All Americans are welcome to move here. Bring your politics with you. We have nice weather and state jobs pay a lot.
No Hollywood is not a dream but places you never hear about are nice.
All Americans are welcome to move here. Bring your politics with you. We have nice weather and state jobs pay a lot.
No Hollywood is not a dream but places you never hear about are nice.
Don't come. It's a trap.
No we did not burn down. Fires will decrease as most of the old brush is cleared out.
We aren't falling into the ocean and earthquakes aren't that scary.
Winters are much nicer than the Midwest. But if you like snow you don't have to drive that far to visit it.
what's the purpose of this? o_0
no im not going to your shithole full of ultrawealthy silicone valley elites and roaming turd flinging homeless clambering around the streets
We need more politically right wing people here.
JOBS PAY WELL. Look at what you can earn without a college degree.
>roaming turd flinging homeless
Perhaps you would enjoy a desert community more.
The suburbs are becoming more transit connected. You don't have to live in downtown hell.
I guess this thread isn't negative enough :/
Currently in Los Angeles in East Hollywood. I'm flying back to Texas on the 23rd and casting my vote for Cruz.
I moved here 21 years ago from Colorado. Its comfy bros. No winter BUT you can still ski.
We need your vote here more.
>posts city jobs
>in the most anti-white climate on the plant
Faggot have you looked around you recently? All those jobs are reserved for fat black women and degenerates.
Also even that pay is shit with the insane rent costs here.
California is a lost cause. Any white person still living their is directly responsible for the cancer it spreads across the country and world. The place would collapse without whites.
California will not collapse. Too many reasons to live here.
If a collapse does happen then the population would be exchanged. The poor will sell their low valued properties and people across the US that want to buy in at bargain price trade places. You don't want California to fail.
I'll rather move to China
We have Chinese people here and they don't poop in the street. Few of them can't drive but other than they they mind their own business.
>All those jobs are reserved for fat black women and degenerates.
No they aren't. I got a AC maintenance job at a school district really easily.
I moved to LA, work a tech job for $60k. To even make it to own/buy your own place in LA, you need to be making $120k.
Median home price is $615k
10% down = $61,500
20% down = $123,000
If you want a house with a car, this is where your dreams go to die
>See Jews in rich neighborhoods walking around
>Can't open carry guns
>No fucking parking anywhere
>Good luck street parking
>Don't move to LA
I want my seasons back!!
>To even make it
I don't know what this mean. Everyone has different standards.
When Lancaster got 2 inches of snow they shut down the city.
I need money, job exist here. I am white. I don't want to live here. I don't vote for Dems. Saving money to move away.
Agreed. If you do come, go to Northern California or a north east state.
Correction, north west
The only way to save California is by making Sherman's march look restrained.
>Muh white people can't get no jerbs.
If you are white and can work with your hand and didn't fall for a meme like programming then you can get a good paying job in California.
Every pool man I've ever seen is white and still is. Mexican's don't know shit about chemicals.
Been there done that. Fuck that place.
I live here and this is true
no you can’t. fuck off
Those don't look like Mexican names to me, shill.
I'll take Socialist shitholes for $1000, Alex.
Wildfire, warming temps, terrible white haze pollution, earthquakes, unbearable traffic, overpopulation, dwindling water from the Sierras made by nature and scenery raping dams and aqueducts all over the state.
Yes, this is indeed liberal paradise.
People are mass emigrating out of california you fgt.
>High federal taxes
>High property taxes
>Illegals everywhere
>A Mexican staffed government
>San fan is the shit capital of the world
Parking enforcement officer? You will end up dead.
Yeah go to California. leave Michigan and the midwest alone so we can fortify for the Water Wars
>We have nice weather
>no humidity/rain
>fucking half the states on fire all the damn time
>salt water breeze rusting everything
>what the fuck is a cloud
No thank you I prefer my marshland here in the south, we have alligators and water for them to live in and you dont
It's not just Americans that are welcome here. Mexicans? Yep. Chinese? Yep. Homeless? Just have your local govt buy you a bus ticket.
Fuck this place, and all the people who decide it is a good idea to come to an already overcrowded shithole.
there old fags and it’s the last generation of white names they will employ.
Keep your shitty state, fag. Virginia is the Old Dominion state, the capital of the South.
The Northern part of Virginia is the Silicon Valley of the East Coast and we're home to an extensive network of huge military bases. Come to Virginia if you want to live a legitimately good life.
I thought the traffic was the worst in Miami until I visited LA, god what a toilet, couldn't believe how much pollution there was as well. Everyone seemed shady as fuck too, never let my guard down the entire time I was there. The laid back Cali attitude wasn't fooling me.
Keep your shitty state, fag. Michigan is the Great Lakes state, the capital of the Midwest.
The Northern part of Michigan is God's Country and we're home to an extensive network of fresh water basins. Come to Michigan if you want to live a legitimately good life.
>Keep your shitty state, fag. Virginia is the Old Dominion state, the capital of the South.
