FOOTAGE: Of future illegals being paid to join the caravan heading to US

Number is now at 4000

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someone just needs to meme this shit into terms normies can understand. how about game of thrones?

>white walkers coming from the north
>brown walkers coming from the south

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Pretty sure everyone is against illegals except illegals themselves and their anchor babies

Evil cunts like Soros who are too criminal to ever hold public office have such huge ego's that they have to influence world events through their wallets. Sad.

Just in time for midterms. This is probably an attempt at beneficial propaganda for Dems.

Only the extremely stupid would buy into the Dems at this point

They got too much fuck you monay

i bet the money came from somewhere in our own government

the mods in pol archived this quick, they dont want us to see it

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>Only the extremely stupid would buy into the Dems at this point

i see youre new to earth

have a bump

picking up steam

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Surely there is at least one wealthy /po/ack out there willing to fund an American mob to meet them near the border?

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>Democrats will double down
>"And here's why that's a good thing..."

you suck at optics

Only if George buys the nazi & kekistan flags for us to wave so the nrmie public supports us thoguth

Not a police officer, guy is carrying a pistol in his waist while handing out money. Who are these people?

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Everyone already knew this,
no pictures needed!
Same thing happened to the Eurofags!

What the shit

Where the fuck is the military?

Why can't we just shoot them? Why do we have to capture them and send them back? They are literally trying to invade a sovereign country. They are part of an invasion army.

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That caravan gets in here I’m done with Trump still surrounded by fucking illegals here in AZ can’t stand the dirty job stealing fucks

>guy is carrying a pistol in his waist while handing out money.
likely cartel

Cartels will hand out your Sorosbux for a fee


Lol do you expect anything from those useless niggers? They’re too busy fighting for Jews instead of protecting their own citizens.

Honestly, cartel makes sense. Hand them a bit of cash, two kilos of coke, and a promise of more cash to help get them started in their new lives once they drop the drugs off in the states. If there are thousands of them trying to rush the border all at once, there's no way that ICE is going to get every single mule in the group

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What fucking time line is this where we can not kill invaders? Imagine if Russia was crashing large ships into our coast line and unloading "migrants" by the thousands.

That poor woman.

Because they're technically not in military uniform, which legally makes them civilian criminals rather than an invasion force.

Now, we COULD declare war on Mexico, at which point they would no longer have that protected status, as they could be brought before a military tribunal en masse, declared to be spies, and summarily executed.

Probably won't happen, but hey, you never know what crazy plot twists the future might yet hold.

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>number is now at 4000
That is an invading force now. A number that large is a small army. Time to station ours on the border and shoot on site.

Libs wont say it directly but they want them for the votes.

Trump can declare war on anybody for 90 days.

It won't take 90 days to gun down this horde.

Should see her now after the botched boobjob.

>getting oiled up and bleached
>not the best possible thing that could happen

I don't understand.

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So if you let them in democrats gets paid votes from this people, if you dont let them in democrats gets votes by calling you nazis because you didnt let the poor paid democrat voters in. How to win in a situation like this?

>everyone is against illegals
oh if only user. I don't know how many times I've scrolled past "NO ONE'S ILLEGAL ON STOLEN LANDS"

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This should be considered a serious threat to national security and they should all be shot at the border.


Optics isn’t going to help you when you have a bunch of fucking savages flooding into your country you fucking dipshit.


i second the notion. this kind of deliberate incursion warrants the mobilization of militia.

Worrying about optics while society goes to shit is why the left was allowed to be so wildly successful for so long.

then, when DoD gets involved and shoots Americns protecting their homeland...THEN YOU'LL GET YOUR FUCKING OPTICS.

>Rep Matt Gaetz
That's my Rep boys. So glad I voted for this guy.

I don't understand what he said wrong.

It generally IS stupid people that are the last holdouts to wake up from the leftist conditioning.

We are censored off all media platforms by an international banking cartel and its fake money (fiat) so fuck it it’s time for us to do something about it. Time to split with NPCs, eventually they’d have nobody left except people who imagine up victimhood so they can proxy it from others - psycho’s in other words, and genetic retards. They’d collapse.

you must be a special idiot, what do yu think happens if those people get met with protestors who beat them up or shoot at them.
You can kiss the midterms good bye and this will be all over international news for weeks. There is a time for actions and their is a time for subtle use of force

God bless you

I want the optics of the American people having to protect their fucking border while law enforcement hassles us and gets fat collecting taxpayer money.

