance on a strong military in the name of the party, which rules the country with an iron fist and no tolerance for opposition. It effectively is rule by "might means right", even outside of its national borders when based on the Axis' master race theories.

The problem with might makes right reasoning as the foundation of governance shows up when you take it seriously. Rousseau points this problem out in his 'du contrat social', in the very first few pages. The problem of this kind of governance is that it is based on might rather than consent. What this means is that the government is only legitimate for as long as it is mighty. Might means right also means that weakness makes wrong. So these regimes always fall sooner or later.

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>estado novo

Careful now gypsy, you're talking about the country with the highest GDP of all time that could only be taken down by the entire world uniting against it.

The whole world united against the United States in 2017?

ironic that the mexican calls the american a mutt, your people are literally a Jesuit mission gone wrong, also are you shorter then 5'4" ?

or banning spaghetti, never forghetti

What if Hitler cured cancer?
What if humans were immortal?
What if communism was perfectly achievable?

Then we would live in a fairy-tale land

This fucking thread has been fucking posted a trillion fucking goddamn times STOP RESPONDING TO IT YOU NEWFAGGOTS