>You suddenly get teleported to 1908 Vienna and in the crowd, you stumble upon the short man who mumbles to himself about degenerate art and Jewish professors
What do?
>You suddenly get teleported to 1908 Vienna and in the crowd, you stumble upon the short man who mumbles to himself about degenerate art and Jewish professors
What do?
Other urls found in this thread:
shake the hand of my past self, and correct my mistakes
Tell him to be nice to Slavs and not kill white people
Break his face into a million bits with a slap
Kill him and save Europe.
urge him to make alliances with Russia, not war.
>Uncle Adolf
He was 5’9 the equivalent of 5’11 in todays height.
rape his boi pussy
Tell him to cleanse polish rats along with kikes properly and kill all a*glo soldiers at dunkirk.
In 1944, it was already too late for Germany to win the war. They could just prolong the inevitable
But he did
Give him a walloping
"Don't betray Russia, don't invade them,, and don't trust the (((British))). Just take over Africa, kill every nigger, and claim African resources,. Then when powerful enough, destroy (((Britain))).
I want that haircut. How does one ask a barber for a Hitler cut without showing pictures of hitler?
They would never succeed. The balance of power is a funny thing.
Show a photo of Hitler, and when they say "that's Hitler!", say "I don't do politics, just cut my hair faggot".
Leave because I have more important stuff do do. WW1 isnt going to win itself.
Just show them the picture, don't a bitch.
Also use this picture, it's more aesthetic.
>short man
As if.
He did make an alliance with Russia and then they both attacked the white Christian Poles that hated Jews and communism
Kill him
WW2 doesn't happen, and yurop is still hegemonic and non degenerate
Suck my dick.
He is right also Hitler was a dick better of if he is dead.
kek, Probably shoot you for speaking english anyways. Also people always just imagine they can "meet hitler" or something, like imagine someone in 300 years talking about if they would've killed trump, like no it's not that easy my dude.
Laugh at that manlet Jew! Tell him about a great man that washed away the Jewish menace with kindness and the power of hugs.
Ask him to sign my Erotica.
Well, it is 2018. Hitler would be dead regardless.
There were no ethnic Poles in that part of Poland, they did a land grab in the early 1920s. Stalin was alive back then and - I'm not sure - participated in this defensive war as a commander.
Poles fucked up then and didn't take as much as they wanted. Imagine the satisfaction in taking that back.
>convince him to do take action against the jews
>he becomes fuhrer
>kicks off ww2
>9,000,000 dead kr*uts
ebic mate
Ask to join his party.
Poland was an abomination; product of the Versailles Treaty. It was their fault for refusing to negotiate / come to terms with Germany peacefully/diplomatically. They’re basically White Russians that are too autistic to use the Cyrillic alphabet so they use the roman to differentiate themselves.
Meeting Trump would be trickier than Hitler because Hitler was just an average guy in his youth.
somebody doesnt understand how timetravel works
even if it worked this event is big enough to be your undoing
He would have been above average at the time
Tell him to befriend us instead of trying to team with the japs against us so we instead join him and help him with his oil problem giving him only a single front to deal with.
5'9 is still 5'9 regardless of what era it is
Imagine being this retarded to actually believe this. USSR would have steamrolled Europe had Hitler not gone in.
"Hey, the Roths are going to back your entire regime when you refuse to pay war debts. You might want to think about taking a loan from the US instead. Also, the Catholic church are satanists that eat children, but they'll help you escape to South America when shit gets really bad, so there's that..."
This unironically!
Fuck the Entente!
>Freeing Belarusians and Balts from communism in 1920
Based Poles. If the Nazis weren't such genocidal lunatics that hated Slavs they could have done the same thing. Instead they helped Stalin kill hundreds of thousands if Poles
>Hurr Durr how dare white Christian Slavs have their own country
Fuck off I bet you aren't even German
Those freed subjects then genocided Polacks though. Again.
>seeing Europe torn apart and millions dead for shithole Serbia
Bad choice desu
100% agree, wish we could have joined you guys instead but the (((british))) brainwashed us, it would have been nice uniting north america and helping the aryans.
yeah but this image was obviously when he was chancellor.
Hitler literally helped Stalin conquer half of Poland an anti Jewish and anti communist nation
>There were no ethnic Poles in that part of Poland neither there wer Russians
>They did a land grab in the early 1920
Kek, have you forgotten it was you who first stole these lands from the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in 18th century?
>Stalin was alive back then and - I'm not sure - participated in this defensive war
He was not leading a defence, but offence and actually was one of the main reasons why you lost, as his decision and arrogance stretched your lines too thin and allowes us to lead the counter offensive. Kek.
>It was their fault for refusing to negotiate / come to terms with Germany peacefully/diplomatically
Hitler didn't want peace. He gave us ultimatum - either give him part of our land (exterritorial highway) or get invaded. We saw what happened to Czechs when they gave in to his demands.
>hey’re basically White Russians that are too autistic to use the Cyrillic alphabet
>Leaf education
Hitler had no choice but to invade Russia.
He invaded Russia to get their oil fields.
By that point in time they had 3-6 months of oil left with the UK blockade
Tell him to follow his art dreams and go to a different bloody school. His art was awful and not the right thing to get him in to the top school.
It's the modern equivalent of getting butthurt that being able to do basic algebra won't get you into MIT
“Hey friend, we have a lot we need to talk about. Let’s go somewhere I can get a beer and you can get a... whatever, coffee, sweet wine, something... and we’ll talk for a while. You already know about the Jews a little, but here’s how they’ll really screw you.”
