Are Armenians White?

>First Christian nation in the world 301 AD
>Been fighting off Muslims throughout there history
>Very much hate Jews
>Actually Caucasian
(Armenia is right in the middle of Europe and Asia)
I live in an area where I see and talk to a lot of them, I'm very confused Jow Forums

Attached: System-of-a-Down.jpg (620x400, 133K)

Also Roaches gtfo trying to have a actually discussion here

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Armenians are basically Indo-Albanians. The founders of the first city in Armenia were Albanians. In fact Armenia used to be called Arxmeniasan


Yes except Serj Tankian.

check their nipples

Attached: is-X-white-redpill.jpg (3159x3250, 1.79M)

Serj's parents are Armenians that gave birth to him in Lebanon right??? (there's a are Lebanese white thread up i think)

>Is X white
quality and not shill post right here
>Are Armenians White?
Yes, probably of the House of Judah

>Are Armenians White?
>Christian nation

Aren't a few of those fags socialists?

best goys

Of course

I saw pic related twice and only Pantera topped them.
If you dont like metal, youre a fucking nigger


Armenians are the most Jew like people this side of the Jews

oddly enough they all seem to be leftists, and anti-white male.

You! What do you own? the world!?

Attached: soad.jpg (800x533, 56K)

>Armenians are the most Jew like people this side of the Jews
>Christian nation since 301 AD
Everything checks out

They are as white as north africans.

Hardcore punk is pretty good also.


U do realize serj tankian is probablly anti trump and alt right?

Armenian here. Sorta white, Sorta middle eastern. If you have any questions go ahead and ask.

They are West Asians, being Christian doesn't magically make them White.

In America maybe some of them can be counted as White, but it's pretty spurious.

Thoughts on system of a down?

Armos are failed Jews and their best representative is a bitch married to a black man

Meanwhile a fucking T*RK owns coca cola

Get your shit together.

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are their any Armenian last names that DON'T end in "-yan" or "-ian"?

>muh genocide
Poor mans Jew.

>t. Glendale resident

I used to wish the best for Armenians because they are christians with a unique language surrounded by muslims that have survived the odds but with age I have realised that Armenians are dirty "muh holocaust" money grabbers, basically jews with all of the worst parts of a greek to match.

Now I see that the Azeris are absolutely based and they should just annex Armenia and Kurdistan already.

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They're pretty good, but i'm not the biggest fan.