And this technology is just going to get better and better to a point where it makes humans inefficient at doing these tasks. Not to mention that all these things shown are less than 50-60 thousand put together while a real woman probabaly a few million through out your life.
>In the span of the next 2-5 More like 20-25 years. Reliable and affordable domestic robots are still a ways off.
Owen Fisher
Nothing will ever come close to a real women. Her chores may become automated but her ability to make and raise children that look like both of you is never going away. The overthrow of technology will happen when women feel as encroached upon by it as men do.
Ryder Anderson
Why do their shorts never fit right?
Colton Anderson
> wanting your car to drive for you
Isaiah Adams
Most of these bots are 5-10 thousand. Why wouldnt someone get something thats extremely useful? They will more or less be viewed as necessary.