Theres a decent chance Hitler would've actually kicked your ass. I'm not even trying to be funny, just consider the facts:
>he was an experienced street fighter who routinely participated in brawls that would make proudboi vs antics look like a pillow fight
>he was a combat veteran, recipient of multiple awards for courage in combat
>he lived in a time when the average man's testosterone level was approx. 40-50% higher than it is today
tl;dr if your reading this comment it is statistically likely you would lose a fistfight to Hitler
Pull down his pants.
Why are you having fetish on 1772 precisely? We split Finland three decades later and Sweden didn't try to acquire neither them, nor Estonia. They gave independence to Norway in 1905 in fact.
Poland didn't even fight war for independence, and instead decided to expand "as far as possible".
kill him and take his place
and do it properly this time
How is them being christian even relevant?
>hehe everyone is weak
>*land grabs weakened russia post revolution*
>*receives large chunk of germany post ww1 for reasons*
>german and soviets now back to full strength
>no negotiations get fucked
>*gets btfo*
>reeeee why does everyone hate polen?
Lmao. They deserved it.
As long as Hitler kept his alliance with Stalin he got plenty of oil from the Caucasus. The fact is Germany was losing against Britain and the Nazis were too retarded to appoint competent Luftwaffe commanders. He was still losing the Battle of Britain because the Luftwaffe was shit.
Nah, you're a dumb kike
What a load of shit
I give him my gun, a glock 19.
assuming if it's a temporary teleport then nothing I can say to him will stick or matter. the gun is far ahead of it's time in 1908 so maybe he'll find a use for it. maybe even get it reverse engineered.
I'll also ask for an autograph.
I am what you call an Irish Traveller. You may not be aware of this but we love to box. Not just any boxing, bareknuckle boxing. Oh yes, a manlet with half a lung would definitely stand a chance against me. I'd leave his neck like a pringles tin with an uppercut. Spark out it mere seconds.
Would you make the masturbation machines, lampshades, soap, and death bears a reality?
Those were partially ethnic polish areas and gave Poland sea access.
No U
Tell him to heavily finance and train the BUF and the american nazi party during the 30's, also creating a nazi movement in Norway, France and Denmark, will make things easier later.
Tell him to take hostage the soldiers at Dunkirk, saying every german plane shot will result in 1000 dead british soldiers, then bomb every british boat, factory, synagogue and bank in Britain overnight.
Tell him to ally earlier with the Rexists and the Finns.
Tell him to prepare his soldiers for a long winter and pretend to attack Stalingrad while going straight to Moscow.
>1933: finnish autist cant into speeches
>1950: soviet controlled Continental Europe
>Why are you having fetish on 1772 precisely?
Because you are a hypocrite who heeps omitting unconvenient historical facts.
These lands belonged to Poland-Lithuania before you stole them. We didn't attemptt to expand "as far as possible", we tried to restore the old borders of the Commonwealth.
Death bears? Haven’t heard that one.
Technically, he invaded to protect Romanian oil fields. He says as much in that one audio recording of him.
He also stated in that same recording that the Soviet diplomats were essentially making ridiculous demands designed to push Germany to its knees in submission or to provide a Casus Belli for invasion.
But you're right in the fact that he had no choice. Stalin was going to invade Germany, of that I have no doubt.
1664 is as good borders. By that logic, I insist on restoring 1815.
I believe you. Thats why I said a decent chance. He would beat the shit out of an average man these days
Kys pole, partition 4 NOW
He would look like anybody without the mustache.
Explain jet engines and proximity fuses.
>Someday the time will come to face to the east and attack. Your generals will tell you to go for Moscow, ignore them and send everything south to Stalingrad. He who control the volga controls the flow of oil.
Your logic is flawed because we didn't obtain these lands by force, but legally, by union with Lithuania. Meanwhile, you just stole them like a bunch of Mongols.
If you really are a knacker, shame on you. Maybe you could offer to sell Hitler some copper wire.
I guess Mussolini was justified in going after Greece to restore the old borders
Most of the Soviet requests we're fairly rational actually Molotov even wanted to join the Axis
“An American Jew names Stephen Samuel Wise. Have him killed ASAP.”
“All these physicists, keep them from emigrating to Uk or US. They can build you a powerful bomb if you keep them and their families safe.”
“have an actual military alliance with Japan. At least use your subs to torpedo the freighters going from America to Russia. This will help you when you go into Russia. And speaking of which, go in well before winter, and prepare for winter.”
The travellers around your area maybe into robbing scrap but that is for children. You have no idea. kek. I grew up in Ireland. Shithole.
>being proud of being a gypsy
Lmao. Any non drug fucked individual would have no issue fucking you one on one, m80
Ignore him and continue trying to figure out how to get back to the present.
I'd rather not alter history.
It was a compromise, Germany got to keep most of Prussia and Poland got sea access.
I know autists don't like compromise but it was better than a war that killed millions of people
Hitler’s story never happened. It’s a hoax.
Don't invade Poland wait until the Soviet Union to destroy itself from the inside out.
Greece never belonged to Italy in first place.
As the matter of fact the lands that Poland reclaimed from Germany after WW1 had Polish majority and belonged to the Commonwealth before partitions.
There were even plebiscites held, and people voted to join either Germany or Poland.
Shalom rabbi
It’s called an undercut retard
How would you do that my friend? My community values pride on par with the Samurai. I would not allow myself to be beaten. I would rather die. If I cannot beat you with my hands I will beat you with something else. Also, you're giving it the big one but in reality we know you're soft as fuck. Seen a video a while back where some of my fellow travellers did some work for a blind austrlian chap. Lmao
Panic because I have no idea how to get the fuck back to the present.
>We're going to fuck your arse with this 12 inch dildo but its ok because we'll comprimise and use lube
Do you live in a wagon?
How do you get internet?
Also, what do your people think about gypsies?
Tell him to do whatever it takes to convince Franco to join him
WWll never happened.
>polish majority
Post physique
"Let Russia invade Poland first"