What are Jow Forums approved video games?

What are Jow Forums approved video games?

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Deus ex
Doom series

Civilization 3

Any Paradox game, modded so that you can commit genocide.

Command and Conquer Generals: Zero Hour.
Game is bloody fun and absolutely great RTS, one of the best. Compared to Starcraft, in the first minute, there's already units fighting, map control being established and lots of plays to be had. In Starcraft you have the buildup, scouting etc which takes at least 5 minutes, likely more. Plus there is little chance for comeback if you fuck up. Zero Hour is extremely micro intensive, more than any other game and that's why it's fun.
The 2018 World Series is also underway now so lots good games to watch these days.

gta 4

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Day of Infamy



Jeff Walter did nothing wrong

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Alice series, because of the second part

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atari 2600 asteroids
yars' revenge
missile command

Kingdom Hearts unironically

I'm on #1010 as George Soros
Server seems pretty redpilled

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Have you heard of Harmony Cartridge? You can download all the Atari 2600 games and put them on one cartridge.


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I used to like Rust on Day One. I could always build up fast enough to be able to raid everyones houses.

Breath of the Wild

last of us 2

call of duty 4/mw2/black ops is a cool game


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crayon physics deluxe

I REALLY want to rail the snot out of Alice

The Settlers 2.
Killing the nigger races with the Roman and Viking master races.

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Black Bun Busters

>What are Jow Forums approved video games?
Farcry 3 Blood Dragon
Dark Souls (not 2 or 3)
STALKER Shadows of Chernobyl
Just some of the ones that I enjoy.

All fighting games will benefit cognitive development. Get involved in your scene, compete, grow.

Yes i always enjoyed blasting those sandniggers into oblivion with 5 nukes.

Kingdom come deliverance. First person open world game with zero niggers

Grow the fuck up and put away things meant for children.

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I agree. Put down your controllers and pick up your guns and your gasoline canisters and kill Jews and burn their synagogues to the ground!!

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So what are your hobbys then?

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The stock market

Red Dead Redemption

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The Last of Us 2 will have recommended levels of virtue signaling and leftist spiel. Pre-order now.

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>no fun allowed

plus dominions 5

I just beat this game for the first time the other night. It is terrible. Dark souls is much better on every level. Skyrim came across as an interactive tech demo.

Commandos 2

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Pokemon Gold

Spoken like a true NPC.

He's gonna say bow hunting bears and banging models but what he really means is masturbating to porn and posting on pol all day

I see you Todd

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series, Witcher series

Metal Gear Solid

Thoughts on Path of Exile?

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Lifting, hunting, fishing, being a good role model for my sons. You know, adult things.

>Jow Forums approved
/gsg/ shit, cowadooties, and le deep Dude Sex (basically the LotGH of vidya)
>my approved
ice pick lodge

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wew lad did you call it or what

>needing a group of anonymous people's opinions on what is a good game.

You should be able to figure it out for yourself, NPC.

Called it

Dwarf Fortress is great. Learning curve is huge though. Just remember: losing is fun!

There are none so fuck off back to


I havent laughed this hard in a while.

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>Skyrim front and center
I wonder who could be behind this post

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Just play whatever games you want instead of worrying about what Jow Forums thinks about them. But if you wanted to know what the best game is, it's Thousand-Year Door, you're welcome.

I'm about two thirds of the way through replaying the original Deus Ex for the first time since I was like 15 and its shocking how redpilled this game is.
Also serves to remind me how bad the """"sequels""""" were. At least plot wise.

the only game to truly succeed and surpass D2 LoD.


Xeno series (especially Gears) & SNES Fire Emblem games

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Nice try.

Great Diablo 2 fun for free, should be retitled Math of Exile

>tfw created ethnostate in warband by exterminating all the other factions
>only 1% of the players have done this

Try enderal mod its a complete new game. Way better than skyrim.

Oregon Trail is the only non-degenerate Jow Forums approved vidya. Everybody in this thread is a satanic shill.

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Not everyone is a weird pedoweeb, you know. I think you seriously underestimate the type of people here.

Fighting games cause autism

Strategy wise the total war series before Rome 2 was good. Panzer General or Panzer Corps(Modern remake) are great if you want to play as Germany in WW2. The original fallout games were awesome. Any character in the game could be killed. These are all oldfag choices obviously though. Most modern games both AAA and Indie are completely converged so I rarely find any I enjoy these days. Even venerable old franchises like Battletech, TW or Baldurs Gate(Infinity engine RPG's) are getting fag blasted by SJW's. Some exceptions for me would be the new XComs, Civ V and DOS 1 & 2. Mount and blade is an absolute must play if you're into medieval history and combat. The sequel Bannerlord should be awesome too(if it ever comes out).

FO: NV isn't Jow Forums approved. So is Red Orchestra.

>he hasn't played Paper's Please

Fallout 4

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>tfw when nobody names Medieval Total War 2 - Saracen and infidel murder simulator

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Yes, yes it is.

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You'd enjoy it more if you didn't take everything so seriously.

Star craft - Brood war. Also SC2. This shit really makes you think fast, and it's played by the most smartest people I ever had to know. All of which accomplished people now

Replace Skyrim with Morrowind

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Easily Deus Ex and it's not even close
>released in 2000
>(((predicted))) 9/11 a year before it happened
>used the term "internet meme war" 18 years ago
>economic and political globalization, one world police under UN directive superceding national sovereignty
>predicted mass surveillance of all electronic communication 13 years before Snowden, all humans are a part of the botnet unless they live in completely off-grid societies in abandoned subway stations and catacombs
>FEMA camps
>militarized police
>all cities are drug infested ghetto shitholes full of homeless people and ruled by gangs and corporations
>antagonist is a pretend-philantrope tech billionaire with the same last name as the jewish founder of Google
>dropping redpills left and right about CIA, NSA, Illuminati, Bilderberg, Rothschilds
>California sank into the Pacific after a giant earthquake
>nationalist secessionists are framed with false flag bombing attacks and branded as domestic terrorists
>characters say Ted Kaczynski was right
>one of the endings allows you to go full Unabomber and destroy all technological civilization

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The Legend of Zelda. Franchise remains pure from 1986-present day.

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If no one else will then ill say it.

wow, a beautiful indie "game" where the point is to realize that it's a shitty boring game... but that's a feature! It serves the narrative! Picasso isn't a shit painter, you just have to read the little text box next to the painting to REALLY get it
most "artistic" shit like this is designed to be as unfun as possible, because they're still stuck in the "pleasure is for the plebs" mindset

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Police Quest

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We'd all be in a much better position if men took themselves more seriously.

that counts as defilement

plus come on man she's almost anorexic, literal stick insect aesthetic, only cute face salvages

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animal crossing. teaching good lessons about hard work, capitalism and Jewish masters

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>not Jow Forums-approved

You have to go back.

There is no recovery after that epic fail just now. Best thing is to just close Jow Forums for the day and cuddle with your mom upstairs.

Crusaders kings 2

Nothing better than banning the jews and take all their money.

Not AC Odyssey

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Armed Police Batrider, and skill-centric games in general. Leftists HATE games that require you to master them to enjoy them, hence why (((they))) killed the arcade gaming scene.

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>no morrowind
Todd wtf, telvanni is Jow Forums, and dunmer are extremely racist. stop baiting and make a real list.

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>Templars are the bad guys

AC was always bluepilled.

You don't sound like you're much fun to be around. I'm glad I'm not one of your wife's sons.

kula world

Blown the fuck out.

On topic, I mostly play Devil May Cry 1,3 and 4 because I can play it in short bursts, I hate all the openworld faggotry there is lately, total waste of time.