Fuck Virginia. North Carolina is where it's at and North Carolina is best Carolina.
>Come to Michigan if you want to live a legitimately good life.
Lol isn't like their unemployment something like 20%?
>It's not just Americans that are welcome here. Mexicans? Yep. Chinese? Yep. Homeless? Just have your local govt buy you a bus ticket.
How come there are so many meth heads in states like Commiefornia, Arizona, etc?
Mexican cartels.
>transition from middle class to poor in real time
>no sholarships because white
>no benefits or help because white
>all degree programs focus on mexico and spanish activities
>propaganda is rampant
>all customer service jobs require spanish and looking like you can speak it (even if you actually can)
>low skill market is filled with illegals
>would move but can’t afford to
yeah you can shove it OP
>transition from middle class to poor in real time
You know that the human development of California is way higher than the rest of the country?
when we had a Democrat governor, yes. It's now on par with the national average under excellent governor Rick Snyder
Fuck off. 50 years from now you will be kicked out of the republic. Whites, please move to Ohio. We are still over 80% white and not some state with only 2 million people.
Oh, we'll be coming to California soon motherfucker. But you're not gonna enjoy it one motherfucking bit.
>come live around a bunch of fucking spics and faggets
im good on that bro
what the fuck is this metric, " Human development " Please explain with data.
No, Fuck off we're full
Oh really?
the general level of investment in your community
>when we had a Democrat governor, yes. It's now on par with the national average under excellent governor Rick Snyder
I like Midwesterners in general and find them to be the best of Americans, but it's apart of the rust belt and the stigma of high unemployment has kept me from considering to move there.
What is that world style called?
Drop the taxes and kick out the illegals (not just the Mexican and misc South Americans) and then we'll talk.
California legitimately sucks, I live in southern California and I have seen a steady decline in living quality over the years. Freshman year of highschool my school was about 70% white with max 10 blacks and by my senior year it was about 40% white and about half the campus was black. Over those 4 short years we saw an increase in fights and drugs. I personally witnessed a student, high on spice, fight off a security guard in the middle of the quad and everyone went about their business as if it was a norm.
Once I graduated and I went to the local college I found it almost impossible to get a decent apartment that I didn't have to share with 4 other people. I work two jobs, both above minimum wage and that barely pays my college fees and basic living amenities. I also share the apartment with THREE other people and we spend at least one night a month figuring finances for our shitty two bedroom apartment and food. I live in a shittier part of cali and even though we have 4 people working two jobs each we barely make it.
In addition to the outrageous housing prices in 2020 they're going to put a water tax on us, fining us if we use more than 50 gallons of water a day, which is less than a shower and a load of laundry.
This state puts illegals before its own people, taxes the fuck out its own people so it cal pay for those illegals, lets the average person suffer in this housing crisis and then gets praised as a socialist paradise.
How do I fix my state? I don't want to move I want to act, I want to be the change I want to see in this nation but I dont know how to go about it and I can tell you right now voting isnt going to cut it. Please help us Californians Jow Forums, we dont know what we did to deserve this hell
>Live in California
>Make $400k/year
>Consider yourself middle class
>For all intents you are middle class
Fuck no. I can make 1/10th that and live in my sleepy mountain town like a king.
>anywhere in maine
>relevant to anyone or anything
Shit, I live in this muzzie infested dump, and the only decent thing we have is Collins. Portland is a shithole, and this whole state is going to hell.
That should be California's new slogan
>the places you never hear about are nice
tilt shifted topographic relief, I just made that up though so I wouldn't trust me
>How do I fix my state? I don't want to move I want to act, I want to be the change I want to see in this nation but I dont know how to go about it and I can tell you right now voting isnt going to cut it. Please help us Californians Jow Forums, we dont know what we did to deserve this hell
this so much.
Nah, maybe when you guys' economy truly completely implodes and you inevitably beg white Americans to return on hands and knees, then maybe I'll pop on over to see if there are any new interesting job markets opening up.
>poorest state in the union
>1 in 5 live under poverty
>25% of the nations illegals live in CA
>80k homeless
>housing crisis where ave home cost 650k
>liberal paradise
There's literally moaist spic street gangs in east LA
How long before you think this shit gets hot?
this metric is retarded and useless
>Rock Against gentrification
what did they mean by this?
Ever been to Indiana or Ohio? It's full of meth heads. Every state in the country has them.
lived here and this is completely true. also a fun fact for anons. LA doesnt even run the parking meter fairy service. its outsourced to the company Xerox who makes absolute bank. that's right, your $64 dollar parking tickets are paid to a copy machine company. california hates you.
start by fucking killing yourselves
>>Live in California
>>Make $400k/year
>>Consider yourself middle class
In CA this might be what is affordable. It's located extremely close to the Hayward Fault- like right on top of it.
And,as an added bonus, the assigned elementary school for this neighborhood is 3% white.
All this for $1.3 million.