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these are the only optics that matter now

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its called being rhetorical and yes i know his question was rhetorical as well

It was bought fair and square for fucking beads. Its no one's fault the one side had no concept of land ownership

for me as i understand it, its not about splitting with them its about who gets to control the "droid army". the left or right. because the droid army will ultimately do whatever we tell them what to do. The fringes left and right are about seeking to CONTROL the army.

>back coup in libya
>ruin Europe
>back coup in honduras
>ruin America
how can Obama and Hillary be so based

This is modern warfare.
It's no longer fought with guns.
It's fought with women and children.


I am constantly bringing this up but anons are really fucking quick to forget it...


I did the math, the amount of money in question would be enough to fully equip (solid weapons, armor, gear, night vision), supply (rations, water, ammo) (based off of fucking consumer prices, not wholesale or nepotism prices) and pay monthly paychecks for an army 600k strong for a full year.

the question is how to effectively counter this without people screeching NAZI

You know what it's smart when you try to enter illegally into a country? doing it in masses so everyone can see your fucking ass, USA it's not like the EU where they let everyone in

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>USA it's not like the EU where they let everyone in
Actually we do

These will be mulas for the Cartels remember that

Build tha woo!

Turns out it was non-fiction. Does that mean Soros is the grotesque turd-eater?

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It wouldn't be so bad if it was the people who say that kind of shit that had to live in the poverty socialist hellhole in constant terror of the cartels that they are asking for but it's going to be a couple generations before we hit that reality. Those people just get to freely die alone in a poverty nursing home.
In a couple generations we're going to be referred to worse than how we refer to the boomers because instead of handing them a shitty economy we're also handing them shitty minorities and a fractured directionless society on the edge of civil war. Our kids get to die die alone and unloved to violent cartels and Jamal and won't even make it to the nursing home.

you should have got a free college education like all anchor babies are entitled to then you could compete for lower wages with them driving down the value of (((,education)))


I hope that this country will dig its way out, I don't think we're that deep in the hole yet. Look at Europe or Canada. At least we have substantial resistance.

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people will screech nazi regardless what they do.

The left is the entire reason they're able to come here in droves in the first place. They want the votes. Ever notice that the same people who support sanctuary cities are the people who claim voter ID is racist?

Fucking invasion funded by Soros and his gay son. Why are they allowed to keep breathing?

Here we again with MUH DRUMPF IS LOCKING UP DA LIDDLE BAYBIES!!!!!!!!!!! in 2 weeks time.........

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womp womp

Fucking spics coming again? Why don't they stay in that own damn countries? When will we purge the brown menace?

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Except hippies who don't believe in illegal people or borders, and they're unfortunately very social, and vocal

I honestly think the only way for the illegals to stop coming is for Trump to threaten war against Mexico to get their shit together.

Why is nothing being done about this? Is there any way we can turn them back?

we can't physically do anything about it till they're on the border.

we COULD strongarm one of the countries on the way. which Trump has tried. we'll see how far they get

Yeah then the fucking mexicans will come too you retard, this whole shit started in the first place because the CIA fucked SA over.

>offer one of these mercenaries more money/protection so they talk
>win easily

Do something useful already you old cunt (in the pic).

A neverending stream of dumb beaners from mesoamerica. Get me off this fucking ride!

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pretty sure obama expanded that to 6 months laddy
could be wrong though


Wipe out the caravan. Abolish the UN.

> democrats: hmmm, what can we do that will help us win the elections
> republicans: try not to be a fag for once
> democrats: i know! 4,000 illegal alien horde to invade us!

democrats are not americans



could be cartel, or one of the country's secret police agents.

can assure you he has backup in the crowd somewhere.

And that's the real thing, they WILL drive down wages.

What about the guy right behind him with the hat? They're facing the opposite direction of the rest of the horde.

An archived thread means nobody responded to it and it got bumped off. You have to have a catchy pic as the thread starter. I normally don't even look at twitter or facebook screen caps anymore. You have to use a "happening" pic then in all caps "HOLY FUCK THEY ARE HANDING THE MEXICANS MONEY" the I see that and go "huh?' and click on it out of curiosity.

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I hope Trump orders Ice to patrol polling stations. Nothing like a van with a clearly labeled "ICE" to scare off potential illegals from voting.

That's because you're retarded

Push for these groups to be investigated. This is an attack on the country and has to be illegal.